Showcase Lazy Potato's OC Lair


I'm just vibing
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I'm a total newbie here but I think this will be the best place to dump store my oc forms for now. I'll probably also add oc ideas and work-in-progress forms here too.
I don't mind anyone looking around at them, however if you have any questions or comments or constructive feedback then shoot me a message BUT if i am indeed in the wrong place then feel free to let me know here. okay, great 👌👌


Full Name: Sebastian Vargas

Nicknames: Bash - close friends and family will call him this

The Vulture - he is primarily known under this name in the wasteland, especially by his customers and enemies​

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 22

Birthday: October 1st

Astrological Sign: Libra

Gender: Male


Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Dominican

Current Residence: California

Biography: The wastelands was all Sebastian and his family ever knew. For years, their family would travel around from different locations until they finally settled in a secluded place, deep in the woods in California. Now, they weren't as lucky as the vault dwellers to have the safest hideout from the rest of the world but they did their best. His father Marcus was a skilled medic, helping whoever was in need, and his mother Valencia was the greatest cook you will ever meet, she would make the best meals even with just a few scraps. His young sister also had her own talents, from the moment she could stand, Annita became pretty well-versed in shooting and became quite the gunslinger as she got older. Now, Sebastian wouldn't say he was as gifted as the rest of his family but he had his own specialty. He was a scavenger and was pretty good at it too. Finding the obscure and uncommon, usually harmless things people needed and made a living out of it. He would even find some stuff that he could use to upgrade his own weapons and armor. And sure, he has ruffled a few feathers while on the job but nothing he couldn't handle and Annita would sometimes help out in a pinch (then yell at him after to stop getting into dangerous shit). Even after he turned 18, Sebastian chose to continue living at home because he was very close with his family and wanted to support and protect them. Sebastian then lost his father to raiders a year after Marcus went out on a run to find some necessary meds, it devastated his family. He was a good person and father, so the young man vowed to find the son of a bitch who took his father from him and strike him down, despite the protests from his mother and sister to let things go and not get himself killed. Two days before his sister's birthday, Sebastian went out to Filly to finally buy her present, a Vault boy bobblehead from his friend Ma June and bribe for some important information but then he got in the middle of some deep shit.

Occupation: wastelander, scavenger, gunsmith, mechanic


Personality Traits:
Postive - Compassionate, goofy/humorous, protective, charming, playful, street-savvy, sarcastic at times​
Negative - Insensitive at times, vindictive, moody especially in the mornings, sometimes will hold grudges, pessimistic at first (but turning optimistic over time), impatient​

Likes: Tequila, sunsets, dogs, caps, arm blaster (very proud of it since he made it himself), tricking out his guns, dancing (taught by his mother), woodcarving (though he's not the greatest, it's good for passing the time)

Dislikes: Bullies, the sun (he may be used to it, but that doesn't mean he likes it), the Brotherhood (sebastian thinks they believe themselves as so damn important and superior to everyone else, what a bunch of assholes), radiation sickness, being talked down to, being lowballed or conned, anyone threatening his family, robots (they make him nervous from all the horror stories he's heard), raiders (the monster who killed his father may still be out there)

Fears: Losing her family, dying before he finds his father's killer

Hobbies: Playing darts, drinking, woodcarving, cleaning up and tricking out his guns, searching and collecting for useful junk

Talents: Gunsmith, a decent shooter, mechanic, strong fighter, a bit of a smooth talker

Smoke? Occasionally

Drink? Yes

Drugs? Only the necessary ones

Addictions? Although he doesn't like to admit it, he has become more of a drinker since his father died, not too blackout but just to numb the pain

Dominant Hand: Right

Strength: 7/10

Endurance: 6/10

Agility: 5/10

Luck: 5/10

Grace: 5/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Influential Power: 5/10

Mental Disorders: None

Physical Disorders: None

Allergies: He’s not deathly allergic but cat hair causes him to itch and sneeze so Sebastian steers clear of them as best he can


Face Claim: Angel Bismark Curiel

Height: 5'8"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Description:
Color: Brown​
Length: Short​
Type: Curly​

Casual: 001 / 002 / 003 / 004 / 005

Extra Information:
Scars: A couple on his forearms, legs, hands, and one on his neck after a slight misunderstanding with a customer​
Piercings: None​
Tattoo: Three dark lines on upper left forearm, on his right wrist and down his forearm (it will say in cursive writing "see you in the stars")
Scent: mud, oil, metal, sweat mixed with something burnt but you don't know what​
Body Build: athletic​


Friends: Ma Jane, Barv, Maximus, Lucy MacLean

Love Interest: Lucy MacLean or Maximus
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she's just a lonely girl, living in a lonely world

FULL NAME: jane annabeth caldwell

NICKNAMES: jay, janey, little bookworm
" just call me jay... "
she prefers people, especially her friends, call her by this name​
" amanda! stop calling me janey in front of people, it makes me feel like i'm five and i don't want it catching on... "
only her family get to call her this otherwise she will ignore you​
" books are easier to read than people, i guess that's why i'm a bookworm... "
ever since she was able to pick one up, jane has always had her head stuck in a book, reading is her favorite passtime and has fueled her dream to become a fiction writer one day​

DATE OF BIRTH: november 4th

ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio

AGE: 17-18

PLACE OF BIRTH: california

CURRENT RESIDENCE: south korea (moved in with her sister after her parents died when she was twelve)

GENDER: female

SEXUALITY: bisexual

FACE CLAIM: sophie thatcher from the boogeyman film (2023)

FASHION STYLE: casual and comfortable. 001 002 003 004 005 006

ACCESSORIES: rings from her mother and a bracelet from her father

positive traits. passionate, ambitious, creative, loyal, honest, determined​
negative traits. jealous, stubborn, vindictive, intense, resentful, possessive​

mother - annabelle caldwell (deceased)
father - alexander caldwell (deceased)
older sister - amanda caldwell​
older brother - nathaniel caldwell​
POTENTIAL LOVE INTERESTS: lee su-hyeokjang ha-rioh joon-yeong

likes - wearing rings on her fingers otherwise her hands feel naked, metal or indie music, drinking lemon tea, watching old cartoons, reading fantasy novels, absolutely adores cats, collecting and painting random rocks with her sister, cheesecake ice cream, watermelon, big blankets and hoodies, writing in her journals (short stories), rainy days
dislikes. bullies, liars, celebrating her birthday, romantic comedies, smoking, wearing dresses, the sound of thunder, attending funerals, not being taken seriously, aggressive flirting, wearing lots of makeup, taking pictures of herself, dancing since she's insecure about her "moves"

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