Elle Joyner
Fracturer of Fairytales
This character is for the RP https://www.rpnation.com/threads/chivalry-a-pilgrimage.89503/] Chivalry: The Pilgrimage[/url]. Feedback is welcome, but please remain constructive!
~ Lady Brien Fromm ~
~ Lady Brien Fromm ~
The Eastern Fire
Gabrienna Anleigh Fromm
Gender: Female
Fairest ivory is the canvas upon which Gabrienna Fromm is painted, with features far more delicate than her disposition might suggest. Long curls of ebony hang to the middle of her shoulder blades, the style of which is typically a plait. Under thick lashes are pale green eyes, the color of the field of Machtigen in fall, containing a depth of wisdom beyond her youth. Full pink lips, gently bowed and straight, even teeth make up her mouth, and a narrow, round nose complete the image.
Her form is thin, her musculature strong, but feminine. Her waist narrows in the middle, with hips and bust well endowed. Her limbs are long and lean, ending in graceful hands and feet.
Her armor is of Roman design - metal breast and shoulder plates and gauntlets, a red leather apron, a thick maroon tunic of wool beneath thin mail, dark leather chausses and black boots.
Social Class: Gentry
Province: Mächtigen Schild
Weapon: A expertly crafted arming sword, roughly 33" from point to grip - a long, blood red hilt centered with gold filigree and a double fuller cross section. The blade is sheathed in a poplar heater shield, plated in metal. In her boot is a long, thin knife. While she does not carry one on her person she is also skilled with a staff and has been known to utilize anything within her general vicinity as a weapon, if necessary.
- Greatest Strength: Her unerring devotion to anything she puts her mind to. She will never give in or give up. Those things to which she sets her mind are fixed... no matter how improbable.
- Greatest Weakness: Her determination and resolve occasionally come across as stoic and frigid and she lacks a lighthearted quality often attributed to one so young.
Mount: A black Friesian draft horse, sixteen hands high. Well-broken, even tempered and extremely loyal. The horse was rescued during the Black War from enemy soldiers and has since remained a faithful companion of Brien.
Canticlar: Brien has never been impressed with the piety of the Canticlar Order, preferring a more private measure of devotion herself. She finds them at best showy and pretentious, at worst, hypocritical and dangerous.
Leonhart: The Leonhart Order, to Brien is unequivocally ridiculous, their pompous, flamboyant manners bordering on foolishness. Still, despite her lack of enthusiasm for her neighbors to the west, she bears no animosity towards them.
The Dragons: Brien is both awed and frightened by the dragons, having grown up on the legends of their infamous beginning and man's triumph over their infamy. Their unprecedented aid in the Black War only helped to cement her duel minded opinion.
________________________________________________Quirks, Proclivities and Soft Spots
An effect of the expectations pressed upon her in her youth, Brien has become something of a perfectionist. She takes great pride in her accomplishments, but is greatly troubled by failure. On such occasions, however rare, she has been known to be indulgent and under the influence of strong drink is prone to tendencies of brashness - not limited to but largely centered around brawling and extremely loud singing.
In battle, Brien never wears her hair plaited - this is strictly a matter of vanity. She fears having the braid cut off, resulting in what she imagines to be the loss of her one girlish feature.
While not common knowledge, Brien has a tender disposition towards children. Having grown up quicker than most, she enjoys the freedom she sees in the young and spirited and cannot abide the mistreatment of them, for any reason.
You would be hard pressed to find a more persevering, determined sort in the whole of Mächtigen Schild Province, something Brien prides herself on. She is of noble mind, possessed of a strong code of honor and sense of morality, and this is the very thing which drives her. It is also the thing which can, at times prove her detriment. She is benevolent, but not without fault - believing strongly in justice, occasionally to the point of seeking vengeance. She is gifted in combat, particularly with a longsword or staff, a magnificent rider and can, to her credit, drink more men under the table (though she rarely caves to the temptation).
Despite her upbringing, or perhaps in spite of it, Brien harbors no ill-will towards her family. Strength and honor were, after-all, the Fromm way, as much as the Vinovil way.
Despite her stoicism, Brien can be, at times, quite passionate. She is generally uncomfortable with the advances of the less-fair gender, however, and has yet, in her twenty-four years of life, found someone worthy of the arduous pursuit. Her platonic relationships are met with nearly unconditional loyalty and consideration.
Though rarely incensed, the fullest extend of her anger is both incredible and formidable, manifesting in an almost unworldly rage. Only twice has she succumb to this monumental fury - once, when witnessing the assault of a young girl from her village and again, during the war, upon the loss of her dearest comrade at arms.
- Greatest Strength: Her unerring devotion to anything she puts her mind to. She will never give in or give up. Those things to which she sets her mind are fixed... no matter how improbable.
The Coming of Ostfeurer
My name is Gabrienna Fromm and I am the only child of a man, desperate for a son. I am not, however and most contrary to those commonly in my position, a victim of my circumstances. What some would see as misfortune I see only as opportunity. I have both the skill and fortitude of a man and the graceful distinction of a woman. I am able both to hold my own in battle, a necessity of those of Vinoviloc patrimony, as well as exist in the more dignified milieu pertaining to a woman of a certain societal bend.
In other words, I am as perfectly knowledgeable about needlepoint as I am knowing where the pointed end of a sword goes.
This, I credit towards my parents; A father who most comprehensively willed a male child but could not produce one, and a mother who refused to allow her daughter to be raised all boy as punishment for her sex. I am in every way a product of two worlds and in my views, the better for it.
In my youth I was sent to a neighboring land where I was to receive my apprenticeship training as a knight. Several years later, war came... shattering Vinovilan. I was barely eighteen when I was called to take up post on the front lines. We were not expected to survive, but I was proud to do my duty and I served my land with fervor.
Of my small brigade, only three of us escaped with our lives. We were, for all intents and purposes, immediately advanced, under the merit of valor... and, to some degree, sheer dumb luck, into knighthood. In the light of Mächtigen Schild's veritable destruction,I honored my title to the fullest of my abilities, helping to rebuild and protect what was left of my home. In time forged quite the reputation. Some, I've heard, though rumors are rarely completely accurate, refer to me as Ostfeuer... Eastern Fire
Soon I will begin the Pilgrimage - Mächtigen Schild is healing, slowly, but there is very little left there for me. Only time will tell what might come of my journey, I can only hope to bring justice to that title and honor the knighthood I have since birth been called to.