League of Legends: Welcome to...earth?


Captain of The Hades' Vessel.
In this RP Ezreal, and others ( to be decided ) are trying to return home, to their world...but unfortunately, some champions like it here, and don't wish to return, so they're trying to stop Ezreal and friends, you will choose your champion, skin, and goal. and place it below, here's my sign up sheet as an example

Champ: Ezreal

Skin: Default

Goal: To get back home.

You may also create an OC if you like, it could be a champion no one has ever heard of, or just a regular human on earth. Here's the sign up sheet for that.



Chmapion or human:


If a champion, what's their goal?:

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Champion: Jinx

Skin: Default (Thought I'd add a picture for those who aren't familiar with her)

Goal: Most likely going to stay on earth

Personality: Think of a scantily-clad Joker armed with the coolest weapons possible and you pretty much have Jinx:D

Edit: The picture came out larger than expected, and if it's too..uh.. inappropriate, I can delete it.
Champion: Thresh

Skin: Bloodmoon

Goal: Get back home


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Sorry, I've dropped my Chess Set ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Oh, crap! I didn't realize I had to do this until I looked around. I'm so sorry! n_n;

Edit: I edited my post in the RP section to just a "-" (dash.)

Sorry again!

Champion: Irelia

Skin: Frostblade


Personality: Serious, warrior-like, but has a soft side if people get close enough to her.

Goal: To find other champions and make sure they're safe.
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