Last Night Was Your Death


New Member
Alright, so I made this just for you RpNation.

It's a medieval time setting like in a fantasy video game with sorcerers, necromancers, human-beast hybrids, werewolves, and such like that.

Story thus far:

Werewolves are striking against the humans and attacking villages, towns, castles, anything of human inhabitant. Protecting and defending the humans are their warriors and sorcerers, humans who poses magical powers of good, along with some human-beasts called Draagne. (Der-rag-ney). Aiding the Werewolves there are the Necromancers, demon humanoid beings who poses powers of darkness, and other Draagne. Currently the attacks from the Werewolves and Necromancers have stopped and the humans are preparing themselves for another raid from the evil side of nature.

Your guy's adventure starts...

As evil...In a forest a little ways away from a town to attack.

As good... On your way into the forest to help gather medical herbs.

Anyone interested?

Sign up sheet will be up shortly


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