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Realistic or Modern Last Coach To Winola


Senior Member
Last Coach To Winola
Western RP | Lore -> TBA | Characters -> TBA |
Out west there's a place where the law can't touch. No factories or city-slickin' tendencies plaguing these parts yet. The only smoke we see's from the barrel of a gun or a nice cozy campfire, and that's alright for us. Cowboys, frontiersmen, whatever you wanna' call it. We're just living life away from all them damn rules.

If that's something you're interested in, come see about us in the Winola Territory. There's some fine open country with rolling hills and wild rivers that cut through the heartland. In the camp of Freewater, you'll find ample opportunities to earn a living. Of course, you might've heard about the Gold Rush a couple years back. Yeah, those hills are tumblin' with gold they say, and there's no shortage of prospectors thinking they'll go bonanza. Best advice ever given by anyone - don't risk nothin' you ain't missing to let go.

With that in mind you might can do alright out there panning for a future. Otherwise, you can play it safe by throwing in with those lot in town and work at wages. Or maybe you just wanna' live a plain existence, buy up a few dozen acres and till the land. Whatever your angle. Whatever your dream. Just ride on into camp and lay your head at the Crazy Roost Saloon to get started. First comers can make their intentions known to those who frequent. Just ask for Joanna.


Settlers [0/10] - People who've recently entered the camp. Everyone is there illegally since it's on native (Winolan) reservation land, but that doesn't stop them from enterprising while the getting is good!

  • Age 18+ participants only.
  • 1 paragraph minimum once per week.
  • This is a somewhat historical RP with certain changes in names, dates, etc. However, I do expect folks to try their best to portray characters who live in the "Wild West".
  • Discord use is completely optional. It will be there for those who need it.


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