• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Last Summer Together - OOC

It's funny that you assume I actually sleep at night.
We had this entire conversation in a hogwarts RP i'm in, someone was like "well it's late I should go to bed" and I was like "what timezone are you in?" and they said EST, which I'm also in, and while they were being Responsible ™ and sleeping my night of watching YouTube videos and writing fanfiction had only just begun :D
Okay! I can write up Sophia getting there (and freaking out about Calvin) now and post it after you post yours if you want to post first?
I definitely want to post first so I can set the scene. I'll make the thread tonight after I get off of work. :)
Okay, I'll post my CS then if nobody else has filled in as the missing male!
You might as well go ahead and make the male because it doesn't seem like anyone else is going to fill that role. :) I am entirely okay with that.
Quest Quest Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha anne w. anne w. Eldarkon Eldarkon Ravenclaw Ravenclaw
Okay, I am getting ready to write out the first post but I wanted to let you guys know in advance that when it comes to terms of posting, I am a little bit different than most GM's on this site. I like it when people wait at least a day until they post again after their last post, or wait until three people have posted after their last post before they post again. That way, no one gets too left behind and the roleplay doesn't go off in various directions.

Make sense?
Also, your post doesn't have to be long like my own. I get carried away sometimes plus, I am writing for two people ICly. :D
Loving the first post from everyone that has posted this far.

I cannot wait till the drama ensues and everything hits the fan! :D
So are we going to keep going with just us 3 (since no word from Quest Quest )?
I am willing because I made two characters and would hate for them to go to waste, to be honest. I could do a recruitment thread, as well.

If Eldarkon Eldarkon wants to continue with just the three of us, I am okay with that, too. :)

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