Aug 30, 2019 #827 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) (My bad, jumping between forums and got confused. Should have posted this) Role-play
Aug 30, 2019 #829 BakaTheIdiot Viscount of Spaghetti Code Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Gucci (Damn, my vernacular is failing me!)
Aug 30, 2019 #830 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Inexpensive
Aug 30, 2019 #832 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Taken
Aug 30, 2019 #834 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Tidy
Aug 30, 2019 #836 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Similar
Aug 30, 2019 #838 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Literal
Aug 30, 2019 #840 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Eternal
Aug 30, 2019 #842 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Year
Aug 30, 2019 #844 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Entertaining
Aug 30, 2019 #846 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Terrific
Aug 30, 2019 #848 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) Entreating
Aug 30, 2019 #849 Flutterheart hi ^^ (ok , you win , lets give other people a turn (^^)....with both tabs
Aug 30, 2019 #850 Grim Wraithe Stjerna The Víkíngr, reaver of the sea, hunter of Pirates. Roleplay Availability Roleplay Type(s) (Alright, fine. , but this has been fun. )