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Fantasy Legend of Heroes- A Fate Reforged


Despair :3
Note: Skills can and will be edited as we go as well as added on to.






Blessing- (can only be blessed by one dragon god. one person per blessing. Dragon God Blessings- Darsher- fire, Greyhorn- earth, Flad- air, Argus- water)

Weapon of choice-





Theme Song-

only for the female who shows up to help the Heroes later on

(cs 2)




Gender- female

Blessing- Imbue- Bestows the heroes with their other power for a short time. (for wind its electricity, water is ice, fire is light, and earth is darkness)






Theme Song-

For Villains only






Power- (Be creative)

Blessing- Skylar (Power of Corruption

Weapon of choice-





Theme Song-
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Name- Arcaus Rave

Age- 22

Gender- Male

skill- Destructive Force/Lighter than Air- Deals extreme amounts of damage the faster and higher he is/his weapon, though it weighs 250 pounds, is made lighter through the use of the wind. Dragoon- Ability to jump higher based on the damage he receives. (more damage equals higher jumping.)

Blessing- Flad- Air

Weapon of choice- Gram


likes- killing or defeating bad guys, fresh food, jokes

dislikes-idiots, having to fight women, falling for pranks

personality- a hot tempered and aggressive fighter, he does, however, enjoy peace. When others are threatened he comes to their aid which usually lands him in the middle of a number of problems.

History- A hero from a distant land that wields a sword as big as himself and bolsters a no nonsense attitude. He grew up as a Shrine Priest but when his father died he pursued a place among the ranks of knight where he learned how to fight. It wasn't to long until he gained the eye of Flad and was led to do tasks to proven himself worthy to wield his power. Now bestowed with such a power he has been saving people from bad guys ever since.


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Name- Relexa Valium (Nickname is Lex)

Age- 21

Gender- Female

Skill- Stealth: she is practically able to be invisible if she wants to, especially if she is in the forest. She will never be found if she wishes it.

Blessing- Greyhorn- earth

Weapon of choice- Bow and arrow

Likes- Enjoys a good book and spending time quietly in the forest listening to the sounds of the earth. She loves music and the smell of fresh dirt and leaves.

Dislikes- Hates fire and seeing things burn, loud noises, bossy people

Personality- Lex is very kind and loving however she does have a battle ready side which is very violent and she is able to slip in and out of anywhere without anyone knowing she was there which makes her very dangerous. She is loyal to those who befriend her and she will trust you until you give her a reason not too. She is not fond of giving second chances but will consider anything and she will show mercy if she deems the situation calls for it.
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Scott Wilson






Aqua Shield- large amounts of water surround him protecting him from all damage. The density of the water is also increased depending on how much he energy he puts into it.

Aqua Wave: Summons waves of water to wash away his opponents. The power of this move depends on how much water and how much energy he puts into it.


Argus- water

Weapon of choice:









Embarrassing others

Singing and dancing



Being lectured

Soldiers boys

Immature people

Undisciplined people


Scott can be described as evil yet good, liked yet hated, and truthful yet dishonest. He's described by those to be a gambler when it comes to the real world. He tends to just go with the flow and tends to let things just fall into place without trying to interrupt it. He tends to be a flirt and usually causes a ruckus amongst others for his sheer amusement. However, despite all this he has a very large soft spot for animals.


Ok good that is 3 out of the 4 heroes. Now for the last one we will need one for Darsher who is also considered to be the most high tempered individual. With the arrival of our last hero and the final character (the girl who ties everything together) we will be ready to begin.



Wren Summers


20 years




Imbue- Bestows the heroes with their other power for a short time. (For wind: electricity, water: ice, fire: light, and earth: darkness)


A killer right hook and a can of mace.


Fruits, especially apples; Thunder Storms; Running; Cheesy Jokes


Cloudy Days; Heights; Sea Food; Overprotective Individuals


An idealist young woman who wields sarcasm like a second skin, Wren is more of an ‘ask for forgiveness, not permission’ kind of person. Though somewhat brash, she has a generally level head on her shoulders, and while she might be a bit naïve in some areas, she’s always willing to learn something new. If she doesn’t die trying then she’ll surely try again, if only to see if there was something she might have missed the first time. That being said, the red head isn’t the bravest of individuals, though she does a good job of pushing aside her fears when situation calls for it. She’s smart, but not a genius; tough, but certainly no hero. In fact, the only thing she’s ever excelled in is athletics – track and field in particular. It might credit her out to be a bit of a tomboy, but she’s never been one to care. Whenever she feels uneasy or flustered, Wren is prone to lashing out at those around her in an effort to pull her mind away from whatever is bothering her. It may make her a bit prickly at times, but the woman is always willing to put others before her own well-being. In fact, it’s credited for being one of her most endearing qualities.


Wren comes from a simple family with modest means, a woman who has always considered herself to be nothing short of average. The youngest of three, her childhood was spent chasing after her brothers and fighting off the overprotective tendencies of her mother. Aside from a few years of self-defense classes, her athletic history is nothing truly spectacular – if one doesn’t take into account her track and field prowess that is. Nonetheless, Wren was always a decent student, her love for history spurring her decision to major in history now that she has entered her college years. She currently lives by herself in a small apartment just outside of her campus, her dog Dyson the only constant in the hectic mess she calls her life.​
The story will start with Wren. After I put down the setting it is up to you to make your character react accordingly. So the way she gets to the other world will be a mystery to everyone currently set up as characters until I set all things into motion. If you are ready we will begin.
Note: This is not one of the Four Heroes


Name- Liz

Age- 17??

Race-Dragon God Priestess (a Dragon in the guise of a human who is also kin to a Dragon God)

Gender- Female

Skill-Eternal Flame (Wields the Flames of Darsher)

Being Darshers Priestess, Liz has taken it upon herself to face the corruption herself despite not reaching her full potential as a Dragon Born. She wields a flame that is white and pure that destroys the evil it touches.

Transform- Being a Dragon Born she can, at will, summon her dragon self and launch attack while still retaining her human like form.

Specialty- Hand to hand combat, flame magic, and dragon magic

Blessing- Seal of Blazing Souls- a blessing given to one who has demonstrated the will to protect the innocent. Grants the person unshakable resolve and amps up magic attacks up 2x their strength.

Weapon of choice- Her claws

likes- Her deity, her brother

dislikes- humans (subject to change)



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yup and that hasn't changed. This character isn't a hero and isn't a villain. Think of her as a anti hero.

she fights both sides because she doesn't like humans. So don't worry fire hero you will be fine.
@BookDragon @Korvac alright pps depending on what she does now will determine who our heroine goes to first.

for example just staying in the forest may lead to my character, going to the water could lead to a different character, going down the path could lead to another one. She cannot do them all at the same time but from here on we can all post as normal. Sorry the introduction took so long, but if we don't set up the ground work this will all fall apart.


picture (WIP

Name- Azabo Gothroth

Age- 28

Gender- Male

Skills/Specialty- Fast, also a very talented artist.

Power- Minor reality warping

Blessing- Skylar (Power of Corruption)

Weapon of choice- Light swords






-In adaptable people

-Weak, inferior, or close-minded people


Loud, sarcastic, and very offensive. Often talks extremely too much about drawing.

History- I wanna reveal in the rp.
well how about you do an intro to your character in the town that the main girl heroine didn't go to. If she did she would have ran into you. Oh btw I did updates, edits, and added new content to We Are Demons.

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