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Realistic or Modern Lakeside

a writer

Eight childhood friends.

One old lake house.

Romance. Drama. Secrets.​


When eight childhood friends reunite at their old holiday home, things are about to get interesting. Old arguments will arise, and new relationships will form. But whatever happens, this is you summer.

Live it.​

Beck is driven up to the house in his personal car, it was just a black car with a chauffeur. It bumps and shakes along the dirt road as it approaches the house,

"So, sir, this will be fun for you, yes?" Asks Antoine, the driver,

"Yeah, it should be, I just hope I don't screw anything up with Caroline." Beck says followed by a huff,

"It should be alright sir, I trust that everything will go fine." Antoine says, he glances at the nervous Beck in the rear view mirror. Beck stares out the window as he contemplates what he's going to do, who he's going to talk to, and what to say to everyone. Beck made sure to pack all of his music and his good clothes, as well as his acoustic guitar. They finally pull up to the house to find that they are the first ones there,

"I hope this sin't a prank." Beck says as he gets out of the car, he looks around at the lake and memories come flooding back. He walks up to the door and tries to open it to no avail, he then starts searching for a key or something to unlock the door. Beck is definitely going to get the bedroom that him and his friends deemed "Bedroom #4", Beck always enjoyed that room.​
[First Posts!]

Indigo Harper Fennick

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"I'll see you soon, yeah?" Harper gave her mother a quick peck on the cheek. "Call me when you get there!" Her mother called as the girl trollied her last bag down the drive the the car. It was red mini, the boot piled high with bags of clothes and shoes and general stuff. She wore her black hair in a braid, flashing the odd turquoise stripe she had dyed and her choice of autumnal clothing shielded her from a cutting autumn breeze. Pulling away from her drive, she stuck in her favourite cd and got ready for the long journey.

It was several hours before she pulled onto the drive of the Lakehouse. She pondered on it, feeling her heart skip as the thought of her old friends. She'd changed so much. Her braces had come out, her hair been streaked turquoise, her curves filled out, her face was less chubby and her figure was... well, Indigo was pleased to say she was kind of good looking for once. The girl pulled onto the gravel drive, her mouth dry. She was shaking slightly.
What if they don't remember me? What if they hate me! she tried to calm herself by calling her mum, and waited for the others to arrive.

When the posh looking car drove up, Indie watched and waited. Beck- no... in a car like that? But it was. Indigo smiled at the sight of him, her fears disappearing. Once he went inside she followed - giving a quick hello to his driver - before heading in. She traipsed up the stairs to her room, number 1. Across the hall, she could hear Beck moving about. Deciding to say hello, the teen knocked on the door and waited.
The wind ran through his already messy black hair as he had rolled the windows of his Porsche down. The engine roared as he was pretty sure violating the speed limit, but the boy inside the car was oblivious to this. Punk and screamo music followed eachother up, with ocassionally a emo song in between. Even though many years had past his music taste had stayed quite the same. His personality had not really changed much either, except for the fact that he now was convinced of the fact that society was fucked up in stead of only guessing it. He had to slam the break down hard as he already had reached the desinated turn to pull up to the lake house.

His dark brown eyes took in the big house, that hadn't changed much at all as he was driving much slower. The scenery was so serene compared to the loud music that came out of his car. A soft smile lay upon his face as excitement as well as nerves washed through his body. He could already see some of his old friends standing by the house and sure had they changed and yet not at all. With an awkward feeling he parked his silver Porsche Carrera 4S. One of the latest very expensive gifts he had gotten from his stepdad, who still seemed convinced he could turn the boy around. He turned down the music slowly as he opened the car door. A soft breeze played over the naked skin of his well toned torso once he had gotten out of the car. He bit his lip as he grabbed the sport bag with the few belongings he had taken with him which mostly consisted of notebooks, pencils, pens and other art supplies. The car beeped softly as he closed the doors by a push on the button, before making his way over to the door, waiting for some else to start a conversation. Also that hadn't changed over the past few years. Skygge Vuori was still a quiet and silent boy in situations when it was hard to foresee how things would go

Beck gets finished checking some of the decorative rocks around the door of the house to see if any of them were fake and contained a key, they were, in fact, very real. He stands and turns to face his fellow friends,

"Oh hey there guys, it's great to see you-" His sentence was cut short as he noticed the shirtless "bad boy" standing amongst Beck and Harper,

"Bloody hell! How can you be dressed like that?! It's in the middle of September!" Beck exclaims, he couldn't believe that someone decided to not wear a shirt at this time of the year. Beck shakes his head,

"Whatever, it's nice to see you two again." He says with a smile, Beck wasn't nervous about meeting his friends, he was nervous about meeting Caroline. In fact, Beck even hoped that she simply forgot to come and didn't show up, but Beck's not stupid, he knows she'll be there. When she does arrive, Beck will be ready to talk to her, he even has a conversation or two planned out in his head, waiting to be commenced.​
Cam was talking to his parents on the phone using the Bluetooth feature in his car. Talking to them helped his nerves that had been going haywire with excitement and worry at the same time. He wouldn’t show it, but he was trying to see if his parents thought he had changed at all. He didn’t think he was too different since last seeing his friends, besides probably being a bit taller, more toned, his hairstyle and now being strictly clean shaven. That wasn’t too much right?

After a quick, “Love you mom and dad, I’ll see you when I get home.” He hung up the phone to spend the last thirty minutes down memory lane. He was remembering the fun he had with his friends at this very same lake house and was hoping that it would still be a place of such happiness. That lead him into wonder, What if I’m too different now? What if they don’t want to talk to me? God this is more stressful than pre-game warmups. Of course it was, it was more important than any game could ever be. He missed his friends that much.

Finally pulling up to the lake house, he saw a few cars already parked outside and his excitement got the better of him. He parked his Infiniti and grabbed his bags of clothes, footballs, and other things that he thought he would need. Walking into the house he took a deep breath and just let out a loud, “Hey! I’m home!” Hopefully that would be received well by everyone, it sure made him smile.
Indie smiled at Beck, Sky and Cam as they gathered in the kitchen. She grinned at the each, hardly containing her excitement, before she just flung her arms around them each. "God, it is so to see you guys!" she squealed, "You all look so... different! In a good way, I mean, different can be good. I'm not saying it isn't bu-" she faltered, feeling red in the face. "Sorry, I ramble loads." Indie stared at the ground, clicking her the heels of her boots together lightly. "Um... so I guess we should be unpacked?" she muttered. "I'm going to go grab my bags, I can grab some for someone if they want me to." She offered with a small smile, before striding out into the drive.

Her bags, of which there were several, she struggled to hold. "Um.." She sighed, trying to pick them all up. "Help?" she muttered.

Antoine gets out of the car and assists Harper with her bags, after getting them inside, he walks back out and unloads Beck's bags. Beck even helps Antoine get his own bags inside, the chauffeur then bids everyone his goodbye,

"Goodbye everyone, I hope to see you soon, sir." He says to Beck before returning to the car and driving away. Beck waves at him as he drives off before returning to the kitchen where everyone was,

"Well, first thing's first, I get bedroom number four." He simply states before starting the journey of carrying his bags up to the bedroom that he called,

"Whenever I get done with this, we can put on a movie or somethin'." Beck states before disappearing up the stairs.​
Skygge had to say he was amused by the reaction of Beck, whom had changed, but still was the same geek boy he had always been. He shrugged softly at the comment about his attire and the time of the year, but before he could say anything others arrived. He took a step back as conversations started and were cut half way through by arrival of others. He fidgeted with the little bands around his wrists that were his silent reminders of the many festivals he had went to, as well as a great way to cover up the old, and some slightly newer, scars. He just watched how a male helped everyone with their bags, before moving inside with the others. Even though this were his old friends, he would still need some time warming up to them again after all these time. If he had to be honest he was only looking forward to seeing one person again, the only person he had ever felt that would truly understand him, their goth girl Cara.
Cam hugs Indigo happily and her excitement is contagious for him. He starts getting pumped up seeing her so genuinely happy to see everyone and he was glad he wasn't the only one. Letting out a small chuckle as she tripped over her words, he simply replied, "Well I think you look great too. Not that you ever didn't look good." He tried to recover from that. Especially to me. My god she's more beautiful than I remember. Snapping out of it, he realized that a stranger had already helped bring in her bags. He was somewhat relieved, not wanting to make it seem like he was obsessed or anything. "I'll take whatever room's left over, if you guys need or want help, let me know." He said as he made his way over to the shirtless Skygge since he hadn't heard his voice yet. "Bro, you look ripped."
Caroline gave a quiet sigh as her fingers drummed against the steering wheel of her black 1994 Nissan Altima, the car clunking down the dirt road, engine a constant hum. It'd been so long since she'd seen her old group of friends and, admittedly she was a mix between excited and nervous. It was hard not to be. Pulling up to the lake house, she inhaled deeply, parked her car, and fished her phone out of her pocket to check the time. She pulled her gaze back up and her eyes did a quick sweep of the area -- cars were already parked by the lake house, so some of the gang members must have already arrived. Anxiety welled within her chest, and she allowed her head to lay back against the head rest, her eyelids peeling closed as she blew out another sigh. She shook her head. Once her heart rate became bearable, she climbed out from her car and hastily swiped up her bags, wary to keep her cello stashed away in the back of her car for the time being. No going back now, she thought.

She shuffled her way up to the house and entered, gripping her bag handles a bit tighter once her hands started to become slick with sweat. A smile grew wide onto her face as she saw her old friends, and she greeted them with a soft "Hey."
Skygge stood leaning against the wall, keeping close to his friends yet still distance. He almost seemed surprised when someone talked to him directly. Back in the years the conversations mostly went on between the more popular girls and boys of their group, at least they set the tone of their group, htough they had never let someone feel left out. He had certainly liked that group, though he wasn't sure if they were still the same. "Thanks, hitting the sportschool was necessary, because you can't inkt a skinny body" He spoke, though that was just his genuine opinion. He observed Cam a bit more, he had always been muscular thanks to the sports. Just as he opened his mouth to make a comment back a soft voice behind him took his attention and he spun around. Several emotions and reaction went through his mind as well as guilt for suddenly abandoning Cam like that. However he was sure the male would understand. "Cara..." He eventually said softly, not knowing anything more. They used to be very close, like almost siamese twin close. They had showed eachother things, dreams and wishes they had never shared with anyone else. He had tried dating after her, but he had never found that connection with anyone else again. Without allowing himself any further hesitation he stepped forward, softly taking her hand and kissing the back of it. A greeting they had started years ago, their little sign of affection. Others had laughed at it and ridiculed it, but they had not cared about that. "I missed your music" He whispered truthfully

Beck was nearly at the top step, he had made the mistake of carrying the heaviest bags up to his room first. His arms were stuck on the step behind the one he was on which caused him to lean back, nearly to the point of falling over,

"Oh fuck." He simply states as he teeters between injury and success. Beck finally decides to use any momentum that he could to push himself upward and onto the last step, leaving him scotch-free of any injury whatsoever. Beck suddenly curves his arms back before bringing them forward and straightening them out, the bags were lifted with the motion of his arms, but this near-success was cut short as the bags caught the edge of the step, causing Beck to move backwards instead of forwards,

"OH FUCK!" Beck screams as he is sent tumbling down the stairs and into the hallway, his bags land right beside him, all of his progress, gone,

"Ugh..." He moans in defeat.​
Cam just nodded to what Skygge had said. Seeing his reaction as Caroline walked in, Cam knew it would be best to let the two have their moment. They all had plenty of time to catch up anyway. He silently backed up and waved to Caroline with a smile before he grabbed his bags and moved them into the living room. He decided to sit on the couch for a few minutes and let things set in as he waited for the rooms to be filled up since he said he would put his stuff into whatever room was left over.

(Sorry, edit.) Hearing the loud thud, he ran out to the stairs to see Beck laying there surrounded by his bags. He reached his hand out to help pull Beck up. "You alright? Let me help you out."
Caroline returned the smile to Cam, setting down a handful of bags to wave to him, before her attention fell back onto the person before her. "Sky," Cara murmured and smiled. She could feel her face begin to burn a red when he grabbed her hand and pressed it to his lips. The familiar gesture sweetened her expression a bit, her smile widening. Hearing his next words, she couldn't help but squeeze her arms around him -- however, the hug was short-lived.

Startled, Cara dropped her bags and darted off to where she'd thought the scream and thuds came from. At the bottom of the staircase was a moaning Beck, bags scattered all around him, and Caroline hastened to his side. "Beck, are you hurt?"

Beck grabs Cam's hand and pulls himself up, that fall really made Beck sore,

"Hey, thanks. Those stairs must have a grudge on me or something." Beck says followed by a small chuckle. It didn't take him long to realize that Caroline had arrived, he turns to her and smiles,

"No, probably because you're here." Beck gives her a hug, a friendly hug, but a hug nevertheless,

"It's so great to see you!" Beck says, he was practically a giant compared to Caroline, but he thought his height was a comical thing,

"I have so much to talk to you about!" Beck says with an enthusiastic look on his face. Obviously, Beck wasn't going to tell her "the thing" just yet, she's just arrived, Beck should wait a couple of days so they can catch up and actually warm up to each other again before he touches upon the subject of his passion. Beck was happy that Caroline was there, and there was no doubt about that.​
Skygge let out a soft sigh as he felt the familiar arms close around him, though she had pulled away before he could return the hug. Alarmed by the sounds and scream he moved after the girl. Biting his lip when he noticed Beck at the bottom of the stairs with his bags scattered around him. He had to fight back a laugh, since this was quite typical for the boy to happen. "Fourth room was it right?" He asked, even though he already knew. He swallowed when Beck suddenly got all friendly towards Caroline. Quickly he took the bags in his hand and started to walk up the stairs to at least make himself usefull that way. It was not like there was still something between him and Caroline, right? That relationship ended years ago...
Beaming a grin, Cara gladly returned the hug. "It's great to see you, too, Beck," she replied, having to crane her neck far back to be able to make eye contact with the man. She tucked away a clump of loose strands and motioned to her ear. "I'm all ears." Remembrance of abandoning the conversation with Sky earlier made her chew on the inside of her cheek, and her gaze quickly jumped around the room to seek him out. She shot Sky an apologetic look and gave a nod, hoping that he'd understand she wanted to speak later. Putting a small smile back onto her face, she looked back to Beck. "Well, hopefully my clumsiness hasn't rubbed off on you."

Beck chuckles, he shakes his head before holding up his hands,

"Hey, I think you have that the wrong way around, I hope my clumsiness doesn't rub off on you." Beck lets out a small laugh before looking around and noticing that his bags were gone,

"Huh, ah, shit. I should go help Sky, that last step is tricky. We can catch up whenevr I'm done getting settled in,I can help you get settled in if you need any." He says before darting up the stairs and helping Sky with some of the bags,

"I still find it hard to believe that you're shirtless." Beck says, another head shake occurs as he sets his stuff in his room,

"Anyways, thanks for helping me. You can go hang out with your girlfriend I guess." Beck says with a smile as he remarks the relationship between Sky and Caroline, Beck didn't think that they were anything more than friends, and he had forgotten about the relationship that tried to happen a while back. Beck returns downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink and chat with Caroline a little bit.​
Skygge shook his head in reaction to Cara's apologetic look. It wasn't her fault anyway, more the sudden enthusiasm of Beck. He tilted his head to indicate he would be all ears to whatever she wanted to talk about later. They had mastered this silent talk back in school when they wanted their privacy or had things they wanted to tell or show with no one around. It was nice to know the connection was still there between them even after all those years.

"Well I am used to the Norwegian winters and it is easier with work" Skygge commented when Beck started about him not wearing a shirt again. Also it seemed to piss of his stepdad a lot, which was originally the reason, plus showing off the tattoo of course. Gradually he had gotten used to it and now he hardly ever wore a shirt. Allong with Becks bags he had also moved his own bag upstairs, though he had not moved it yet into a room, just left it in front of the second room. It was the biggest and the only one with two beds, which he used to occupy with Caroline. He however had no idea whether she still was up for that. The reason they had always chosen that room was the soundproof room that was attached to it. Perfect if you wanted to play music without anyone else knowing.

"Don't mention it. I love to help" He replied as Back thanked him. He didn't say anything about the girlfriend part though. The end of their relationship had been a bit blurry, just as the start. He sat down in one in the comfortable armchairs and pulled up his legs, practically curling himself up in the chair.
He chuckled a bit at Beck's remark. "No problem. The stairs must be mad that we've been away for so long." Although he felt bad about Beck falling down the stairs, he seemed to be uninjured, so he didn't pursue it further. The whole incident actually brought a familiar feeling back to Cam, since this sort of thing used to happen a lot when they all hung out. Smiling to himself at the memory, he watched Sky run up the stairs with Beck's bags with Beck following a few minutes later. When Beck returned to the area and Sky nowhere to be found, Cam found it a bit awkward but thought Sky was most likely setting his stuff down. He decided to see if Indie needed help bringing the bags from downstairs to whichever room she decided that she wanted. Besides, he would probably see Sky once he got up there. He made his way over to her and motioned to her bags, "Do you want help with all of these? May as well make it a one trip task rather than a two trip."

Mackenzie Little

Driveway -> Hall

"Wake up, whatever your name is,"
an unfamiliar voice moaned. "C'mon, we're leaving soon, whether you get off or not. Wake up."

Mac found herself rolling then falling and... "Gah! Damn it! What was that--" She stopped herself, opened her eyes, looked down and then up. Below her was the ground, beside her was a folded-down RV bed and above her was a once-kindly but now rather irritated traveler that had let her hitchhike on the way to the house. "Oh, sorry," she stammered and struggled to her feet, adjusting her slipping aviators back into position in the process. "I guess my alarm didn't go off?" Hastily she pulled her belongings together and climbed off the RV. It sped away without even a goodbye - Oh, right, I was supposed to pay them, wasn't I? Mac thought and smirked. I guess I'm not going to. She could hear voices near the lakeside house - Or was it a cottage? She couldn't tell the difference - Or perhaps inside. "I guess I'm late," she muttered and started heading toward the house.

After a long walk down the incredibly long driveway, Mac reached for the door handle and twisted it, only to find it hadn't been properly closed. Convenient, she thought and slipped in - She took off her boots and set them neatly beside the door. Mac glanced around and took in the area around her... It was incredible, what some people could afford. She'd been living in a single bedroom apartment with the most minimal amenities for the past few years, so staying somewhere nice was a breath of fresh air.

But would there be anywhere she could put her gaming stuff? She'd probably just hole herself up in whatever room had a TV, if there even was one, though judging by the rest of the house, there should be one. "Where are the people?" Mac shouted, hoping for a response. "Or am I in the wrong fancy house?"

(At whoever wants to respond. Oh, and lemme know if anything doesn't work, because things can be changed.)

(Sorry I took a while to put up a post... I was either really busy or just asleep all of yesterday, and I was having trouble inspiration-wise earlier today. But now I'm good~)​

Beck was glad to see that more of his friends were arriving, he walks over to the fridge and opens it to find it fully stocked,

"Hm, this seems pleasing." He says before taking a Sprite out of the fridge and walking over to Caroline,

"So, how've you been?" Beck asks as he opens his Sprite and takes a long sip. Lately, Beck had received a large fortune from the uncle of a dear friend, the uncle loved to have Beck over at his house and left 75% of his money to Beck for giving him a fun-filled life, the uncle was sadly struck by a bus while going to visit a relative who works at a Burlesque house,

"I suspect that things have been well, am I right?" Beck asks before taking another sip of the Sprite.​
"All over the place" Skygge yelled as reply to the newest voice. Yes, slowly he was getting out of his shell. THIS were after all his friends, the people he had trusted with so much already. He walked over towards the hallway, smiling at the girl that had entered. His eyes started sparkling a bit as he noticed the gaming devices, since on first inspection that seemed to be missing in the house. "Need some help with the stuff, Mac?" He offered as he walked over towards her.

He grinned at Cam, who was already offering his services to Indie. "So, how has life treated you?" He asked as he remembered their earlier conversation. He would catch up with Cara later, she didn't seem to be around anyway. She was probably off somewhere with Beck and that made him frown a little again. What was up with that guy anyway, ever since they have arrived he seemed to be all over Caroline. He shook the thoughts away, it would probably clear out eventually.

Indigo Harper Finnick


Indie smiled at Cam's words, feeling her face flush pink, and returned to moving her bags about. She had just about got them into the hall, and thanked Beck's driver, when her mouth felt parched with effort. "God I should probably be stronger for an athelete," she shook her head, trying to get the whisps of hair from her face. "Well, I guess I haven't drunk for about... since I woke up I guess." the girl muttered to herself. She decided to focus on something else, to keep her head focused. What about... meeting everyone? No, that was a bit embarrasing.... oh, what about Cam's comment? I mean, he said I looked good! Her mind went slightly fuzzy and she smiled. No! Snap Out Of It! Indie scolded herself. She continued dragging the bags, when she heard a familiar voice. Cam! Her heart thudded and she smiled weakly. "Yeah, that's be awesome." She smiled, handing him one of the cases. She began dragging it up the stairs when Sky started up a conversation with Cam. Indie halted, before moving on. "Um.. don't worry Cam, I'm sure you'd rather catch up. I'll just take them up myself." She smiled at Cam, and Sky, before hauling the first case up the stairs. She was at the landing when her boot heel slipped on the cool marble staircase and she landed with a heavy thump. "Aw, my butt!" she groaned.

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