Landsknights: A Romance in Four Kingdoms


Magic Eight Ball
You can find the sign up and character sheet here:

The year is thirteen-hundred and seventy-eight and our kingdom is divided. The death of our longest reigning monarch, King Athelwald the First has been met, not just with the mourning of his beloved people, but by the ecstasy of revolt and sedition. Three sons, vie for the throne of once proud Teutonia, his eldest and illegitimate son Wother, who has rallied support in the northern Prutenian provinces pitches a peasents rebellion against the twins Bedesbond of Lower Teutonia and Athelwald the Second of the High Teutonian territories as they themselves war against each other for their fathers crown.

And as this brothers war unfurls like a great blanket across the Teutonic countryside in the former Teutonic southerlands of Lower and Upper Svebig the church threatens the abolition of the monarchy by force, dreaming to unite the nation under a single theocratic military order, urging that where politics has failed to secure peace, religion will.

It is in this time of tumult and stormy tribulation that you meek out the bread and water you use to sustain yourself. Whether from the womb of a farmer's wife or from the universities of Barlingen and Pfam you have come out of the ways of peace and civility and are made into a mercenary.

Dead are chivalry and knightly manner, man, woman, child, the cripple and the simpleton are thrown together into the crucible of war and so long as they can hold a sword, or a shield or a bow, the efforts of their bodies will be rewarded in the savage loot of the free-lance.

So in short, here's the idea, you're a member of a band of free-lance mercenaries taking on odd jobs for the competing political entities in the collapsing nation of Teutonia. Whatever your history, you have been swept into such financial or political straights as to be forced to abandon your old life and take up a life by the sword, what adventures await you in this broken country? What grand conspiracies await it?

A Few Notes:

The Geography of Teutonia is described on this map:

The map illustrates the major geographic features of the region, distinctly outlines the four regions competing for control of Teutonia as well as the provinces of those regions and the capitals of each province.

Culturally Teutonia resembles that of the Holy Roman Empire circa the time of the protestant reformation. Names you use should have a Germanic feel to them, whether Anglish, Scandinavian or more traditionally German. If your character comes from Prutenia feel free to add a more slavic/polish flavor to your character if you so desire.

The religion of the day is more or less accepted as de-facto truth, even if a person is radically unobservant whether or not what the church describes is never questioned as truth. A person that is not mindful of the church, though rare, possible, but outright atheism and philosophical skepticism would be highly uncharacteristic of the setting.

Magic and fairy-folk, are exceedingly rare occurrences, seldom rising above anything other than blind rumor. A character with any history with magic or magical creatures would have to be very well done. Assume magical characters will be rejected unless you believe you believe your character idea is just that damn cool and well made to convince me otherwise.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask in this thread.

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