Late Night Posting. A little Distraught.


Daniel Valtameri
What do you do when you find out about something you wish you didn't know?

I don't know. All I know is that I hurt. So badly. I wish I didn't allow myself to get hurt by anyone; I just wish the pain would stop, and that I could drag myself up out of the abyss I threw myself into.

This is no one else's fault but my own, and I'm fully aware of this. And yet I let myself get hurt; Again. And what for? I'll probably never know why I let it happen.

Sorry for the late night depressing post, to anyone who reads this. But I just, really hate emotions sometimes. I'm not posting this asking for any advice or anything, it's mostly just a personal post to get it off my chest. Any kind of nice words are appreciated though; In fact I'd love to hear something nice.

I could also go for a hug right now. I don't feel well, at all. All I'm feeling is emotional pain.
Sounds like you were dumped or cheated on. I was dumped by one of my girls a few months ago and cheated on years ago, so here is my advice:

Accept it. You can't change the past. What happened will never unhappen.. But by the same token those things that brought you joy and contentment will never change either. The time you shared was finite and irreplaceable; let yourself be at peace with that. Remember that for awhile someone made your life better and be thankful to them for it.

And never speak to them again. Don't acknowledge them. Move forward. Work out. Drink. Find others. Lose yourself in sensation until you can't hear your heart breaking because the pulse in your ears and your gasping breaths are too loud. Indulge in the physical.

It'll be fine.
Ashurbanipal said:
Sounds like you were dumped or cheated on. I was dumped by one of my girls a few months ago and cheated on years ago, so here is my advice:
Accept it. You can't change the past. What happened will never unhappen.. But by the same token those things that brought you joy and contentment will never change either. The time you shared was finite and irreplaceable; let yourself be at peace with that. Remember that for awhile someone made your life better and be thankful to them for it.

And never speak to them again. Don't acknowledge them. Move forward. Work out. Drink. Find others. Lose yourself in sensation until you can't hear your heart breaking because the pulse in your ears and your gasping breaths are too loud. Indulge in the physical.

It'll be fine.
Appreciate it, though it isn't a cheating thing. Still, valuable words here, I'll definitely take your advice. It's a fairly complicated thing to talk about I think but I appreciate you giving me some feedback.
Life is a mix of good and bad Brandon. You know this already. What I want and suggest for you to do, is love the bad parts. Fall in love with the pain. Thank it for making you a stronger person. For every painfully distressing event, there's growth along with it. Like you say in your opening post, you're fully aware it's no one's fault but your own. You also have a wish now. A wish that you wouldn't allow yourself to get hurt by anyone.

This is what you should be thankful for. Whatever happened has made you aware of what went wrong, and the impetus required to not let it happen again. It gives you a push. Learn to love the push. Learn to love the act of falling down, because like I said before, bad events in life are not a question of it, but when.

When you learn to love the push, two things happen. The first is, you become more resilient. After accepting the shove is going to hurt, but teach you something on the way to get up, it doesn't seem so scary anymore. It doesn't bother you as much. You say this in your mind:

"Man. This sucks. But I've been pushed before. This is all water under the bridge. Just got to dust myself off and get back up like usual. No biggie. Nothing new."

Do you know how powerful that is Brandon? This is something A LOT of people struggle to do. This is a something multi-billionaires and the most successful people in their subject (math, science, writing) have mastered. Imagine if you figured how to do that now? You'd be stronger than you would ever believe Brandon.

Now, the second thing that happens when you love to learn the push, is that you get up quicker. When other are down in the dumps moping about things, you're already up on your feet with a grin saying, "Whooo that was a doozy! Come at me again life! I'm ready for you!"

  • What knocks people down for a year, you recover in 6 months. What knocks people down for a week, you recover in one day.

Pretty soon it will start to look like you weren't even pushed at all! People will ask you for the secret. They will ask how does it not affect you? Why you aren't so sad? Or, how are you able to keep on going? Whether you want to tell them what you do is up to you. I just want to point out the people will begin to wonder. Resilience is something that is very much needed, but not very much found. It can make or break you. Literally.

So why am I saying all this? Because I hate to see people hurt if there's anything I can do about it. I hope you take my words to heart and learn to love the bad. You will really seem like you're on a whole other level. Other people will notice. Some will be attracted to you, your positivity, and strength. You'll be more comfortable with trying to new things. You create more time for happiness in your life. You'll become a rock for the people around you. You'll be the bad-ass that walks through the storm when others have been blow away (I like this one xD ). There are so many benefits, I can't list them all.

P.S.: I won't lie. Some people will hate and become envious of you for it. That's not your problem though. If they're getting green over something so positive you're doing for yourself, there's something on their end that they need to fix.

You certainly can do it Brandon! Whatever it is that happened, you will get through. Whenever you're ready to get up, I'll be here with my hand out waiting for you. (
:P ).
Like Masquerade says: life can't hurt you if you cultivate a startling resilience born of masochism.

Quirky advice, but chin up, I'm sure it's meant well. ;)

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