Legend lost to Dust

Lost to Dust

New Member
Okay people this is about a girl who hides a secret, her friends, the closest ones, share it with her. There is a new kid(s) in school, and he/she/they manage to almost find out her secret. Who will you be, a friend, a newbie, or just some random high school kid. Take your pick of your side, after all cliques are hard to leave and enter in high school.


Character Sheet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:hello girls:
Okay we're are now open...sorry for the wait I get real busy.

Yami woke before her usual time, it was 5:30. She wasn't the kind of girl to get up early - she was the stay-up-late-and-then-sleep-in sort of girl. She decided to get up and get ready for another day at school. She walked out of her room quietly - as to not wake her sister, who was sleeping but a few feet away. She walked down the stairs, past the clutter and sat down next to their dog, Simba. She talked to him, as all her family did.

"You wanna go outside?" His ears perked up. "Come on boy!" She hooked him up and went to get something to eat.
>>woah, i totally forgot about this, meh bad<<

Jason slept right through his alarm, not really worried about being late to school or not--he could care less. But eventually his mother burst through his door and poured a cup of cold water on his head, "You are not to be late for the first day of school, mister! Down to breakfast in five minutes, or you go to school without food." she demanded. Jason bolted up straigh in his bed and raised his arms in surrender. "Yeah, mom, fine--be down soon." His mother's eyes narrowed and she left, but not before calling over her shoulder, "And don't go back to sleep." Jason sighed and hung his legs over the side of his bed, he rubbed his eyes sleepily, then smacked his lips and headed towards the bathroom. He brushed his teeth while he waited for the shower to warm up, then jumped in long enough to rub some shampoo through his scarlet-burgundy hair. He jumped out, dryed himself quickly and walked back to his room in his towel to throw on a clean school uniform. Jason grabbed his ipod and ran downstairs to the kitchen, his mother was waiting for him with arms crossed. Jason gave a hesitant laugh, then grabbed a handful of granola bars. His mother gave a sly smile and kissed his cheek, Jason scrambled to get away, "Mom!?" "Have a good day at school, honey-cakes," Jason looked at her confused, "Since when have you called me that?" Then slung on his bag, and with a wave over his shoulder walked out the door to the bus stop.
((It okay))

Yami had put on her uniform and walked to her bus stop. She had gotten there later than usual. She saw Jason already standing there. "Hey" She said with a nod. She dropped her backpack on the ground. She leaned against the telephone pole and stared at the fire hall across the street. The alarm suddenly went and Yami listened to see what the call would involve. She realized that it was for the firetrucks. She leaned forward to see which way it went, and breathed a sigh of relief when it was going away from her house.
--what kind of city are they in? Is it cool if its new york or something--

Jason looked at the girl, he had his earbuds in but saw her mouth a gretting. He plucked a bud out of his ear and strung the cord behind his ear so it was not to pull the other out if he dropped it down his shirt. He gave her a two finger wave, "Yo, I'm Jason, by the way." Jason heard the syrens and saw several engines emerge from the firehouse and go barreling down the street with its lights whirling and the alarms blarring...It didn't bother him to see them but he watched it go down the street and turn a corner onto a street he knew to belong to several of his friends, and his best friend in particular. "What the hell is goin on!?" He murmmered to himself. He decided he would take the train later instead of the bus, so he called over his shoulder to the girl, "See you around in school!" And threw himself after the truck. He saw an alley and ducked down it, once hidden behind a trashcan he transformed into a german shepard and flew in the direction of his friend's street. Jason slid to a stop in from of the fire engine, found a place to conceal himself, and transformed himself back. Jason looked up at his friend's building, and his fear had been confirmed--the upper part of the building was on fire. He knew she was still in there, she didn't have to leave as early as Jason since she had her driver take her to school instead of the bus. He had a plan in mind, now just to execute it.

--sorry about that, I forgot to fill out the powers part, Jason has the power to transfigure his body into any animal, real or folklore, and can also do partial transformations. *nd aslo sorry for not posting in so long, our internet crapped out on us and I just got hold of my moms blackberry
--yeah NYC is cool, and don't worry, I know the whole internet hating you--

Yami watched him run off, she knew she'd get to school on time, even if she followed him. She ran after him, but he disappeared. She saw him again when she got to the building. "Someone you know?" She asked coming up behind him. She had a plan formulating in her head. She knew she could get up to the top floor by going around the back. Please let them be okay, everyone come out okay. She began to fidget, trying to keep calm.
Jason glanced at the girl from the busstop, Yami she said was her name? "Yeah, my best friend, if you'll excuse me miss," he pardoned himself kindly then ran off. The fire department was crowded around the front of the building, and the police had put up barriers to keep out pedestrian out of the fire departments way. But all jason had to do was go around them and duct down the alley in the side of the building; he came up to the back door, one he had gone in many times with his bestie. He pushed threw the door and sprinted down a short, familiar hallway, there he found the emergency staircase in which he--in mid stride--jumped into the air, and spread his new hawk's wings. Jason soared up floor after floor, banking sharply at each turn of the ascending staircase, and soon he was at the level 36 and he changed back to himself on the landing. Jason could hear a girl screaming bloody murder nearby. So Jason thickened his skin, and headed in search of room 36B, calling his friends name.
Yami watched as Jason ran off. She said a little prayer and knew it was time to try her power she found last week. She closed her eyes and felt Jason's life force, along with a girl's too. She opened her hand wide and tried to calm the fire. She felt the heat lessen, if only just. She concentrated harder and felt a path from Jason to the girl open up. Just follow the path. She thought, that's all you have to do! She focused on keeping the fire from harming anyone.
Jasons eyes widdened, 'is this real? No wy!' He thought as a he saw the fire die down ,if only just enoughn right along the path he needed to take. So Jason took the open opportunity and ran straight down it, the screaming becoming louder and louder. "Veronica!!...Monica!! Can you hear me?! I'm coming!" Jason yelled over the roar of the flames. He burst through a door and a girl with ash-covered, natural light blonde hair said incredulously, "Jason?!" She was sitting up on the floor, her left leg trapped under a large heavy wooden armorire. There were tears streaking down her soot caked face, and she and her clothes looked wornout and burnt. Jasons's heart beat faster as he saw her alive, and he ran over to her. He struggled to lift the cabinet so he took a step back and transformed into a gorilla and heaved the thing gently off of her and set it down, trying not to damage the stuxture of the buildong which would be doomed to collapse. He transformed back and Veronica was looking at him stunned, but suddenly she seemed to shake it off and cime to her senses. She reached under her nearby bed and pulled out a back pack which she slung acroos her shoulders, then grasped her purse next to her, leaving her school bag. It seemed like she had just been on her way out the door when disaster struck. "All of my most sacred things," she explained quickly, Jason gave a swift nod and tenderly put her across his wide shoulders in a firemans carry, where he she went behind his shoulders but had a leg and arm over them which he held onto while she held onto his waist for dear life. Jason ran nimbly to the staircase in which he came up only to find the floor missing from infront of the doorway. He cursed under his breath, but nevertheless backed up and took a runnung start, "Hang on tight!" He yelled, and Veronica screamed bloody murder. Jason leaped and just narrowly caught the rail of the staircase and swung onto it. Jason didn't need to twist around and see her face to know that Monica was panicstricken and would sooner die of a heart attack rather burns or suffocation, he could feel her uneven, heavy breaths and wanted to apologize, but had no time to concentrate on that
Yami hoped to he would make it out alright. She felt his presence, with the girl's, moving fast. She ran around the building, trying to find him. "Jason where are you?" She called. "Are you okay? Jason?!" She stopped and tried to feel his presence, she was getting tired, she had never used her power at such a high concentration.
Jason ran as fast as he could down the staircase, he could feel the supports weakening. Monica was shaking and trying to hold on the best she could. Suddenly Jason got a very terrible feeling in his gut and he glanced at the stairwell. In a split second he rightened Veronica onto his back so her arms where around his neck and legs around his waist, then he leaped into the air and shifted into a bird from ancient Indian legend--a thunderbird, though slightly smaller, it was the smallest her could go without being able to carry the weight. Monica cried out a bit as her leg was jostled and the broken bone ground against each other; Jason cringed slightly, but he had had no choice. The tips of his wings just barely brushed the walls when the staircase gave a sickening groan.*

It collapsed to the bottom level with a thundering crash. Jason banked carefully and made his way to the bottom, only to see the exit blocked by the enormous pile of rubble. He surged upwards looking for another exit. He saw an open door leading to one of the other floors in the building and he went for it. The fire was making it's way down the building and the level was getting hotter by the moment, beginning to smoke. He tucked in his wings the split second before and throwing them back out after he cleared the doorway. He sped around looking, and flew through another open door. On the other side of the room was a window that had been blown out. Jason screeched something that sounded like, "Get down!" luckily Monica understood and buried herself deeper in his feather, nuzzling into his neck, she was concealed.

Jason zoomed out through the window at break-neck speeds, breaking off some stray glass still left in the frame. But then he heard a familiar voice calling his name, he quickly surveyed around him and saw the girl from the bus stop, Yami...Wait, how did she know I was in the building? He flew high out of sight from the ground. To the humans, they must have thought it was only another explosion from inside. He circled the air once or twice then dive-bombed, much too fast to see and under the cover of the smoke. At the last second he spread his wings wide, they caught the wind, and he glided smoothly to the ground. They landed in the alley behind the building where Yami was at and Jason shifted back and put Monica's arm around his shoulder. Her eyes were wide and had sort of a glazed over look but she looked terrified from shock. Jason looked at her softly and comfortingly smoothed her hair, "You're okay now, it's alright..." he told her with the most even, gentle tone he could muster. Monica clutched his shirt like she was still holding onto the bird, not meeting his eyes she starred off not focused on anything particular. She blinked and starred at the ground, in obvious shock of the recent events; her home had burnt down, countless possessions lost; she was faced with the news of Jason's secret--that there was a whole other world out there; she was faced with spending time in a hospital for her leg that had gone slightly numb in a natural bodily reaction sort of way.

Jason needed to get Monica help but he needed answers, he turned briefly towards Yami, "How did you know I was here?" he asked quickly.
Yami turned towards Jason. "Are you guys okay?" She asked. She looked at the girl, Not, she thought. "As to your question, I...don't...know..." She had to think of something. "Lucky guess. Anyway, we should get her to the paramedics." She knew if anyone found out about her "gift" she would end up in a lab.

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