Land For All! (A C C E P T I N G)


Typical Romantic
Land... There are loads of it. Sadly many of us "Creatures/beasts" as the humans call us are unaccepted on theirs. This area is for all who want to embrace there powers and abilities without being judged or ridiculed.

This Roleplay is a one for all! You have an ability and you want to express it through your character feel free to join! This RP will basically build itself!





Creature age:

Ability: Try to limit it (Not going to put a cap but be reasonable)

What you are:


Weapons: (Optional, because weapons can be your abilities)

Looks: (anime pictures prefered)

Other: (Anything else I should know?)



Fighting is allowed

Romance is allowed

Please 2 or more lines

Don't leave anyone "hanging" finish what you start!

If your talking to someone, don't just leave them in the dust

If your going to quit please write yourself out.


Name: Kiyoshi Grey

Nickname: Kiyo

Age: 21

Creature age: 21

Ability: Shadow manipulation (May move and change the shadows around him)

Emotional connections (Connects with people through their thoughts and feelings)

What you are: Demon (Not like you see with horns and such)

Bio: A boy born from a small family in a very rural town. He was born with his powers, it was his blood line. He began to learn and manipulate the powers over the years. He always got what he wanted.. connecting through people emotionally. He had now grown up and created this land for people like him. (Short and too the point, learn more through the RP)

Weapons: None

Looks: View attachment 13265
( S o r r y if it's bad, i could change it if you want. >_> Made this when i was sleepy sorry. )

! ! ! ( R e e d i t e d ) ! ! !

View attachment 13370Name: Lyrene Paige

View attachment 13371Nickname: " Rayne "

View attachment 13372Age: 17

View attachment 13373Creature age: 427

View attachment 13375Ability: Vextors Arrow, it takes a strong energy from her own spirit, sometimes after using this ability she would turn back into her human form and stay in a coma for a day. She rarely uses this ability since she dislike seeing bloods on her surroundings, this shows whenever the large skeleton she had summoned for extends is hand small bones which were very sharp will come out and kill it's prey. In all her life she used this only once, and she never liked the idea of it.

View attachment 13376What you are: A yokai known as Gashadokuro which is a large skeleton. She sometimes has violet mist surrounding her when she is in her yokai form.

View attachment 13378Bio: Her family had always been busy from work and didn't have time to pay attention to her, to be honest she was born in quite a wealthy family. Never once did she see her parents, but when she does it would be when they're leaving for work, somehow she didn't mind since this was the usual routine. Not many kid had new about her, she was always at home reading, doing some research or eating. It annoyed her, there was a dark place in her heart that could never heal, that day she regretted it. "Can't you see we're working hard for you! We're keeping this family together with work and your telling us to stop?! Go back to your room Lyrene." seeing her father for the first time, having a conversation for the first time, and being hit for the first time. But she knew it was the last time she would see them. Afterwards she didn't remember anything that happened that day, they said nothing was left of their house. How could she have survive? She was saved from the dead.... literally. (This was the time where she used her ability which she regrets)

Rayne appears to be a very simple-minded girl who loves eating to a degree that is almost obsession. Rayne also won’t stop at nothing when she sees someone or something in need of her help, such as a cat that she rescued during gym. She has trouble making friends [Although it doesn't bother her much] because of her simple-minded ways. Rayne also doesn't change her expression much, She always has an emotionless look on her face but that doesn't mean she herself is emotionless, she simply sees no purpose in changing her facial expression so it mostly remains the same unless she smiles, which is rare. Rayne has a quiet voice too and often doesn't talk much unless it’s about food or if her speaking is needed, like greetings and other things similar. She usually seems phased out but she’s actually very clever and well knowing about important details.

In the beginning she naturally doesn’t know how to socialize with the average human as she is a yokai so she isn’t exactly normal. She has a big curiosity level so she’s often seen plundering through things or exploring. She tends to ask a lot of questions when she first meets someone, just to see if they’re a friend or foe. If she feels threatened she’ll often run away.

View attachment 13377Weapons: None

View attachment 13374Other:

Yokai Form ; Gashadokuro are believed to be created by gathering the bones of people who have died of starvation. Could be a hint to why she eats so much.

Likes ; The colors black and pink, Sweets, Winter, ‘Junk’ food, Being given food, Hugs.

Dislikes ; Not having food/sweets, Not being given things to eat, Being alone [though she won’t admit it], Being touched by strangers.

Rayne is a slim teenage girl with bubblegum pink hair and matching pink eyes. She puts her hair into two high side pigtails and her hair is also wavy.

View attachment 13379View attachment 13369
If I may be so bold as to submit this:

Name: Tobias Denton

NickName: Toby

Age: 29

Creature age: 29

Abilities: Able to create fire in his hands ( Note - he can't breathe fire magically, his hands can just catch on fire, like a lighter so to speak. he needs the help of hard alcohol to breathe it same as any other one)

What you are: mostly human but it is unknown how his people came to have magc of any kind, or a slightly extended life time (only by 40 years).

Bio: Well before he was born, toby's parents had joined the carnival and circus life as a duo act on the high wire. As with all of those who joined the acts there, they each had a power to useless to be anything other than entertaining, his mother the ability to change into a red rose and fall from great hieghts to land unharmed, and his father could alter his mass, so that he was so light he could float, or so heavy no one could move him. Tobias' gift came at the age of 7 when he woke up drenched in sweat to find his hands smoking and the matress just begining to smolder around him. It took time before he learned how to control it, but with guidence and a few months of sleeping on dirt, he learnt how to hold it back from the breaking point.

As their son had grown they taught him the arts too, balance, theatrical falls, how to gauge the reactions of the crowd, and how to live a good life even if you moved around alot. He played with the other kids of the canival, growing and changng wth him. Until he was ten that is, then the grl he had known since birth began to grow in ways he found much more interesting then his own.

In too many years for their mothers comfort, the two were married at 16 and participated fully in the work of their parents; he juggling and breathing great bouts of fire, her an animal trainer of the owners twelve white prancing horses. It was heaven for them both, and after only a year they had a son. Life was good, and had been good for seven years, so it didn't matter to them or their families that carnies were shunned and were rarely able to leave the safety of the carnival, for no one wanted to.

Then it all began a nightmare.

Tobias woke to his trailer door in flames, screaming and yelling rising from other trailers, just as his own did when he began shouting for his son, and shaking his wife awake. Together they ran from the doomed home into the bright light of the firey night. Friends were on fre or being beaten by a mob of fanatics, men filled with drunk and bad ideas. Shoving his family away from himself he yelled at them to get to safety, pointed towards the woods, tried to convey how important it was; but when he turned around to face that mob, he knew his wife was already calling the horses, and animals, and people. It was a rally call to all. It was the call of their own doom.

Scooping up a bottle of alcohol with his left hand, his right burst into flame and he raised them slowly to his lips. "Good-bye my love..." He whispered before taking a swig and spewing streams of fire at the mad men coming toward them.

When the battle was over and not a soul standing, a hush drifted over the smoking ruins that once held life. It was broken by coughs, gasps, and groans as those not dead slowly realized that. Tobias awoke coughing and feeling the cuts, bruises and broken bones he remembered before a blast had rendered him unconcious. Hope flared inside him for a breif moment before guttering and dying leaving more then just the taste of ashes in his mouth. He rose unsteadily to his feet and saw some others dong the same, which cause a bitter sob to escape his throat. His wife wouldn't rise again. He had seen her taken through the heart by an arrow. His son wouldn't rise again. He had seen him killed by a blow to the head. His parents wouldn't rise again. He had seen them hung before he could stop it. All of it before he could stop it.

In that last thought, every emotion died inside him and he couldn't even let loose the wail of despair that plauged his mind. All he could do was move away. Get away from the memories. He picked through some rubble near his house and found the emergency pack they kept stashed under the trailer. Too late. He let the burnt things drop, and was left with only a couple days worth of food, a bundle of twine, his wifes second favorite necklace, and his sons favorite sling shot. He stared at the last two with dead eyes, scared of what to do with them. Finally he decided and tucked them into the pack, then left without a word to anyone. They knew, or would know. It didn't matter if they understood.

Looks: 6'1, pitch black hair, green eyes and slim. View attachment 13500

Other: ((I'll be developng him as he goes is about all. And sorry for the non-anime pic, but they never seem to fit what I'm looking for in guy chars))
Awesome accepted both of you! :) will start the rp tomorrow! So be ready! We will basically create the story from scratch I will describe the base terrain and such but what you make of it is your own imagination.

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