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Fantasy Legacy of Dragons (Reopened)



Ignore the radiation. I do that all the time.
Kirsey stretched, yawning as he woke up. A dozen various knick-knacks decorated the rock floor around him, none of them coming close to the velvety pillow he’d been sleeping on. The cave was large, but not excessively so; a flat mirror was mounted to one wall, and a number of cosmetic items were carefully organized beneath it. A single round window allowed pale moonlight to stream in, the sun having not yet risen.

A dragon poked her head in, a magnificent yellow Western with glorious scales and a red mane of fur around her neck and ears. “Kirrrrsey!” She announced with a hard tone, the words rolling off her tongue like a boulder off a cliff. “Iffff you wish to look yourrrrr best, yourrrr scales must neverrrr look worse than theirrr best.”

Kirsey preened, stretching in exactly the right way to show off his glittering silver scales. He’d polished them the night before, but… one could never be too shiny.

“I agree, Caridoexy. May I use your scale polish?” He gave the older dragon a tooth-filled and entirely insincere grin.

She snorted. “Harrrrrdly. It was a present from one of the Elderrrrs. I’m not letting some scrrrubby drrrragonet use it when you have a perfectly good tin of your own.”

“It’s getting empty,” Kirsey muttered mutionously, but he did have his own polish.

It was a long and tedious process, making oneself appear fantastic. It was easier when the dragon in question was already as physically immaculate as Kirsey, but regardless, he had to wake up early - the bane of all dragonkind, mornings were - in order to make every scale and eye ridge and claw truly shine.

And so it was, an hour and twenty-four minutes later that an altogether glamorous silver dragonet, lustrous scales polished to a mirror, emerged from his cave along with a greater Yellow.

Illycrium was beautiful, even when it had not yet awoken. Ornate gables crafted from rare minerals decorated the palaces of the Elders high in the mountains, and stone-made houses loomed over crags and cliffsides in a motley chaos of preferences and stubborn refusals to move. In many places dragons had simply dug caves into the walls of the many mountains in Illycrium, although Kirsey knew that dragons lived underground, in clouds, in the two or three volcanoes nearby, under the water, in the swamps, and in every place where a dragon could possibly decide that their surroundings were worthy of their glory.

Cariodexy escorted him without another word to the Dragonet’s Gate, and although they paused to appreciate their reflection in one or eight mirrors along the way, their early start had enabled them to arrive before any of the other dragons.

“Which School will you pick?” Cariodexy murmured, curiosity infusing her words.

“The best one.” Kirsey confidently replied.

She snorted dismissively and left him waiting. The Dragonet’s Gate was a relatively small enclosure, although it was still more than large enough to suit Kirsey and two dozen of his size. The circular entry lay crouched by the Mountain of Knowledge (one of the more pretentiously named places in Illycrium, at least in Kirsey’s opinion) and would prove to be the launchpad of Kirsey’s, and half a dozen probably-less-important dragonets’, lives. What school they chose, what tactics they employed, what strategies they would use… their choice here would affect their fate moving forward, and it was never a small decision.

Rather than considering his options, Kirsey spent most of the time waiting for the other dragonets getting into the prettiest possible pose. When the newcomers arrived, they would be met with the grandeur of the handsomest-to-be reptile in Illycrium - no, the world!

yutohase yutohase TheSpeck TheSpeck T Takka BlackDove BlackDove
Fea seemed to be still asleep. She was sitting on the big rock, with her closed brown eyes. She was thinking about very important thing. Which school pick? She didn’t really know what she wanted to become. The wasn’t very talented or strong or big enough to be able defeat someone, which was a VERY big problem.

Also she was worried that she might be older then the normal children who were joining the school. At least it was what her parents told her. *Probably they let me in only because someone mistakenly considered me as a toddler* female laugh to her self sadly. It was very common thing for other dragons to lower her age, only because how small to them she was. Although it was quite strange. Because for the other basilisks at her age that she ever met, Fea was much larger.

*Alright whatever was the reason to give you a chance, you can’t loss it! Time for the end of the break* then dragon open her eyes and stood up oh her two hen legs. She spread her bat wings and started to half fly-half walk toward the school. For a moment female was accelerating on the ground and when on her way was a boulder or a hill, Fea was bouncing strongly and starting to flap with her dark wings. Because of this she was able to fly over them and land back to the ground. It was cheering up her a bit. Always when dragon was able to somehow fly, she was for a second forgetting about her problems.

Some time passed when she finally arrived at entrance. There was a large crowd and at first Fea tried to walk in by sideways but ended up being pushed right in the middle. It was loud around her, and her wherever she looked there was only giants surrounding her. They were different, with colorful scales, wings, claws, long necks or tails, horns and much more. She was looking at them with breath taken.

But one of them took her attention especially. Not mainly why he was looking but instead what was doing. Silver dragon seemed to be very busy by posing. His scales was shining in the sun
*Is he doing… yoga?* Fea asked herself. She quietly came torward to him and was staring for a while.
“Um, sorry for distributing you” she finally started “but may I ask, what are you doing? I mean, it’s very… interesting” Fea asked politely and smilled friendly, felling a bit confused and awkward.

Hazmat44 Hazmat44
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Miea woke to the soft push and pull sounds of water lapping at the edges of their cave. Midnight eyes slowly blinked double lids- once, twice- and then let out a low putring yawn, teeth sliding slowly out of black gums before lazily retreating from whence they came. A quick flutter and pull of tense wing muscles had another low purr shimmering through the air, glow worms blinking into existence at the sound in sweet hello.

With their topmost eyes they blinked slow and lovingly at the gooey friends that hung above them; attached to the dark slowly dripping walls of blue, green and grey. All lit in a faint glow from the moon pool that lay just slightly down from the slowly waking dragon. It’s pool glowing with teaming jellyfish, small fish of various species and cleaning crustaceans that helped to keep their home clean.

The hard rocky edges alone would have made the den seem more like a cave of horror if not for the ethereal glow that hummed from the lithe dragon and surrounding flora.

The lush plants that rested in their beds closest to the waters edge seemed to visibly perk up as their tender slowly lumbered onto four legs, gave themselves a slowly shake; the soft fur of their mane puffing up and a few old stinging nettles dropped loose.

Miea glided over to their flora and gave each herb, fungus, algae and flower a loving sniff.

Idly they began cleaning and weeding their garden with short delicate snips of their narrow snout, a long tail occasionally coming up to take away the debris gathered from the grooming and tossing it neatly in the compost hole.

Said compost was a particularly pleasing invention that Miea had made. And perhaps one of their most proudest accomplishments and what lead them down the path to tinkering.

Although at first fairly modest, a measly copper bin placed into a holder cut into the den floor, surrounded by cooling healing water to help promote optimal fertilizer; now however as the years grew, so did their love for inventing and thus the well loved compost bin, now with tossing capabilities and various tubes leading to the compost to suction off the melted fertilizer and others to liquify and purify the mixture once ready.

‘Ah, but that’s how all things start…’

They thought with a small chirp,

‘All life begins with simplicity.’

And a warmth swum thought their body at the thought.

Quelling the slowly rising anxiety about todays future endeavors.

‘I am like that…simple for now, but still growing..’

They thought, taking several deep breathes through their slim nostrils and letting out a wave of cool dewy air out of their narrow maw: The thought repeating like a mantra.

Anxiety wasn’t something new to Miea, in fact, they were certian their very egg had trembled with nerves upon being laid. Internally crying about being removed from the safety of their birther before they were ready!

The silly thought helped bring a high picked chuff from the now shaking dragon; slowly their nerves calmed and all eight claws gently trailed over their precious floral.

‘Right. Today…today is going to be a good day. There’s nothing to fear.’

They reassured themselves mentally as they went about gathering their harness and saddle bags and slipping them on.

The deep grey and lilac material shimmered as they slipped it on and buckled it over their chest with shaky claws and thumbs.

With quick efficiency, they gathered their books into the saddle bags and their well worn and polished tool kit tucked neatly into the front breast pocket.

As their eyes swept the room one last time, midnight starry orbs fell on a small plethora of potions neatly arranged on natural shelving in the dense cave.

Miea paused. Eyes lingering on a particular light pink liquid that swirled thickly and invitingly with hints of shimmery silver.

They turned away. Slinking resolutely to the edge of the moonpool.

‘No. Today is going to be a GOOD day. I…I can do this. I got this. It’s going to be ok.’

With a deep breath they slipped soundlessly into the depths

“Please…be a good day.”

Slipping out of the portal that lead to the GateTM, Miea steadfastly kept their dark eyes down as they made their way into the room.

Shifting scales formed various cloudy pictures that belied their true stress over the situation. Their long tail swirled and curled protectively and shyly around their torso as the slim dragon fought the urge to disappear into the cloud of comfort that was Notice Me Not.

Quickly their midnight eyes scanned the surrounding area, taking note of the two other dragons in the room, the various exits and hiding spots, and- upon seeing the very much posing and posturing sleek silver male- made the executive decision to choose hiding.

‘A-ah is it normal to glow that much?? Is…is it maybe a magic talent or…’

As they soundlessly made their way into a corner, head low and snoot nearly touching the ground. A slim black tongue swiped across pearly Fanges, once, twice, three- and elicited a small quiet yelp of pain as it caught the sharp tip. The tangy, sweet taste of their blood soaked into their taste buds and they withheld a whimper

Quickly swallowing roughy two dozen curses and a decent glob of blood, they mentally checked off, strike one.
With a small groan, Chusi opened her eyes to bright piercing light. She felt as if she had just fallen asleep a second ago and stayed where she was for a moment, afraid that if she moved she might collapse again. Cold air nipped at her as a light breeze pushed it's way through the trees, causing her to bury her face in her arms. For a long time she listened to the stream nearby empty into the murky pond she lived next to, the sound of the water relaxing her enough to encourage her to sit up.

Unraveling her long body Chusi lifted her head and twisted around to start grooming herself, flattening out her messy fur and removing any stray items that got stuck to her while she was touching the ground. This took another portion of time, which made her glad she woke up early, otherwise she would be late.

Once she was satisfied with the rest of her body she pulled herself toward the pond, looking at herself in the reflection of the water and smoothing out the fur on her head that she couldn't see. Once she was finished, her body started to rise into the air, her tail following along the higher she went. She was excited to get going... Chusi already knew what school she wanted to go to: Claw of Razors.

Chusi reached down and grabbed her bag before she left, sliding it over her head so it hung comfortably over her shoulder. Speeding up rapidly mid air, Chusi bolted toward her destination, not stopping for anything else.

When she arrived she saw a large group of dragons already gathered, and, though this didn't make her anxious, she cursed under her breath. How was she going to make her way through that mess? Maybe she could just fly over them to look for a spot.

Floating slowly over the crowd she found a somewhat empty space in a corner, though the other dragon that occupied the space seemed nervous. Either way she let herself down, quickly twisting the rest of her body into a spiral to avoid being stepped on. She glanced at the other dragon, staring at them for a moment, ".... You ok?"

BlackDove BlackDove
Miea nearly choked again.
A soft gurgle escaping them as they quickly darted their midnight orbs from the now present and conversing
Dragon next to them.

On instinct they flinched, body tensing up for the jab of claws or snide comment to hit them.

Of course, this was their fault in the first place really.
It’s not like they didn’t see them approaching.
Because they did. As they flew cleanly through the air -

And really that amount magic control to be able to fly without wings is extremely impressive, although it most likely means that there’s also no escape in the air either-‘

Saw the moment they locked onto them and, stupidly, they had froze. Praying to whatever birthed them that no, they really weren’t making their way over to them, and please please please let them not be making their way over here!!
Of course, that was also their fault. Miea was seemingly easy prey most of the time.

Although most had previously learned that physically attacking them would most likely land them in The healing house, (or dead) that never stopped them from verbally cutting them apart.

And really that was also their fault. Shy as they were, and heart racing on the edge of a panic attack, Miea could never muster the fiery words to spit or even a devastating show of power to finally put them in their place.

No, instead they froze. Body locking up and lavender tears leaking from their dewy orbs. Claws would tremlbe and carve uselessly into the ground and then, they would disappear.
Out of sight but certainly not out of hearing range. And they knew that, and so they fled. Like a coward, like guppy, like a weakling,
Like a Runt.

And really this cycle has been going on since they were old enough to flap their unimpressive wings that currently fluttered nervously at their sides.
So yes, this was kind of thier fault, because they should have fled and they never should have hoped-
Ehy…why aren’t…why aren’t they saying anything…?’

Incoming Panic attack on pause, they cast a breit searching look at the other dragonet and…waited.
When another moment passed without a follow up barb, something…strange
(‘stupid unbelievably stupid, you know how this ends’)
welled up inside them; it tasted faintly like hope:
“A-ah. Um..I …bit…my tongue…”
They mumbled quietly. Voice soft, lilting and musical, ruined by the unsure words and lack of regular verbal use:

Ah…I said…the truth…well if they didn’t think I was weak before they surely do now’

They mentally deadpanned. Rail tensing in self aggravation.

And that, was strike two.
TheSpeck TheSpeck
Kiesey's eyes were closed, although he cracked one open every now and then to steal a glance at the audience waiting outside the Dragonets' Gate. No doubt they were experiencing something akin to nirvana at the mere sight of his glory.

He shook the thought away. He wasn't quite that shiny. Not yet, at least.

"Um, sorry for disturbing you," came a tentative voice from somewhere in front of him. It lacked the pride and vigor of an adult, which meant it was a dragonet. A new fan!

"...but may I ask, what are you doing? I mean, it's very... interesting."

The wind went out of Kirsey's sails at that, and he was left a little thrown. He tried to recollect what Cariodexy had taught him; 'always have an excuse ready.'

He didn't have an excuse ready.

Several seconds went by, and he didn't move. The pose would at least dazzle them as he considered his reasoning.

He had an idea. Cariodexy often curled up in the sun, and her scales soaked the heat up like nothing else he'd ever seen.

"I am absorbing the power of the sun!" He haughtily told her. "The pose is... necessary."

T Takka
“Power of the sun?” Fea reply “How does this work?” She asked with more interest in her voice. She never heard of something like this. Neither ever seen anyone use any kind of magic.
She was a part of a small basilisks’ colony to which belonged female’s family and another one, who had recently become friends with them.

All members were just non-magicals and preferred to avoid the other dragons. They lived in isolation in a dark underground tunnels of their cave. They felt good and safe there, so they rarely went outside. Fea also loved to just sit in the darkness with them, but nevertheless, she decided to go out and liked the outside world.

It was big, wide, full of space to run and strange dragons that could do many amazing things. That things were sometimes phenomenal, beautiful, quickl, dangerous, dark, but nobody have ever been doing something with the sun.

*Maybe he can gain strength thanks to it, or, like that volcano dragon, then breathe it like with fire... actually is it possible to breathe the sun? * Fea had a mess in her head. She couldn’t really imagine what talent and limits the silver stranger can have.

“Oh and also” she looked back at the crowd “Do you know if they all go to their schools right away or will they be allocated?”

Hazmat44 Hazmat44
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As the dragonet in front of her looked like they were going to have a heart attack and die, Chusi decided she might want to try and calm them down a bit.

"Uh... Oh well that sucks. Hopefully it'll heal soon, I do that sometimes too and it hurts when you eat." Chusi let out a quiet laugh, hoping that they would calm down.

She sat awkwardly for a moment, not sure what else to do. This dragon seemed nice enough, maybe she could try to make a friend? It would nice to get a head start, knowing she would be living with random dragonets for a while.

"My name is Chusi, what's yours?"

BlackDove BlackDove
Now this…this was strange. It was almost like…

‘They’re being friendly.’

Tail momentarily loosening in slight shock at the absents of a biting remarks about their size or the dullness of their scales.

Scaled shifted nervously in mixing images that belied their inner thoughts.

“Oh…Well, ah, h-hello then? Or um, that is to say, I’m uh, Miea I’m not um, not…not sure why your speaking to me…?”

They mumbled hesitantly. Starry eyes cut a glance towards their face, long black injured inky tongue swiping up the faint leaking toxins around their corners of their eyes and beading on their maw.

Idly they played thumb with one hand, shifting their weight to their left side and readjusting the saddle bags that they donned.

This wouldn’t be the first time someone attempted to be friendly to get them to let their guard down. Probably wouldn’t be the last.

Miea could spot a liar leagues away.


‘This doesn’t feel like a lie. So…why then?’

TheSpeck TheSpeck
Chusi smiled warmly, "Miea is a pretty name. Oh and... I can stop talking to you if you'd like, I wouldn't want to be a bother... I just figured since you were here I may as well try to make a friend."

She adjusted her position slightly into a more comfortable one, letting her arms poke out the side of the pile which was the rest of her body.

Chusi wasn't sure why Miea was so nervous, she didn't think she was being threatening? Maybe the dragon just didn't like snakes, and Chusi reminded them of a snake? Or maybe she was just threatening in general? No one ever told her that though... and there was no evidence that she would be a good fighter, with all her fur and seemingly non existent claws (though they did exist, she just never unsheathed them unless needed.) Either way, she was confused and trying to find the source of the problem so she might be able to fix it.

BlackDove BlackDove
Miea flinched slightly at the comment about their name. The odd bubbling feeling growing in their three hearts.

Idly a long inky tail unwrapped itself and swept gently over the soft mane, midnight eyes cast down as they let out a soft chirp.

“A-ah! I’m thanks right um, I ah picked myself. There um there was this human I-I read about and um, Mia her name was Mia, and I thought it was pretty even though, I um…don’t have a specific gender or anything, b-but um yeah! It was, it was- she was cool…”

Their voice petered out towards the end of the sudden energetic word vomit at their Unintentional admission over their gender or lack there of.

There had been a lot of controversy at their hatching when no specific gender had turned up as they grew. Side eye looks were given, tongues were clicked and no name was bestowed upon them.

That is of course until they read about Mia. A demigod child of Hephaestus, who grew beyond their skin and bones into master craftsmen.

Miea wanted to be like that. Become more than the unimpressive scale and size that they were born with. Be more than the awkward shyness that allowed others to trample over them verbally.

And when they read how Mia would bear their teeth (a tiny ugly weak human) at their foes, be they dragons, gorgons or gods-

They bared their teeth for the first time in their young life (the tender age of 2, so small and so seemingly defenseless, backed into a corner but much larger and dangerous looking dragons)

And when they had laughed and clawed and said Runt
-In that disgusted sneering tone-

They roared back

Miea! My name is Miea!!”

And then, proceeded to rip their throat out.

Miea had a name that day; one that wasn’t tainted with sneers just yet and one that few chose to use.


Quietly they waited for the sneers, for the disgust or the confusion.

TheSpeck TheSpeck
Kirsey stuttered to a stop once again. "I..." He paused, licking his teeth with his tongue. "...collect sunlight! And then I can... use it. To make myself greatly shiny! A shininess to blind my enemies!"

An excellent excuse! He cheered to himself. Surely this basilisk would appreciate his grandeur now! Even Caridoexy couldn't have come up with such an excellent excuse on short notice. Probably. Maybe.

"Oh, and also-" The basilisk turned back towards the dragons huddled around the outside of the Dragonets' Gate. "Do you know if they all go to their schools right away or will they be allocated?"

Kirsey paused. "Well," He began. "Presumably we are permitted to choose our own schools, much the same as the way we choose our own destinies. Who should be allowed to choose our fate, if not ourselves?"

He had to preen a little at that one. Unfortunately, his preening was somewhat cut short as he noticed the two other dragons occupying the small space. He trotted over to them, abandoning his pose in the center of the room. "Who are you?" He bluntly asked, tilting his head in undisguised curiosity.

TheSpeck TheSpeck T Takka BlackDove BlackDove
"you did a great job choosing a name, honestly I would've failed if I had to do that." Chusi said, laughing quietly.

As she was about to ask Miea another question, a voice piped up behind her so suddenly that her head snapped in it's direction, though she wasn't greeted with a threat, only an inexplicably shiney dragon. How could one be so shiney? Why would one want to be so shiney?

It took a moment for her to comprehend the question asked as she was distracted by the light reflecting off of the dragons scales and nearly blinding her.

"My name is Chusi, who are you?" She asked calmly, hiding the fear and aggression she felt only a moment earlier from being jump-scared.

Hazmat44 Hazmat44 BlackDove BlackDove
And at the sudden voice suddenly Miea was gone

Becoming one in the scenery and disappearing behind the layers of their magic.

Anxiously they began inching away from the much larger dragon, tail lashing nervously before tightening back around their slim torso.

A feeling of slight regret and shame swelled in the cleft of their leftmost heart.

Yet it was still beat out by the racing beat of the other two and and nervous toxins seeping out of their scales.

Sharp claws silently began making their way toward the portal for otherworldly magic school.

Hazmat44 Hazmat44
TheSpeck TheSpeck

(sorry short post ☹️)
When the stranger ran away Fea decided to try again go inside. It took her a while but after a few scuffles she managed to do it.
"Wildness " the dragon stated, looking at how everyone was still crowding at the entrance.

Female sat down in the corner, not knowing what she can do bette now. Basilisk didn't want to look for friends by force at the moment. She was also not sure if she would actually do that at all.

*Which school I should choose?* she thought about it again. The magic one seemed to be very cool, but it was hard not to notice that she was very interested in all the tricks and powers of dragons. Her family, on the other hand, offered to study at the Claw of Razors, which for Fea seemed to be a more logical choice. All in all, all the profiles had something that was attracting for her. *"Well, we'll see, at least I already have something specific* she concluded.

Female looked up with curiosity at others as they were slowly forming their small groups. She was listening to their conversations about who they are, what they can do, to which school they want to go to and why. After a while, she naturally was forgeting everything and focusing on the next conversation. It was a kind of entertainment for her.

In fact, she has always spent most of her time alone, only with herself; mostly listening and learning about the world around her and its inhabitants. Sometimes when she was really, REALLY alone, she would go crazy and make up some stupid things.

She had once followed a snail all the day for no reason. For some time she was hoping that it would become her companion, but eventually she ate it. Another time, for fun, she changed the places of one dragon's colored stones that he had placed in his cave when wasn't looking. To this very day he hadn’t noticed the change.

About few years ago, when Fea was a nestling, for half an hour she has been looking at a rock after hearing from her mother that some basilisks can just turn to stone their enemies with their eyes. In the end, the dumb little Fea thought she had managed to do it.

As she remembered that last memory, female almost choked on laughter.
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Kirsey expertly continued preening where he'd left off, keeping a close eye on the three dragons in front of him.

He paused.

Three? There weren't three in front of him. But there had been three present, or-

No, he decided there were only two. There had not been three. There weren't three. Turning away from the corner of the enclosure where a dragon wasn't, Kirsey continued speaking. "I am Kirsey!" He proudly announced. "And it is a pleasure to meet me, Chusi. Now then, are you familiar with-"

The door on the opposite end of the Dragonets' Gate ground open, interrupting whatever wisdom Kirsey had been about to impart on the dragons (only two, his brain insistently reminded him). Raising his head in the air, he gave his scales one final rub. "It seems our presence is requested!" He happily told all three - no, both - of them.

Haughtily treading for the door, he entered and forgot to pose.

Four dragons stood before him. Elder dragons at that. One of them looked similar to Chusi, if Chusi had been eighty feet long with claws too sharp to directly look at, purple and golden scales wrapping around its body in a rough infinity symbol. She lazily gazed down at Kirsey, a half-open violet eye taking him in.

The second was a Western, every limb and muscle rippling with incomparable strength, a brown colossus of power towering over Kirsey. He had a longer snout, one loaded with brick-sized teeth. He appeared to be perpetually glaring at whatever he was looking at, which thankfully did not include Kirsey himself at the moment.

The third was almost lopsided, if such a dragon existed, with a gigantic torso and a smaller back half. A pair of wings replaced his foremost limbs and the claws on them looked almost dull, but puffs of white fire intermittently shot out of the sides of his mouth. His scales were a milky white, and his eyes were a dull gray. He didn't seem to be paying attention to anything.

The fourth was a much smaller dragon, only a little larger than Kirsey himself. She was the only one present wearing clothes, a rich blue fabric covering most of her body. Numerous charms coated her clothing, and one occasionally sparked in defiance before submitting to her will. An ornate yellow book levitated in front of her, the pages turning every now and then as her golden eyes scanned them.

He knew all their names. Every dragon past its fourth year knew their names. Qurietsi of the Razor Claws, Barradain of Mountainous Strength, Surdinal of the Hurricane's Breath, and Corilu of the Sky's Magic. They were the teachers who would lead the present dragonets' lives to their ends, whether as legends or cautionary tales.

Kirsey found his mouth suddenly devoid of words. Pride seemed paper-thin before such mythic powers.

T Takka TheSpeck TheSpeck BlackDove BlackDove

(plot's slowly grinding into gear)
Miea held in a shocked choked gasp of air.

elder dragons stood before them in all their mighty glory.

Miea was used to feeling small, being the runt and all. They were used to feeling insignificant and lesser. They had slowly grown to accept that part of themselves as well. That they were lesser, small and insignificant.

but this? This feeling? This was beyond insignificance. This was both awe and fear rolled and mottled and forced down their throat.

even under the cover of Notice me Not the felt raw and exposed, not even noticing when the magic faded away in the wir shock and left them standing bare to their eyes.

this, was the feeling of helplessness.

Ruffling his wings slightly as he lay in his humble cave, Vulkan opened his eyes a little, waking up to a new day. A normal day as a young dragon… He puffed a little smoke out of his nostrils as he closed his eyes again, in hopes of drifting back off to sleep.

Unless it wasn’t a normal day.

Vulkan bolted up at the thought. “Crap!” he exclaimed. “I forgot there was something important today!” He stretched his wings as he sprinted out of the cave and flew as quickly as he could towards the Dragonet’s Gate.

The young dragonet was known by many to be a little hot-headed and rebellious, but Vulkan thought that was just part of a great dragon’s nature. Besides, he wasn’t always trying to be rebellious, he just happened to be when it counted.

Finally reaching the Mountain of Wisdom, Vulkan looked just in time to notice three other dragonets passing through the Gate into the school yard. No, no… he shook his head. He couldn’t be late to the most important event of his life. Not that it was his fault that he was a few years too late anyways, he was just on the cusp of becoming a mature dragon. But still… he had yet to choose his discipline. And who knew if he would yet be able to?

Vulkan descended toward the Mountain, gliding through the Gate before planting his feet on the ground in front of the Elders and the other young dragonets. However, his hind leg hit a bumpy rock, as he lost his footing and slowly slid toward the Elders, instead of gracefully landing. Sighing as he let out another large puff of smoke, he scrambled back up to his feet.

“I—I’m sorry I’m so late,” Vulkan stammered, before looking up and realizing who was talking to. “Oh… I mean,” he quickly bowed to them, “my apologies, Great Ones.” More than just a little intimidated by the Elders, he looked and nodded up to each one of them as he bowed. Truth be told, he hadn’t thought about which school he wanted to join, besides wanting to be in all of them. “Oh Great Ones, I ask you, which school do you seek for me to join?”
Chusi snorted at Kirsey's introduction, readying herself for a snippy response, although she was cut off before she could as Kirsey paused mid sentence.

The gates opened wide and Kirsey quickly departed from her presence, leaving her alone with Miea, who she admittedly forgot existed for the brief period of time Kirsey graced them with his presence. Chusi slowly unravelled and let herself rise around an inch off the ground to follow Kirsey through the gate.

As the Elders came into her sight, she moved closer to get a better look before she froze in place. Four monstrosities loomed over her. At first all she could do was stare as her mind tried to process what was in front of her, but it seemed something went wrong since her body started to tense in panic, every one of her muscles telling her she needed to fly away. Nerves pricked at her like little daggers on her skin, so she shrunk back, despite her logic telling her these great elders wouldn't be looking at her anyway.

Chusi couldn't wait until she was only in the presence of one of the Elders.
As the elders walked in, they all became very strangely nervous. Fact; the dragons who were standing in front of her were perhaps the oldest and most powerful dragons that existed, although Fea wasn’t sure because she didn’t associate them best. She didn’t know who they were exactly, what they could do and what they have done for others. And although she seemed relatively calm, she began to seriously wonder whether it is finally good or bad that she doesn’t know about them.

In any case, female decided one thing for sure; that she would try to behave towards them as much respectful as possible. However, with the older ones it was sometimes different. Sometimes on your way you can just met friendly elder dragons, sometimes those who really had great knowledge and wisdom, and sometimes there were those who were neither wise nor kind in any way and almost everyone simply refused to try in their company in any way respect them.

But even then Fea tried to be nice and calm in the company of such coot, especially when she had to endure with them for a long. Naturally, her patience with these types of unpleasant bastards ran out after a while, but usually it made the other person with a wrong attitude become more neutral and sometimes friendly towards her. All in all, this little trick often affected everyone, regardless of age. Fea hoped that this time it would work, although after a while she changed her dream so that she would not choose such a person. Or she or he wouldn’t choose her? Dragon still wasn’t sure how this works.
Kirsey found himself, for the first time in his life, utterly speechless. Any one of these dragons could - could - well, he didn't exactly know everything they could do, but they were very very scary on a more immediate basis.

He snapped out of his stunned state as a dragonet landed, tripped, and slid in front of them. He was much larger than any of the other dragonets, but even he looked like the smallest of runts compared to these. "I'm - I'm sorry I'm so late," He stammered, and Kirsey felt a brief, albeit uncharacteristic, stab of pity. The odds were not in his favor, whoever it was. Kirsey barely knew him, however, and was hardly willing to put his own (magnificent) scales on the line for him.

The newcomer proceeded to bow to each Elder, which was as good an apology as ever. He also called them 'Great Ones', which they seemed to like. The newcomer then asked a question Kirsey hadn't expected, but hadn't thought of either; how exactly did they decide who to learn from, or would they themselves have to choose? And if they could choose, what if the Elders they didn't pick were offended!?

Qurietsi of the Razor Claws snorted and leaned forward, folding her talons atop each other. They left gouges in the hardened stone floor whenever they scraped across it, despite the fact no effort was made to do so. "'Seek to join'? Little dragon, it is your privilege to request our tutelage, not the other way around. Have you not learned of the Choosing?"

Barradain of Mountainous Strength huffed furiously, shifting his weight. The ground seemed to be visibly compressing underneath him. "I cannot believe we are required to teach them. Look at that one!" He growled, pointing at the basilisk who had introduced herself as... Kirsey couldn't quite remember. "I could eat her without needing to swallow!"

Corilu glared at him with an intensity Kirsey hadn't been expecting. A few of her charms crackled irritably, and she chided him with a sibilant hiss. "It is our duty as Elders to raise up dragonkin in our ways. The strength of even the weakest reflects upon the strength of the greatest, Barradain. I am quite certain that Fea will perform to the best of her ability, and if that means breaking mountains beneath her claws or helping a friend, who are we to judge the efforts of others?" Shifting to a more comfortable position, she gave the newcomer dragonet a warm smile. "As for you, Vulkan, you needn't be concerned with lateness. A dragon's health rests upon a good night's sleep, although it would do good to be on time in the future."

She raised her head, taking in the remaining dragonets. "Chusi, Kirsey, Miea, the same applies to you as well. Whatever your best efforts produce, they will be nothing less than the fruits you are able to cultivate. There is no improvement to be gained from comparison, least of all to Elders such as ourselves."

Kirsey was frankly thunderstruck. Corilu knew their names. Their names!!!

...How did she know their names!?

He glanced at Surdinal of the Hurricane's Breath, expecting either profound wisdom or scorn. Instead, the barrel-chested wyvern appeared to be fast asleep.

Kirsey wasn't sure how to feel about that.

T Takka yutohase yutohase TheSpeck TheSpeck BlackDove BlackDove

(hope you guys are liking the RP so far, it's pretty fun already)
Honestly Fea felt disturbed. Well, of course, she was small, young and without any specific talent, but probably teaching children wasn't about offending them. * What a lack of manners!* she commented in her mind. Before basilisk her unfolded her thought another elder stood up for her. And additionally said her name. It bricked her up. She felt even more insecure than ever. How does that dragon know it? Fea was sure that they haven't met before, and even if Fea herself would not remember meeting her, someone as important as her wouldn't remember her either.

* What happened? * the dragon asked herself * Maybe she can read minds? If so, that's not good! I have to be careful to not offend her even by thinking!* Fea shook her bright feathers a little worried and scared. Even though elder knew her name like she was some kind of stalker, and probbly could read her mind, she somehow gained Fea's trust and slight admiration. She seemed to be the type of person who uses her power to help others. When she also commented on someone's late arrival in this such polite way and mentioned the names of several other dragons, the basilisk seemed even more intrigued by her.

Fea looked at the small group of the others to whom she turned. Between them there was also that strange shining dragon basilisk met at the beginning. Kirsey as it appeared. *Interesting. Very interesting * the beige dragon said quietly again * Maybe she has some plans for us, that's why she learned our names?*

Hazmat44 Hazmat44 yutohase yutohase TheSpeck TheSpeck BlackDove BlackDove
(So far I'm having fun reading and writing this)
Eclipse Gets up and Stifles a Yawn and Stretches. Her little sister, a Darker blue feathered Dragon, With Green Eyes and Twofang poking out the side of her Maw, That also has Two Feathered Tails, Lily looking at her from the Entrance of a Cave, it was not that big, but big enough for three Dragons, but the third one left already. On the Wall is Where her satchel is hanged at, With Trinkets of Items, like Jewels, Rocks, and leaves of different plants plus Bones of animals."Your Going too be late."She said. Eclipse Blinked Twice and Then." I am not being late!" the blue and white colored dragon said.

Lily Laughed and Ran out of the Cave."Come on Eclipse!"Lily said. Eclipse puts on the Satchel and Runs out of the Cave, The cave was near a Forest Filled with different Forest animals and Also Some of her Favorite Berry Spots. Eclipse took off With her Wings and See her Sister was Ahead of her. She Passed by them Tall jagged rocks Quickly and Passed That mountain. A Few minutes later she neared the School and She dove down Very Fast and Then Slow herself down to a Slow pace and landed next to her Sister."AM i late?"Eclipse Asked out loud. Lily Frowned."Quiet Would ya, You know the elders are here."Lily whispered to her older sister.

Eclipse Sighed."my bad." she whispered back. She looked all around to see Different Dragons, Well She's going to have an Awesome time around here.
Miea had a confession

they didn’t know what they wanted to attend. Other worldly magic was their go to just because well…they had magic. So…
And they knew they were small and insignificant but

you are not weak

a part of them whispered. The same part that had they slithering in between foes and clawing out bellies; that had bullies twitching on the ground and foaming at the mouth from their toxins.

If push came to shove…they would fight back, so did that behavior make them strong? Or just…not weak?

it was a dilemma that kept them up in the late hours of the night; tinkering on toys and contraptions and tending to their garden with manic energy.

truth be told they didn’t quite know…where they belonged. A part of them wanted to join razor claws, yet when they looked down upon their own talons, they felt brittle and clumsy in comparison to the elder. Weak a darker voice chuckled. It sounded eerily similar to their favorite bully Neomasa.

Neomasa had truth magic, and while he wasn’t as small and lithe as Miea, he was certianly no bulky giant either. But admittedly he was a talented Drake. And that of course let people over look his unnoteworthy magic.

and it let him prey upon Miea.
For Neomasa always spoke the truth so of course they had to be weak because Neomasa never lied and that meant Miea was scum.
Barradain lounged back, twin trails of black smoke drifting from his nostrils. His eyes landed on the basilisk. Fea, if Kirsey remembered correctly. "I shall take you!" He announced decisively, folding his claws before him. He looked visibly excited, not seeming to notice any of them. "It shall be the challenge of a lifetime! I shall teach her to grow her to ouroborean sizes - can you imagine a basilisk large enough to coil around mountains!?"

Corilu glared at him again. Kirsey couldn't help but wonder if that was more common than he'd initially thought. "It is their decision, Barradain! Cease laying your expectations upon those that do not ask for them. Qurietsu, surely you agree? And Surdinal, you... are asleep. I am unsure why I'm surprised anymore."

Kirsey finally found the spine to talk for the first time. "We are permitted to choose our tutor?"

Corilu spoke before Barradain could say anything. "Yes, Kirsey. Whosoever you believe suits your talents best; after all, you know yourself better than we do, do you not?"

That was true, he realized. The elder dragons were powerful, ridiculously so, but not omniscient.

Although Corilu had known their names...

He straightened imperceptibly. "Then I would like to be taught under Qurietsu. I choose the path of the Razor Claws."

Qurietsu raised a ridged eyebrow. "Really, now? I had thought you would pair yourself with Corilu. Nearly every dragonet does." She stretched, showing off her glittering claws. "But if you opt for the superior dragon, well, who could blame you for being intelligent?"

Vanity, Kirsey thought with a sudden realization. Qurietsu is vain about her claws.

He knew how to approach vanity. It was why he chose the Razor Claws, after all - Qurietsu's talons were polished more clearly than anything Kirsey had at his disposal. Surely she could teach him how to make himself brighter still! The sharpened claws were a handy bonus, too.

T Takka BlackDove BlackDove yutohase yutohase Mirai-chan Mirai-chan TheSpeck TheSpeck

(school choosing!)

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