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Fantasy Land of Wings OOC

The IC is already up, and I'm waiting till I hear a confirmation from you to check your character.
Anyone else that is currently waiting on a check, I'm going over them in a moment, if they're good you can jump in as well
truthofself truthofself and Yahhah Yahhah the characters are good, I'll throw in an announcement post for your chars in the ic and after that you can start.
Yahhah the only thing I do have to comment is that perhaps it would be better to have the griffins be a species that existed on the Land from the beginning. If they came from the World Below a few thousand years ago the inhabitants of the Land would have been aware that there was survivable land down below and more would have gone down to investigate or even find a way to bring the Land back down to Earth.
Sorry if my posts are a little shorter. I mostly do this on a phone. So it looks sufficiently big to me, I know they'll look very short on a computer.
Sorry if my posts are a little shorter. I mostly do this on a phone. So it looks sufficiently big to me, I know they'll look very short on a computer.
I use a site called Word Counter, if you're worried about length or anything try using that. You can set word goals, and keep track of everything. It's pretty useful imo. :)
Avatar Arvis, I guees the system must have glitched indeed since I can't seem to find that post. I'll look at it today and let you know

Yahhah, no worries about the word count. I'll double check if I set a minimum posting expectation anywhere aside from the CS. But in general this is a more casual kind of roleplay where it isn't as important to have a huge post. As long as you respond to stuff and in turn give others something to work with it'll be alright I think
Well giving something to work with isn't a problem. I hope the idea that there's a bit of anti-griffin racism isn't too bad. poor guy needs some assistance.
I might have an idea for that. Well, multiple depending if someone beats me to the punch haha.
Will likely be checking the profile later this evening, might finally add Queen Lena to the list of characters 'cause I keep talking about her but no one knows anything besides her name and job XD
That would be interesting. Would like to know more.
Avatar Arvis Avatar Arvis The character is mostly good, I am going to make a few requests though.
I do need to know a bit more about his limitations, mostly, the weaknesses. Not to exploit them, but to balance the power out better.
I also would like to ask of you to avoid using the permanent power consumption in this RP. It's a part of how he became who he is, but to have that emerge in the RP would be too much.
In the backstory, please keep him on the Land. The World Below is devoid of magical and mythical beings, you could compare it to our world. Here there are no dragons, no pegasi, no winged humanoids. So having him be from the World Below isn't a possibility.
Oh and you forgot the little rule requirement ;)
There, Lena is done, now I need sleep.
Once I have confirmation from Avatar Arvis about the char I'll throw both Lena and Sean into the RP.

It takes a while, but there's movement at last XD lol
Cosplay season is a *** for getting posts out in RP's...
Sometimes these things can be explosive. Figure of speech.
Yeah that's why it took me a little longer to get the IC up and running. If it would take off like mad in a week while I was away I'd have a hard time joining back in with my own RP and that would be problematic haha.
Avatar Arvis Avatar Arvis the CS is good, but before I add him, please go over the rules (second post ooc) once more ;)
Once you have done as asked I can add him to the mix and you can insert him into the story
Thank you, I'll get a post out this week. Got a new convention coming up Saturday so doing some last minute work on costumes. But I will definitely have time this week to make a proper post :D
I totally stopped getting notifications for this. I'll get back to working on my characters, is it still possible for me to join in?
Yes, you can continue on with your characters you have in the CS page, or create new ones if you don't wish to complete them.
I'm going to post some time tomorrow or Wednesday, and then do a check on who is still here and who isn't. I'm finally done with all my cosplay work so I can focus on roleplaying again haha

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