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whatever she wants
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
twenty-four years old (she, her, hers). in my working on my phd, growing out my hair, peace-seeking era - but i swear i'm not boring.
trying to make a comeback from a long writing hiatus, but i've been spinning up stories with folks since middle school.
looking for other like-minded writers around my age (no minors, please) that are excited to co-author unconventional and compelling stories with me.

on writing
used to be a hard stickler for (impossibly high, stifling, ridiculous) word counts per post since i thought that was the standard for "good" writing. now i'm more interested in giving each exchange exactly what it needs - nothing more, but definitely nothing less. i can promise you bespoke, sharp, sometimes experimental, always tasteful writing on a weekly basis.
into any and all pairings and can write just about anyone, but i find conventional (read: cishet, vanilla, bad ya novel) tropes and highly-structured plots/roles boring and uninspiring. also, i don't double plots!
re: my fandom interests, i don't enjoy roleplaying canon characters or inserting original characters into canon settings - it just doesn't feel original or interesting to me, sorry! my inspiration comes from the universe, lore, and general themes.

crime: into both organized crime (a la the godfather saga) and investigation-based narratives (mindhunter, sharp objects, silence of the lambs, memories of murder)
occult/supernatural: love the integration of non-cliché/folk belief into contemporary/modern-ish settings, like midsommar, rosemary's baby, the shining, get out, and nope
historical: ~1800s american frontier (outlaws, cowboys, the wind, killers of the flower moon), the roaring twenties, prohibition, the vietnam war (the deer hunter, full metal jacket)
dark academia: feeling super inspired by donna tartt's the secret history. saltburn is another recent (but problematic) favorite
post-apocalyptic: due to environmental disasters or war (the road), or contagion-based scenarios (the last of us, train to busan, 28 days later)
futuristic/dystopian: love the sick and twisted themes in black mirror and cyberpunk 2077, but moon has a special place in my heart, too
fandoms: the hunger games universe, twilight (see above for my disclaimer though)

please send me a private message if you're intrigued by me, any of these suggestions, or have related ideas you'd like to share!
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been gone for a bit and never actually managed to get anything off the ground with the first go-around, whoops !
just updated the main post with some cool new sources of inspo + i'm looking for patient, curious, creative folks to write with! pm me if ur cool! tysm

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