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Realistic or Modern Lawrence Academy for Superpowered Youths CS



Caught in a storm
Age: 14-18
Date of Birth:
School Title/Superhero Name (If any)
Appearance: Art allowed, if comicbook inspired then appreciated:
Superhero Costume:
Family/Upbringing, Reasons for being at Lawrence Academy:
Superpowers: (If any)
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Name: Elaine Winters
Age: 18
Date of Birth: November 27th
Gender: Female
School Title/Superhero Name: Cyber Wave

Superhero Costume:

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 132 lbs
Skills: speed reading, coding, hacking, acting, chess
Personality: Elaine is a studious girl with a competitive spirit. She enjoys playing logical games and reading in her free time. With her limited utility in a fight she tends to be more of a “guy in the chair” than a classic hero. She exhibits strong leadership skills and intuitive thinking.
Biography: Elaine’s father is a hero while her mother was a stay at home mom. Growing up Elaine idolized her father, wanting to become a hero like him. While he wanted to support her dreams he was always subtly urging her to try something more reasonable for her abilities. Meanwhile her mother was fully supportive, wanting to see Elaine succeed more than anything. From an early age Elaine showed that she was a studious and smart girl. She was a near constant honor roll student and a multi year winner in chess competitions. In her early teens she became more interested in computers taking up coding, hacking, and gaming.
Likes: video games, reading, salty snacks, sci fi movies
Dislikes: being unproductive, losing, pranks, rom coms
Minor ability of levitation
Cyber kinesis - On contact she can control and manipulate technology (computers, robots, machines, etc) contact does not need to be maintained but will fade after 10 minutes if contact in not remade.
She can use telekinesis to move and device.
Cyber body - can turn her physical body into data in order to enter things like computer, phones, or similar devices

Through contact and concentration she can determine the function and built of any device. The more complicated the device the longer this will take.

Laptop bag containing her laptop, phone and a burner phone.
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Name: Victor W. Wulf
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 7
Gender: Male

School Title/Superhero Name
- General Question

Appearance: Art allowed, if comic book inspired then appreciated:
Superhero Costume:
Height: 5 feet and 11 inches
Weight: 100 Kilograms.

-Robot Creation.

Personality: A calculating and emotionally cold person.

Biography: A child from a family of villains, most of the family were general lone villians and not high enough to be invited into the Terror League. Most of the time Victor spent his time studying and playing with the Grandfather, which mostly consisted of building remote control models of planes and drones which triggered Victor interest into robot creation.

As he was taught by his grandfather in how to make his toys to even helping out in the family cover business of being repair men from finding parts that could work to eventually finding the necessary chips needed to create a robot but even more was needed as they also study how to program and code the robot to obey and follow basic commands to even going on the internet to help understand coding.

However, all good things came to an end which unfortunately was the same day when the head of the family was injured in a failed bank heist attempt. They couldn't bring to the hospital and the back alley doctors did not want to touch this so the family had to cauterize most of the badly injured body parts when the make shift surgery was done the family had to move away from their known location of operations to a new city Golden City where they had opened up a new cover business: A scarp and junk shop so they can stay low and away from the eyes of the authorities while still working as repair men and scrappers.

Family/Upbringing, Reasons for being at Lawrence Academy: Currently seeing how The Terror League and The Victory Alliance are in control of Golden City has made the rest of the family worried on getting on the bad side of either group but wanting to see how much they can flex without catching the unwanted attention of either group, the family decided to send their son to Lawrence Academy to get a feel of the heroes’ side before attempting to get back into the villain underworld.

-Machines, robots, drones and androids.
-Making inventions.
-Disassembly of existing machines to see how they work.

-Emotional out bursts.
-Senseless violence.

Superpowers: (If any)

- Enhanced Mind: Has intelligence from the normal person but oddly enough does have a high tendency to hide it from his fellow classmates to the point where some might argue that he does not or will not get any grade that is not considered average grades.

- Parallel Processing: Has been allowed him to think of multiple thought processes at once.

- Parallel Wills: Has been seen talking to himself out loud and responding back to himself. Suggests that maybe he is not alone in his own head.

- Voice distortion device (voice changer): embedded into mask allowing him to create a robotic montone voice.

- Salt Supply Pepper Spray Gun heavily modified to look more like a Wehrmacht P08 or the Luger pistol which can fire a single pepper spray ball at a range of one hundred and fifty feet. If it was in the hands of a trained expert, it would be able to fire from that distance. Currently he carries three cartridges each and each cartridge only carries four pepper spray balls for a total of twelve shots.

- Sabre Red Pepper Gel : Basic pepper spray that has a decent range of 18 feet but only uses it when person enters close range.

- Gas mask.

(Mostly he got store / Internet bought self defense kits. No robots made as of yet. )
Name: Andromeda Hydrafist
Age: 17
Date of Birth: January 12th
Gender: Female
School Title/Superhero Name: Omen
Appearance: Google Image Result for https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/81/74/38/360_F_581743871_nF6rrekhX04MN99VRCfsJSDrAMoIHRWI.jpg

Superhero Costume:
Google Image Result for https://storage.prompt-hunt.workers.dev/clh58ysv00009l208ilumzpsj_1 but with a little orange
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 122 lbs
-Quick at mathematics
-Doesnt take criticism to heart
Personality: Andromeda doesn't talk alot until you get to know her and she trusts you. She is silent most the time but inside she is as strong and courageous andbrave as she can be. When you know her she can be sassy, sarcastic and sweet.

Biography: When andromeda 10 she lost her parents. Then when she got adopted, she lost her adoptive parents and siblings. It still haunts her, their voices. The reason she lost them was that she was out walking kne day when she was kidnapped to a place that people Experimented on beings. They ran a project to experiment on supernatural beings and she was the subject. She finally managed to break out after a few years and got sent to the academy.
Family/Upbringing, Reasons for being at Lawrence Academy: She has no family but the only reason she is new there is because the law found out about her mutation and sent her to the academy.
Likes: Peace and Quiet, Music, Sleep, Technology, Being Alone (might change if she makes a friend)
Dislikes: Bullies, Any kind of experiments, needles
Superpowers: With extreme difficulty, she can sometimes create powers in her head and use them. Usually ends up Fainting and being drained if she Pushes herself to hard.
Gadgets: None

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