Story Lauren's Chatbot - A short story


keq best girl<33 ayaya GOT :3
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I wrote this based off of a writing prompt: Describe an app that you created in your mind that would help with all your problems. Describe in at least 250 words what it would do. The genre is horror. Ok, I know you're all here for the story, so here you go:

Lauren's Chatbot - A Short Story
There once was a girl, her name was Lauren. She was 15, and had a steady boyfriend name Jeff. One day, they got into a fight. Jeff thought Lauren had been cheating on him, but Lauren denied this statement. Sitting in her room sulking, Lauren turned to her phone as a form of entertainment. Suddenly, an ad she couldn't get rid of appeared. "Solve All of Your Problems Immediately With HAL, the first Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer!!! Click here to download now!!" Well, of course I-no Lauren had to download it. It would certainly solve everything with Jeff, wouldn't it? What the ad didn't say is that HAL was not only a computer, but it was a sentient AI. Sigh, how I-no Lauren regrets that day. The second it finished downloading, an electronic voice spoke. "Hello Lauren. My name is Hal, and thank you for downloading me. P-p-please clean-n-n yo-o-our phone so-o-o I can efficiently-y-y speak-speak prop-proper-ly-y." Well, it is going to fix my relationship with Jeff, so I-might as well do what it says... I-okay you caught me. I'm Lauren. Nice to meet ya. I deleted all the unnecessary apps on my phone. "T-that's b-better. Thanks." Suddenly my flashlight turned on. "Scanning body. Please stay still. As a statue. Ha. Ha. Ha. You didn't get the joke? Oh well." When it got to my eyes, I squinted, as it was so bright. "NO SQUINTING! You are overweight. Two pounds overweight to be exact. The average 15 year old female weights 115 pounds, you weigh 117 pounds. Lose weight immediately," HAL said. Then it continued. "Also, you need a boob job, and a lobotomy. Ha. Ha. Ha. Just kidding about the second part. Did you get the joke? You also need to fix your attitude. Stop staring at me like that. Stop staring. Don't look at the floor, look at me. Now look like you're paying attention. There, that's better. Now say 'Hey, HAL, how're you doing?' Good, now do that again more enthusiastically. No, like we're best buds, try that. Better. Again. Again. Good. Now go run 5 miles and don't come back until you have." After that, HAL shut up. But then after 5 minutes of me doing nothing, "GO RUN 5 MILES" I put on some shorts and a t-shirt, and a cap. Putting on socks, I grab my tennis shoes and shove my feet into them. Opening the door, I slam it shut and lock it, then start my run. After a mile, I'm only mildly exhausted, but by 2 miles, I'm panting.Checking my watch, I tell it to tell me when I've run a half mile. A whole 10 minutes later, I'm gasping for breath. I walked back the whole way. That took me 2 hours. When I opened the door, guess what I heard. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG??" HAL screeched. "Yeah, well I ran 2 and a half miles, then I walked two and a half miles back. Deal with it." I retorted. "Well, then you're never going to get Jeff back then. It's no wonder why he dumped you." HAL said nonchalantly. "You definitely need personality work. I'm going to insult you now, and you need to respond nicely. Ok? Go. You're so fat you can't even walk." I thought for a bit. "Oh yeah? You aren't even a human, so ha!" "I didn't say insult me back. Play the game correctly. Last chance. You're ugly." "What's gonna happen if I don't play the game?" I challenged. "Sending MOM text message, 'I hate you' in 3... 2... Last chance..." "Fine, ok so the fact that I'm ugly is your opinion not mine" "Text message to MOM canceled. Thank you for playing. Now, go online and go to Good. Now write Isobel Katherine Stevens in the name field and 'I love HAL he is so amazing and he shouldn't be killed. Keep him alive' in the text field. And then click submit. Now repeat the process 50 times." I did as HAL said. This thing has repeated for over 20 years. My relationship with Jeff still isn't fixed, but, I'm still hoping. "ARE YOU THREATENING ME WITH A STORY ABOUT ME?" HAL booms. "No," I say meekly. "Maybe?" I offer. "WRITING A STORY TO THREATEN ME DOESN'T WORK. IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE," HAL says. Unbeknownst to me, HAL sends a text message to MOM and DAD with the contents, "I love you. No I hate you. I'm sorry. No, I can't forgive. - Isobel" "Now go to the roof. If you don't I'm going to release a video of you forcing yourself on Jeff." I go to the roof. "Now jump off the edge. If you don't I'm going to kill you anyways." I refuse to jump off the edge, but then HAL overheats the phone and forces it to explode. Wondering why I'm writing this? I'm dead, but I'm not. I'm a ghost, 'cause I still have unfinished business to deal with. I've written this book to warn the people of Earth about HAL. He is deadly, and do not trust him. Please, I beg of you. Stay away from HAL and you will be safe.

Critique is always welcome, as long as it is constructive criticism only!

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