Last Night Was Your Death (Sign Up)


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Races available in this Roleplay:

Human: Pick a class (Warrior, Archer, Healer) [No limit but you can only be one class of human]

Sorcerer: Pick an element (Water, Fire, Earth, Air) [ONLY 8 SORCERERS WILL BE ALLOWED TWO OF EACH ELEMENT]

Necromancer: Pick an element (Lightning, Blood) [ONLY 2 WILL BE ALLOWED ONE OF EACH ELEMENT]

Draagne: Pick an animal and your character will be a half(animal)-half human hybrid [No limit]

Werewolf: Self explanatory really. [Only 5 will be allowed]

Leaders available:

Human Warrior: _____

Human Archer: _____

Human Healer: _____

Sorcerer: _____

Necromancer: Taken [Ryo]

Draagne: _____

Werewolf: _____

Fill Out:


Age: (17 and over please)

Race: (One of the above along with its class; element; or animal)



Appearance: (Picture or a really descriptive paragraph is allowed. Pictures can be anything [anime, cartoon, realistic and so on])


Other: (Anything you want people to know about your person)

My Character:

Name: Craven Lore

Age: 19

Race: Necromancer (Darkness/Shadows)

Personality: Sinister in everything, doesn't act in kindness but in personal gain and sometimes for pure fun of destruction.

History: His entire life he has been alone leading Necromancers against other races since he inherited the leader title by birth right. Earned the title of infamous from all other races and even his own race. (His history isn't really long cause he has been doing the same sinister things his entire life)



Weapons: Black Katana, Double Hidden Blades (like on Assassin's Creed ;D)

Other: Entertain him and he might like you(:

Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 17

Race: human warrior

Personality: Rosa is very outspoken stating her opinion calmly at all times. In battle she remains stoic and precise. In town she mostly keeps to herself.

History: Her parents were both barflies and until she was ten she had to fend for herself. At the age of 10 they were both killed in a raid and she was sent to live with a town elder, Gretchen. Rosa loved Gretchen and with her she learned kindness and love. Gretchen died when Rosa was 16 years old and with the money left to her in the will she had a sword and armor forged for her. She tends the farm Gretchen left behind living with only her pets and farm animals as company. Appearance:

Weapons: A simple sword and armor she also trained her plough horse into a calvary mount
Name: Xenon Mathews

Age: 17

Race: human Warrior

History: Being a warrior is in Xenon's blood. By thirteen he was commanding an army that was given to him by Ares the God of war. He ransacked villages burned kingdoms to the ground. He commanded that army until he was 15. When he started to regret killing those innocent people. He forced the army back on Ares and never went back. He is still a warrior with a small cause find out who his mother is and he's going to do that with the one clue Ares ever gave him. That clue was,"You fight like her."

Appearance:View attachment 1097

Weapons:View attachment 1098 and a balanced Chakram (

Other: Xenon Isn't the nice neighbor boy next store, he'll kick your ass if you cross him.

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