• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic 「ł₮’₴ ₳ⱠⱠ ł₦ ɎØɄⱤ ⱧɆ₳Đ」| Characters



Junior Member
[class=heading]font-size: 20px; font-weight: 700; color: #7E191B; display: inline; text-shadow: 2px 2px #000000;[/class][div class=heading]
Character Sheet
[div class=container][div class=textbox][div class=heading]Name

[div class=heading]Age[/div]
[div class=heading]Height/Weight[/div]
[div class=heading]Body Type[/div]
[div class=heading]Appearance[/div]It doesn't matter if it's a real picture, art, or a description.
[div class=heading]Powers[/div] Please give a detailed (at least one paragraph) explanation of the characters powers including an explanation of the downside/cost of their power. It doesn't have to be fatal to them but has to at least affect them to some degree.
[div class=heading]Personality[/div] This doesn't have to be super detailed but enough to give me a picture of how your character would act.
[div class=heading]Biography[/div] I prefer that these be 2 paragraphs or more.

[div class=heading]Notable Features[/div] optional
You can add more categories for your CS but please at least include all of the information listed above.
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(plus all the other css properties)

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Body Type
Appearance: It doesn't matter if it's a real picture, art, or a description.
Powers: Please give a detailed (at least one paragraph) explanation of the characters powers including an explanation of the downside/cost of their power. It doesn't have to be fatal to them but has to at least affect them to some degree.
Personality: This doesn't have to be super detailed but enough to give me a picture of how your character would act.
Biography: I prefer that these be 2 paragraphs or more.
Notable features: optional
You can add more categories for your CS but please at least include all of the information listed above.

  • 1573108647971.png Name: Kira Fraser
    Age: 18
    Height/Weight: 5'5" | 130 lbs
    Body Type: Slim and toned, less muscle but more endurance
    Eye Color: Really dark brown/Black
    Hair Color: Light Brown

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[div class=title]June Levesque.[/div]
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[div class="sub tabsContent tabsContent1"]basics.[/div]
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[div class="sub tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display:none;"]gallery.[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=textcontainer][div class=text][div class=tag]name[/div]Jaejoon Levesque

[div class=tag]nickname[/div]june

[div class=tag]age[/div]21

[div class=tag]gender[/div]male

[div class=tag]sexuality[/div]heterosexual

[div class=tag]power[/div]blood manipulation

[div class=tag]occupation[/div]bartender + barista

[div class=tag]hair color[/div]black

[div class=tag]eye color[/div]dark brown

[div class=tag]height[/div]6' 1"

[div class=tag]weight[/div]193 lbs

[div class=tag]body type[/div]mesomorph

[div class=tag]body mods[/div]a full sleeve of tattoos, septum and nose piercings, and several ear piercings

[div class=tag]notable features[/div]Intimidating eyebrows, big hands, a nasty glare, and a deep voice.
[div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none;"][div class=textcontainer][div class=text][div class=tag]personality[/div]June's got an attitude and he knows it. Whether it's due to his hatred of small talk, his inability to think any better than the worst of people, or his introverted nature, he won't hesitate to shut down any attempt at pleasantries sent his way. He's got a ridiculously dry sense of humor and can roast anyone and their mothers if need be. Despite all of this, however, he will always choose to simply not interact with people in the first place, keeping his headphones in and the hood of his hoodie up.

To those he considers friends, June is (probably---it's hard to tell sometimes) a loyal, loving companion at heart, hiding beneath several layers of asshole due to his social phobia. He cares deeply about those close to him and will show his love in nonverbal ways. On top of this, he's a bit of a goof with a dopey smile who loves cats and music more than anything else in the world ("go ahead and pinch my cheeks. you might lose a finger, but you can still try").

[div class=tag]likes[/div]Swearing, silence, sleeping, music, sweaters that are too big for him, kittens, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and politics.

[div class=tag]dislikes[/div]Being forced into social situations (you will probably be sworn at), being woken up before his alarm (you will definitely be sworn at), physical affection, clinginess, heart to hearts, and any sport involving a ball.

[div class=tag]strengths[/div]Good at staying off the radar, responsible, organized, levelheaded despite his harsh words ("i'm an asshole, not an angry asshole"), a good singer, an even better dancer, somewhat of a polyglot ("as if you'd be able to fact check it. fuck right off"), fairly good at fixing anything that's broken, and can effortlessly kill anyone's self-esteem.

[div class=tag]weaknesses[/div]Being shy until he's not, finding a bone to pick with anyone, inability to cope with feelings ("why would i when i can just bottle that shit right up"), never being able to cry, somewhat awkward in uncomfortable situations, physically fit but not incredibly strong, and can be a bit of a dick at all times.

[div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none;"][div class=textcontainer][div class=text][div class=tag]power[/div]June can manipulate blood at will in three specific ways:
  • He can employ any exposed blood (blood banks, corpses, fresh wounds, etc.) for various applications, such as creating a defensive barrier, drowning targets, building haemokinetic weapons, or shooting at high speeds. If there is no fresh blood in the vicinity, June can create a cut on his own skin and use the resulting wound as a supply while regenerating the blood cells in his body. This method, however, causes severe physical strain if used for extreme purposes, as the loss rate will greatly exceed the regeneration rate.
  • An alternative to using exposed blood, June can manipulate the blood within the bodies of others to an extremely limited extent. He cannot create or destroy the blood cell count in others, but he can will it to rush to certain areas of the body. For example, he may reverse the flow of blood to cause unconsciousness in a target. This usage of his power is far more taxing on his health, as it involves working through the barrier of flesh and drains his energy after a mere couple of uses.
  • The final method of wielding his power lies in drawing symbols with blood, and is considered to be a last resort. Using any type of liquid blood available, June can draw symbols that have various effects. These symbols will usually arrive to him in a nightmare of some sort, revealing itself to him rather than the other way around due to their volatile nature. For example, placing a destruction emblem on an object will cause it to blow up. Similarly, drawing a transformation emblem on an object will cause it to shift into a different object of equal mass. A sealing emblem will render any object unable to be opened by anyone except him. He has only discovered a few of these symbols and their effects, namely due to the fact that the consequences of drawing upon the life energy in blood in this way are severe and can be lethal if experimented with carelessly.

[div class=tag]biography[/div]June spent the first eight years of his life in Dubai with his wealthy uncle and cousins, but moved to Toronto once his parents' visas came through. He grew up with a large family who gave him the classic "youngest cousin" treatment, which only fueled his social anxiety once he got to middle school. It also taught him to fire a comeback on the spot, however, so he supposes it could have been worse ("ha, who says im a pessimist? i'll fuck 'em up"). He grew up self-studying every day, picking up whatever skill he was interested in at the time while staying on top of his grades and graduating in the top 10.

Throughout his school years, June was arrested multiple times for several offences, from drug use and piracy, to vandalism and destruction of property. None of them got him any jail time, but his record was nothing to be proud of ("i'm not saying im not proud of it, though"). He dated a girl for 2 years in high school before he got arrested again for dealing illicit substances and broke it off with her, knowing he would be spending a lot of time away from home. June spent a year in a juvenile detention center and several months in court before he landed a job as a full-time barista and bartender at a coffee shop in Austin, Texas, where he maintains a low profile and generally keeps to himself.

[div class=tag]miscellaneous[/div]He's a bit of a grandpa when it comes to his dating life, preferring acts of service and lavish gifts over verbal affirmations. He'd probably pretend he didn't hear you if you spilled your heart to him unsolicited ("who wants to hear that? no one. no one wants to hear that. go talk to a therapist, weirdo").

[div class=tag]theme song[/div]howlin' 404 by DEAN

[div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none;"][div class=textcontainer][div class=text][div class=tag]gallery[/div]











[div class=tag]attire[/div]





[/div][div class=credit]code by sox sox [/div]
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[div class="heading heading6 show"]Cyrah Rae Arden
[div class="heading heading1"]basics[/div] [div class="heading heading2"]looks[/div] [div class="heading heading3"]psyche[/div] [div class="heading heading4"]history[/div] [div class="heading heading5"]powers[/div]
[div class="tabContents tabContents06 show"]
[div class="tabContents tabContents01"]
[div class=tag]name
Cyrah Rae Arden
[div class=tag]nickname[/div]”cy” or “rae”
[div class=tag]age[/div]19
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div]heterosexual
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[div class=tag]height
[div class=tag]weight[/div]115 lbs.
[div class=tag]eyes[/div]blue
[div class=tag]hair[/div]blonde with a few streaks of white
[div class=tag]notable features[/div]she has a white patch near her hairline as well as some white strands of hair due to vitiligo [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"]
[div class=tag]personality
ambitious, determined, diligent, stubborn, arrogant, cocky, has a horrible temper & is easily angered
[div class=tag]likes[/div]winning, beating her brothers, leggings (she practically lives in them)
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div]anything below 1st place, being compared to her brothers
[div class=tag]etc.[/div] info. [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"]
[div class=tag]biography
Cyrah grew up in an extremely privileged family in Beverly Hills. Her father was an Olympian and a famous actor, her three brothers were also extremely athletic and had many athletic achievements. She grew up always being compared to them, sometimes her father would congratulate her for winning first place in something and then go on to talk about how many more first place wins each of her older brothers had, sometimes teachers would praise for her straight A's and then proceed to say that they had higher expectations of her because her brother(s) had A+'s. She felt as if she was constantly under the shadow of her brothers' legacies. No matter how many medals she won or how many A's she got, she could never seem to surpass her brothers. This cultivated resent toward her brothers in her but also awoke her competitive nature. Soon, Cyrah realized that she had to be strong in the areas that her brothers were weak. Her brothers played football, baseball, and volleyball and were on the US National Team for their various sports so she quit softball and volleyball and decided to start gymnastics. Her brothers were straight A+ students and knowing she most likely wouldn't be able to exceed her brothers in the academic department, she decided to use her beauty to her advantage and began modeling. Her ambition and determination to surpass her brothers brought on the manifestation of her powers. One day, she was wishing that there was another of her that could do her homework for her so she could practice for the Lululemon audition and suddenly, a tingling feeling engulfed her body and then an exact copy of her appeared. The only difference was that this girl was more patient, diligent, and smarter than her. She let her twin do her homework while she went up to her room to practice to practice poses in Lululemon leggings. This became a common theme in her life, she would go out with friends while the other version of her went to gymnastics practice or go to modeling auditions while the other “her” stayed home and did homework. One day, one of her brothers picked “her” up from gymnastics and then found the real her at home. He reported this to a psychologist thinking he was going crazy but then the psychologist reported this to the government, hence how Cyrah ended up having to participate in the medical trial.
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[div class=tag]powers
Cyrah has the power of self duplication. When she is about to duplicate herself, she gets a tingling sensations all over her body like how your foot feels like when it falls asleep and her body will go numb for a second, then her duplicate will just appear before her. She can duplicate multiples of herself that have an emphasis/lean toward her strongest traits (both positive and negative). The two versions/copies of herself she uses the most are the smarter more focused version of her for academic things and the athletic, more fearless version fo her for gymnastics. It doesn’t take much energy to duplicate herself into these two versions of her because she has been doing it since she manifested and has a stronger connection with them. Occasionally, she will use the prettier version of her for modeling but because she doesn’t use that version of herself often, she has a harder time duplicating herself into that version. After three duplications, she will mostly duplicate versions of herself that forte in the negative sides of her (like her bad temper for example). The most she has every duplicated of herself was six times and she fainted from the effort it took. These multiples of her have their own brains and can act independently and think independently, they are basically Cyrah’s that each bring to life the strongest sides of her traits. When Cyrah duplicates herself, her personality/talents don’t get split, she stays the same and is unaffected. However, when she multiplies herself more than two times, they lose more of there independence, seem less human-like and more robotic and actually take a lot of energy to duplicate. When the versions of her complete their task, they disappear and their memories go to Cyrah’s mind. She can still separate which memories are hers and which memories are from her duplicates. Cyrah thinks about the multiples of her like her triplet sisters because they are identical to her in looks and mannerisms but have independent thoughts. Often times when Cyrah reaches an emotion climax, whether she’s super angry or super happy, she can sometimes multiply herself by accident (usually when she’s mad though). She can’t control what sort of version of her she multiplies herself into, whichever duplicate would be most beneficial to the situation will appear. [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div]
"my brothers are dogs, I’m the wolf”
[/div] [/div][/div][/div] https://www.rpnation.com/threads/𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘆-⧾-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻′𝘀-𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗽𝘆-𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲𝘀.454487/post-9951524[/div]
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Name: Sydney Allens
Age: 8
Height/Weight: 4'2"/50lbs
Body Type: Thin, short, just an overall small girl with not much fat on her bones.

Powers: Burning Gaze-

The user can increase the temperature of anything they look at. The increase is gradual. The user's eyes also raise in temperature, but are resistant to high temperatures. Not invincible, but resistant. Her eyes also usually heal from any damage they receive, faster than other parts of the body.

Drawbacks: The power deactivates when the user blinks. The user must be able to look at the target for it to work. The increase of temperature is gradual right now, but she may be able to make it faster as she practices it. Making an object too hot for her eyes to handle will cause temporary blindness for a day or so.

Other: The user sees in heat vision. For Sydney, she was diagnosed with supposed severe colour-graphemic synesthesia at an early age when she complained about how difficult it was for her to see some things, but other things were blindingly bright. She hates the cold, as it appears to her like pitch darkness.

Personality: Kind of a loner, really sweet and talkative when you get to know her. Secretly very lonely, so if she finds something different about you from other people, she might follow you around and try to be your friend.

Biography: Her single mom noticed that something was wrong when it was found that Sydney couldn't distinguish colours from each other, let alone see the things she was supposed to identify, like blocks and balls. How disinterested she was in tv, in picture books... Yet she wasn't blind. She could see her mother, she could see animals, she could see the stove, oddly enough. It was very hard to keep her away from the stove. No one seemed to note that as anything important, though. So, it was just thought that she had a unheard of form of colour-graphemic synesthesia, where instead of everything having a specific colour, the brain only chose to colour some things. When Sydney started school, her condition proved to be much more difficult to cope with than it had before, being unable to read school books, or read off the board. She was treated as a blind student, using braille to learn instead of regular books. It was difficult for her to relate to other children, who spoke and lived in a world much more colourful than hers. After Sydney could be put in school, her mother became very busy and uninvolved in her child's life. Sydney's condition stressed her out, so when Sydney put to test the hypothesis that she could only see hot things and found it to be true, she didn't tell her mom. One day, one of Sydney's classmates was making fun of her for not being able to see, and he had her cornered against the school building. All Sydney could do was stare at him, and she found that while she stared at him in hatred, his cheek began to glow. A light green-yellow colour at first, and her own eyeballs began to feel heat. She blinked, and it was gone. She tried again, refusing to blink and watching the colour on his cheek go from yellow, to orange, to red.... suddenly his hand reached up to touch his cheek, and he stopped talking, feeling his face in confusion. Sydney continued to stare, and then the bully turned and ran away, saying he had to go to the nurse. Sydney thought a lot about this incident, and after school, she sat on the kitchen floor and stared into a pot of water. The same thing happened, the colour changing from green all the way to red, and then the water began to boil. That day Sydney's eyes hurt, and after that she couldn't see anything else until the next day. It wasn't a big deal though, not much different than her regular world. She spent the rest of her alone time after school making things hotter, revelling in her discovery. She told her doctor about this, and the doctor didn't say much that day, but made some notes on her clipboard. A month later, Sydney received an invite to partake in the experiment that claimed it would rid her of her odd traits, making her like a regular child. She pleaded with her mom, telling her how much she wanted to be like the other kids who could see things normally.

Notable features: Due to being attracted to bright/hot things, Sydney suffered a lot of bad burns as a small child, resulting in various scars and discoloured tissue on her hands and arms before she eventually learned not to touch the bright things.
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Name: Victoria Price
Age: 19
Height/Weight: 5ft 9in, 55kg
Body Type: Lithe
Powers: Elecrokenetic and electromagnetism. She is essentially a walking battery, able to absorb electrical energy from electrical devices and manipulate it in various ways from electrical bolts to lightning strikes from the sky. As a byproduct she can create magnetic fields that allows her some control of magnetic metal. Electrical absorption also acts as a form of sustenance, healing her wounds and such.

However, she can only store a limiter amount of electrical energy within her and her powers drain that store. Draining that electrical energy will weaken her both physically and mentally to the point she can pass out or worse. In addition her body reacts to the electrical energy around her so she weakens in areas with no electric sources or uses such as forest. Also she is also cant he submerged in water as she discharges electricity into it and electrocuted herself and others.

  • Quiet
  • Introverted
  • Quick tempered
  • Slow to trust
  • Loyal to those who earn it
  • Protective
  • Sarcastic
  • Depressed
Biography: A military brat who spend most of her life moving from place to place wherever her fathers posting took her. More so than most as her father was an up and comer in the military quickly raising through the ranks and takes on various responsibilities. She had few friends growing up because of this as relationships with other brats were quickly cut short. Her only real pleasures was singing and cooking, the latter of which was taught by her mother and was what made them close.

The first manifestation of her power was in her early teens during a car ride with her mother. An innocent movement of her hand caused a lighting bolt to fire into the gas tank causing an explosion. The explosion killed her mother and badly burned her, the doctors who treated her was surprised she had survived and more so when she began to drain the electricity from nearby equipment and healing herself fully. The news of her mother's death was devistating to the family, obviously more so to Victoria as soon she discovered what caused it.

Her father, despite his own grief, took a great interest in his daughters powers soon becoming an obsession. He made her train like a soldier in the use of her powers, pushing her hard to do more and more. As a general by this point he had heard about the training project for people like her. He used his connections not only to get his daughter into the project but personally get involved in it. Of course Victoria wanted nothing to do with it but felf she had no option but to obey.
Notable features:, Her white blue hair is natural formed from the use of her powers over the years.
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Jaden Sanchez

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name: Jaden Sanchez
nickname: Jay
age: nineteen
height: 5’ 9”
weight: 65 kg / 143 lbs
body Type: Muscular but slim


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Phasing: Jay has the ability to pass through matter as though it were a gas. The inanimate objects on his person - like his clothing or something he might be holding - will phase with him. However, since this ability basically rips apart his molecules then puts them back together, this ability will cause great discomfort with consistent use. If this power is used too excessively, it is possible that he won’t be able to control when he phases anymore.

Enhanced Body: With this superpower, Jay has an increased sense of agility, hearing, and strength. However, this makes him more susceptible to loud noises and have an increased appetite.

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Temperamental and arrogant, Jaden never thinks of anyone but himself. He enjoys toying with people’s emotions and ridiculing them with silly nicknames. His loyalty lies only with himself and he sticks around others solely for his own self-interest.

However, despite all his flaws, he will never lie and is extremely hardworking. And, to the very few he likes, he will protect them to the best of his ability. He may argue with his friends and put them down, but he will be the first person to swing at whoever harasses them.

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Growing up in a poor neighborhood. Jaden only ever knew what it was like to struggle. He lived with his abusive mother and his younger brother (Raden) and sister (Layla). For a long while, he was the only one subject to his mother’s drunken torment, but, as his siblings grew up, they became targets as well.

Unable to watch her hurt them, Jay took a lamp and whacked his mother unconscious. The police would arrive soon after and arrest Jaden with domestic battery. For the next two years, he was in juvie, where he quickly learned that the only way to win was to make everyone think they’ve already lost.

When he finally was released, he came back home to two siblings who he couldn’t reconnect with. Any sympathy he had once felt towards them dissipated and he started leaving the house at odd hours to hang out with the wrong people. It was around them when he started getting intense headaches to the point he felt like collapsing. Everyone disregarded his complaints, thinking it was just the low-quality drugs he’s been having. Although Jay was convinced it was something more than that, his pride didn’t allow him to insist on his pain nor ask his mother about them.

[div class=wcontainer4][div class=window4Close][div class=windowX]X[/div][/div][div class=window4][div class=scroll4] [div class=fancy]uxie♡[/div]
credit to uxie <3

disclaimer: this code isn't mobile friendly nor tablet-friendly (bIG SAD) bc the dimensions are way too big!! the stuff itself might not fuck up, but a lot of things'll be cut off, so it's recommended it only be viewed on pc. then again, you couldn't see this part if you were on mobile or tablet, i'm p sure ?



[class=container] height:450px; width:500px; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/d2/94/19d294b86b157c57856ecd786461b8d2.jpg'); background-size:160%; background-position: 40% 20%; margin:auto; position:relative; [/class] [class=bigimage] height:250px; width:350px; background:url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/304715239/original.jpg'); background-size:100%; border:8px solid #c773d1; [/class] [class=bigimghover] height:250px; width:350px; background-color:#8795E8; position:absolute; opacity:0; transition:0.8s; [/class] [class name=bigimghover state=hover] opacity:0.8; transition:0.8s; [/class] [class=wcontainer0] height:140px; width:290px; position:absolute; top:270px; left:100px; [/class] [class=window0Close] height:17px; width:17px; background-color:#e53d3d; position:absolute; top:2.3px; left:274.5px; z-index:6; border-radius:1.8px; [/class] [class=window0] border:5px solid #d5d6f2; border-top:22px solid #d5d6f2; height:120px; width:280px; border-radius:1.5px; overflow:hidden; 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opacity:0; z-index:6; [/class] [class=window4] border:5px solid #cedae5; border-top:22px solid #cedae5; height:160px; width:160px; border-radius:1.5px; overflow:hidden; padding:3px; background:white; box-shadow:6px 7px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34) [/class] [class=scroll4] padding-right:8px; margin-top:2.5px; height:157px; width:157px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class name=scroll4] font-size:10.5px; color:black; text-align:justify; [/class] [class name=fancy] font-size:35px; color:#ff9ee3; text-shadow:1.5px 2px #cd6cd8; position:absolute; left:-15px; top:165px; font-style:oblique; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=boxshadow] box-shadow:6px 7px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34) [/class] [class=window1Close] height:17px; width:17px; background-color:#e53d3d; position:absolute; top:2.3px; left:274.5px; z-index:6; border-radius:1.8px; [/class] [class=window2Close] height:17px; width:17px; background-color:#e53d3d; position:absolute; top:2.8px; left:209.5px; z-index:6; border-radius:1.8px; 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animation-duration:0.8s; animation-fill-mode:forwards; [/class] [class=windowClose] animation-name: {post_id}windowClose; animation-duration:0.5s; animation-fill-mode:forwards; [/class] [animation=windowOpen] [keyframe=0] opacity:0; transform: scale(0.05,0.05); [/keyframe] [keyframe=1] opacity:1; [/keyframe] [keyframe=100] opacity:1; transform: scale(1,1); [/keyframe] [/animation] [animation=windowClose] [keyframe=0] opacity:1; transform: scale(1,1); [/keyframe] [keyframe=99] opacity:0; [/keyframe] [keyframe=100] opacity:0; transform: scale(0.05,0.05); [/keyframe] [/animation]


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Jaden Sanchez

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name: Ji-ae Li
nickname: Jiji
age: seventeen
height: 5’ 3”
weight: 49 kg / 110 lbs
body Type: Scrawny, slim


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Mimicry: Jiji has the ability to either mimic another person's voice or supernatural ability. Although she is unable to replicate another ability for long periods, her imitations are usually stronger than the original caster. She gains all the weaknesses and sideeffects from the supernatural ability she mimics. However, when 'stealing' someone's voice, it only gives her a sore throat.


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Jiji has never once gotten off her high-horse. She is constantly looking down at everyone around her and has the habit of undermining other people's efforts. In addition, she can be quite malicious to those she despises. Though, rather than flat out telling someone she doesn't like them, she will remain passive-aggressive.

However, Jiji is a mother-like figure. She takes it upon herself to care for those around her and will not hesitate to stand up for others. Empathetic, honest, and a good listener, she will always be there for you.

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Jiji grew up in a strict household. She spent her early childhood training to be the top-dog at whichever school she would attend. This meant having a plethora of tutors for piano, mathematics, and any other possible subjects. She didn't have much time for friends, and, thus, only learned how to behave socially after entering middle school.

She valued her grades over than friends, and quickly rose to the top three people in her Junior year. Though, she gained a lot of hate for this, as it seemed like she effortlessly achieved her goals. People would taunt her in spite, but she never really cared much, as long as she was still "winning".

[div class=wcontainer4][div class=window4Close][div class=windowX]X[/div][/div][div class=window4][div class=scroll4] [div class=fancy]uxie♡[/div]
credit to uxie <3

disclaimer: this code isn't mobile friendly nor tablet-friendly (bIG SAD) bc the dimensions are way too big!! the stuff itself might not fuck up, but a lot of things'll be cut off, so it's recommended it only be viewed on pc. then again, you couldn't see this part if you were on mobile or tablet, i'm p sure ?



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border-top:22px solid #d5d6f2; height:200px; width:215px; border-radius:1.5px; overflow:hidden; position:relative; padding:3px; background:white; [/class] [class=scroll2] padding-right:7px; margin-top:2.5px; height:197px; width:212px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class name=scroll2] font-size:10.5px; color:black; text-align:justify; [/class] [class=wcontainer3] height:200px; width:290px; position:absolute; left:480px; top:198px; transform: scale(0.1,0.1); opacity:0; [/class] [class=window3] border:5px solid #d5d6f2; border-top:22px solid #d5d6f2; height:170px; width:280px; border-radius:1.5px; overflow:hidden; padding:3px; background:white; box-shadow:6px 7px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34) [/class] [class=scroll3] padding-right:7.6px; margin-top:2.5px; height:167px; width:277px; overflow-y:scroll; [/class] [class name=scroll3] font-size:10.5px; color:black; text-align:justify; [/class] [class=wcontainer4] height:170px; width:280px; position:absolute; left:180px; top:120px; transform: scale(0.1,0.1); 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Name: Brian Edwardson
Age: 13
Height/Weight: 5’4 135 lbs
Body Type: Lean yet muscular
Appearance: 6ED1E496-F202-4FA6-A29E-1C6F8E87590B.jpeg
Powers: He is nigh-invulnerable and has super strength. Nigh-invulnerable basically means he is indestructible except for when a certain condition is met. If that condition is met well... long story short it could very possibly be fatal. It just depends on how much of it he comes into contact with. That condition is extreme cold if his body temp drops below -20 degrees Fahrenheit his strength decreases and things like speeding cars could severely damage him. His body drops below -50°F he’s knocking on deaths door.
Personality: He’s rambunctious and loyal to who he cares about, and it’s the easiest thing in the world to become his friend because he’ll talk to anyone he meets just as long as you don’t talk about any kind of parental figure around him.
Biography: (warning it may get dark) Back when Brian thought he was as normal as could be he wrestled. He enjoyed it a lot considering he was always the strongest person in the room but he didn’t even realize how strong he really was but he always did make sure not hurt anybody. But one day he was at a wrestling meet about to pin someone but the kid just wouldn’t sit still and let him pin him. Then again the guy did think he was all that, and it just really frustrated Brian to point where it made him... angry. He squeezed a little harder and all anyone could here was this big snap. He broke the poor kids neck. He didn’t know what happened next thing he knew his parents were yelling at him “Get away from us you monster!”
And so he did he ran off into the locker room his best friend Zian coming in after him “Dude what happened out there?” Brian looked at him with tears in his eyes and screamed punching a wall as hard as he could. It cracked into rubble and tumbled to the floor. He looked at his hand... zero damage and no pain; his skin wasn’t even red. His friend Zian ran out of there as fast as he could. Brian grabbed his bag and ran out the back locker room door. He was on the run now.​
Body Type
Appearance: It doesn't matter if it's a real picture, art, or a description.
Powers: Please give a detailed (at least one paragraph) explanation of the characters powers including an explanation of the downside/cost of their power. It doesn't have to be fatal to them but has to at least affect them to some degree.
Personality: This doesn't have to be super detailed but enough to give me a picture of how your character would act.
Biography: I prefer that these be 2 paragraphs or more.
Notable features: optional
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what if there were none at all?
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name[/div] ryan woods
[div class=tag]nicknames[/div] ryan by his friends, if he had any...
[div class=tag]age[/div] 15
[div class=tag]gender[/div] male
[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRd1y01mlzMoCCNfaLD9PxNzFxlQp47_WxPFICU9VzjP-BDFut6');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQTmrJe0Dx4O40NCn3Lcnz8TQ96Yg6rsoIgOJnGLi33ElEzOpDG');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]appearance[/div] [div class=tag]height[/div] five foot, eight inches.
[div class=tag]body type[/div] he's well-built in the sense that he doesn't have a belly that bulges or arms that stray a bit too near to death-starved. I guess you could say he has an average build.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]persona[/div] [div class=tag]who are you?[/div] someone [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRd1y01mlzMoCCNfaLD9PxNzFxlQp47_WxPFICU9VzjP-BDFut6');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQTmrJe0Dx4O40NCn3Lcnz8TQ96Yg6rsoIgOJnGLi33ElEzOpDG');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]persona[/div] output/answer
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]power[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRd1y01mlzMoCCNfaLD9PxNzFxlQp47_WxPFICU9VzjP-BDFut6');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQcSqe-yIjz_rMLdUos0XCXUdqjpnQAt69MhfBzdc12KLxTU9Og');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]ability[/div] data manipulation
[div class=tag]input[/div] the ability to jam and/or tinker with the signals and data of technology. In other words; hacking.
[div class=tag]input[/div] ryan can utilize this only if there are nearby signal lines within a radius of a classroom. whenever he hacks, he usually gets straining headaches that last for days. the more complex a code or signal is, the more strained and painful a headaches gets.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]background[/div] [div class=tag]input[/div] output [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQTmrJe0Dx4O40NCn3Lcnz8TQ96Yg6rsoIgOJnGLi33ElEzOpDG');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQcSqe-yIjz_rMLdUos0XCXUdqjpnQAt69MhfBzdc12KLxTU9Og');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]question[/div] answer
[div class=tag]misc. facts[/div]
xx → can make a list of things like this, or whatever you want to do with arrows
xx → etc. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab tab01"][/div] [div class="tab tab02"][/div] [div class="tab tab03"][/div] [div class="tab tab04"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
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[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
“The precious air within your lungs, what if I took it all away? ”

  • .
    about them

    the air within your lungs that you take for granted, what if i were to steal it all away?

    FULL NAME | Serenity Vaughn
    AGE | 20
    GENDER | Female
    POWERS | Air Manipulation
    DISABILITY | Blind
    HEIGHT | 5’7 ¾
    BUILD | Hourglass
    COMPLEXION Dark Brown Skin, Freckles
    HAIR | Snowy White
    EYES | Light Gray

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Name: Archer Ferguson

Age: 14

Height/Weight: 5'3", 95 pounds.

Body Type: small and skinny, but not pathetic. He can run a long ways and is fairly strong.

He has black hair and a green t-shirt with an image of a stylus on it (see profile image). He also wears blue jeans and black shoes. He has hazel eyes. The top of his hair is red (image outdated; will update this weekend) and the sides black. He's small, but he won't entirely disappoint you when you see him. He has a mask with breathable material that he likes to tie around his mouth and nose. It's black and covers the lower part of his face and half his neck.
Archer owns a stylus that has an unknown power. He mainly keeps it in a box so he doesn't have to figure it out. He doesn't know how to use it, but all he knows is that it's energy is extremely powerful only if used properly. It can create objects he draws, or anything he can imagine. He can focus the energy on an enemy, causing a powerful blow.
But there's a downside.
The more he uses it, the bigger it's influence on his mental state is. Not only does it tire him out more and more (until the point which he collapses) but it wants to take control of him. When it becomes to strong he will go into a comatose state until he regains control. His eyes close tight and he shivers, unable to move; basically a ragdoll.
He is normally quiet, but studies people to learn about them. He can be serious when it comes to it. If you make friends with him he will talk openly, and sometimes to the point where it gets annoying. Sometimes he has anxiety attacks and will freak out in many different ways, only if put under severe pressure.
When put into battle he will focus. How can the enemy be defeated with smarts, not strength? He is very clever, and figures out puzzles relatively quickly.

When Archer was a child, he was often shunned by other kids. As this happened more and more, he slowly became enveloped by the need to fit in. This gave him severe anxiety, and he would collapse once home, trying to figure out what was wrong with him? It never worked out. He tied a mask around his mouth once at home, and decided it was an extension of his body now. When people asked about it he would respond: "You won't understand. You can't understand."
Then, at age 10, he found a box buried deep in the forest next to his town. Opening it he found a stylus. He brought out a piece of parchment paper and tried to draw, one of his biggest passions. A green energy flowed out of the tip and he threw it away from him. The energy followed it in a trail, slowly reaching back.
After that he put it back in the box and kept it in his room.
(Then insert all the stuff for the lore XD)

I go to a military academy! I can respond occasionally on weekdays, definitely on weekends! I will be on break as of next week, so I will be on all week.

Thank you for understanding :)

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