League fo Legends, Anyone?


New Member
Welcome Summoners! Feel free to talk about any league-related question or just post random stuff here. I really dont care. By the way, what are your main champions and lanes?

I just got back to League. I'm looking for more to play with in the future once site updates calm down. PM me for my username C:.

I'm a support main. :P  Probably 90% of my games. 

But also play top (Illaoi) or mid (Orianna) sometimes. 
Jungle all the way. Shyvana main ♥

(Euw, unranked here xD)
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I was Diamond 5 last season,unfortunately i lost interest and went Plat III,because i'm not good as before.

Principal champion : Gangplank,Twitch and actually Vel'Koz / Quinn.

Pseudo : NamiUltJapan

Server : Euw
I main top! Been playing since season 4  xD  I use to play nothing but riven but I didn't want to be that guy xD  so I only play wukong now.
Playing since the beta (You guys are making me feel old)
Suck at ranked because i can't play with a team lol
I play every lane and my mains for each lane are
Top: Yasuo
Jg: Skarner
Mid: Malzahar
Adc: Lucian 
Support: Dj Sona

Void is best faction!
I main Jinx bot xD  but I also love playing supp, especially as Zilean or Janna. I mid with Lux usually, but I'm unranked  :(   just started a few months ago actually. Euw, but I prefer NA. More people speaking the same language, you know.
I'm a main supp, mostly as Sona or Janna. I haven't played ranked much, but when I did I reached Gold II. So that's not so great xD  But I haven't played for some time now.

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