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Realistic or Modern L I F E (Open)




Life. You have your cliques, your crush, your nemesis, that one guy that you see all the time but don't know.

This is the life of the students at Rock Hill High school.

Step into someone else's shoes and take a look around.

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Alessandra inhaled sharply, her phone vibrating beside her on the bed. She reached down and pulled it up to her face, pressing the answer call option. "Hello?" She groaned, staring up at the ceiling blinking. An excited voice answered her. "ALES WHERE ARE YOU?!" Alessandra sat up, alarmed. "But today is..." She looked at her calendar. "Today is Friday. sh*t. Tell the teacher it's that time of the month and I have really bad cramps, okay?" Her friend mumbled something before agreeing. With a sigh, Ales lied back down rubbing the bridge of her nose.

Kaito stopped, sweating. Jesus. I haven't played dodge-ball in ages. He wiped off the sweat from his eyebrows and focused on the rest of his team. This was a pretty serious game. He absolutely hated Phys. Ed. Still, it was a required class. At least they weren't wrestling. Again.

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Tony grinned as he watched the dodgeball game go down. He always loved watching hot guys drip with sweat, no matter the situation. He got out of PE that day, faking a leg injury. He was impressed that he even had the effort to wrap an ace bandage around his ankle at six in the morning... But he would do anything to get out of it. To be quite frank, he hated everything about physical Ed., except the boys. That was always nice.

"Yes!" He shouted, eyes on one particularly hot one as he smacked the ball away, hitting somebody on the opposing team. This wasn't his favorite sport to watch, but as long as it involved sweaty, panting boys, he was happy.
Max stands in the middle of the court dodging the projectiles being thrown at her. She gave a small shriek when one got near her. She was getting tired of dodging but didn't want to pick up a ball to throw. Her heart was racing and she kept her eyes on the opposing team trying to stay ahead of the balls.
Sharpie was tossing balls as if he were a turret, he was sweating like hell, he had never been hit yet and plans not to.
Ales began planning the party. One went down every single Friday, and it was her turn to host. She tried to decide the theme, researching what would be the best. She face-palmed when a realization hit her like a bus. Costume party costume party costume party. She quickly organized her room, going out the living room to get everything set up. I have one crap load of decorating to do.

Their team lost. The buzzer signaled the end of that game and the girls were dismissed right before the boys. Kaito thanked God, heading back to the locker room. His shirt was drenched and he pulled it off his chest, letting it fan his face and chest. Feeling like he might pass out any second, he grabbed his clothes out of his locker and began changing into his other shirt. Just one more class. I can survive art, right?

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✿Madeline Amber Williams ・The Nice Girl✿

No matter how nice of a girl Maddie was outside of PE, she was not afraid to throw down in PE. A competitive smile was etched across Maddie's lips as she grabbed a dodgeball and hurled it at the opposing side, a small bead of sweat dripping from her forehead.

Well, so much for looking cute today, Maddie thought to herself silently, picking up yet another dodgeball. "Woah," Maddie coughed, a dodgeball appearing right in front of her face. Deflecting it with the ball in her hand, she sighed in relief, "that would've hurt..."

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Tony sighed as the buzzer was sounded, he stood up from the floor and walked into the locker room, biting his lip as he grabbed his array of binders and leaned against the wall. He usually never stuck behind, but there was a lot of eye candy. A lot. He hummed in pleasure as the boys around him changed out of their gym clothes. Tony was the prime reason why the whole, "Gays should change with the girls" thing happened, but he couldn't help himself.

He was in gay heaven. He couldn't help the fact that he was attracted towards males, nor the fact that he angered them. Tony guessed it was just cause he hit on them, but what's the problem if they're straight. He turned around, walking out of the locker room and into the hall, waiting for the bell to ring.
Max went into the girls locker room and changed out of her PE clothes and back into her favorite set of jeans and a yellow long sleeve shirt. She let her hair out of a ponytail and brushed it softly. After she was done getting ready she went into the hallways and headed to her locker staring at the ground.
✿Madeline Amber Moreau ・ The Nice Girl✿
"Ahhhhh..." Maddie murmured, lying on her back on the dirty gym floor. The buzzer had sounded, and unfortunately, their team lost. What they didn't lose, however, was Maddie's competitive spirit. Even till the last second, Maddie was itching for a rematch. Now panting on the floor, trying to catch her breath, she smiled softly to herself, admiring the bright lights on the ceiling.

"We were so close," She muttered, shaking her head. Still, a smile was upon her lips, as she couldn't help but admit that it was a good game. Sitting upright, Maddie pushed herself off the floor and stood up, smiling politely at the opposing team and giving high fives and saying, "good job."

Walking into the locker room, Maddie swiftly stripped herself of her slightly damn, sweat-soaked shirt, and looked down at the pastel pink sports bra she had on. "Thank god I wore a sports bra today..." She muttered, huffing contently.

Checking the calendar posted above the lockers, she smiled. It was Friday, finally. The days leading up to Friday--Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday--were what she liked to call "filler days". They were all leading up to her favorite day--Friday.
She just about passed out. It had only been fifteen minutes and already over twenty balloons rested on the floor around her. Some would go on the floor but many were already set up, the helium ones. Since Halloween was coming up in just a few days(Tuesday), she was torn between letting them see something new and showing off her holiday spirit. In the end she decided to go with the holiday plan as she had tons of fake spiderwebs to use before Thanksgiving. She kicked the balloons all over the floor, scattering them, and began ripping up the webs.

Kaito heard the bell ring and bolted out of the locker room. He liked art a lot, it was mostly unsupervised and you could do whatever the hell you wanted to until class was over. Just one more class. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. When he got to Ms. Greene's room he found lobs of clay already in his spot, ready for use. Written on the board was, "MAKE SOMETHING THAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU." Like food?


Tony hummed to himself as he began to walk to his locker, switching out the heavy load of binders to a small notebook and folder. His last class of the day was art, so naturally he had to bring pretty much nothing. Taking out his blindingly purple bag he threw the binders that held homework into it and sighed. Slamming the locker door shut he looked around for somebody to prey on, his victim of the afternoon.

Gay, bi or straight, Tony
will hit on them. No matter when or where, he giggled as he walked down the hall towards the art studios. Maybe he would "accidentally" bump into some cute guy and become buddy-buddy. He knew that he was going to get into somebody's pants by Sunday, he could feel it.

He casually strolled into the room, taking a seat at one of the tables by the window. The room was set up... Very strangely. There was four seats per table and the tables were on total opposites of the room. The teacher always said it was for room to move supplies back and forth, but it was probably some weird feng shui shit.
Max went to her next class which was English, her worst subject. She sat in the second row and set up her desk neatly. She looked around the room and then set to work on her notes. She placed her homework on the corner of the table when the teacher walked by to collect it. She then payed attention to the class as the lesson began.
✿Madeline Amber Moreau・The Nice Girl✿
The period after PE, was Maddie's free period. Taking advantage of her free period, Maddie hopped into one of the shower stalls, and opened the water. A stream of warm, relaxing water hit her, running down her back as she massaged shampoo into her hair.

A few minutes later, Maddie had hopped out of the shower and gotten dressed again. Luckily, she had another bra that wasn't sweat-stained. Pulling over her baby pink, floral bra, she huffed contently. Though it wasn't for anyone but herself, she felt proud knowing her array of cute underwear was always there for her.

Walking into the halls, Maddie stopped by her locker, waving at a few of her friends who had the same free period. She had Bio next, and wasn't about to fail that pop quiz everyone was warning her about. Pulling out her textbook, Maddie started cramming madly, determined to ace her quiz.


Matte-black, cropped t-shirt. Sunflower patterned. White collar.

White mini-skirt.

White converse.

Silver and rose gold accessories.
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Ales lit many many candles, knowing it would lead to disaster. Luckily she hid all the expensive things. Her parents would be on a date and probably not be back until almost five in the morning. She carefully set down a fake skull, proud of her handiwork.

Awkward and entirely unsure of what to make, Kaito waited until everyone got to class and the bell rang before casually playing with his clay, watching the minutes tick by. Slowly. So slowly.

Kayla Jade Brookes

Kayla walked over to her locker. She checked in the mirror to make sure her red lipstick wasn't on her teeth, then proceeded to shut the locker and walk confidently to class. She was sure that she was going to make the most out of this school year. She arrived at the art classroom. She waved at a few friends and stepped into the class. The tables were arranged somewhat weirdly. She took a seat at one of the tables near the window. She began scrolling on her phone. She didn't exactly care much about art, anyways. She smiled at the boy that also sat at the table.
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After a few moments of readjusting, she walked around the house. The living room looked a bit crowded, but the kitchen was amazing! Except the spider. She eyed the decoration warily. Nearly having a heart attack, Alessandra called her friend Molly. She was rather popular, and gossiped a mile a minute. So, she knew everyone. Withing minutes Molly sent out a mass text. {Halloween party at Ales Verdier's house. Costumes are welcomed but not necessary. Be there by eight bitches!}
Kaito thought he saw something moving from the corner of his eye. He ignored it when he felt something buzz in his pocket. Making sure the teacher wasn't watching, he carefully took out his phone and read a message from Molly Hayes.

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Tony smiled back at Kayla, before standing and walking over, leaving his bags where they were. "Why sit alone when you can sit with me?" He asked, taking Kayla by the hand and sitting her in the seat across from his. Taking his seat once again he smiled brighter than before, "Do you happen to know any cute boys?" He asked, leaning forward and staring

"I mean, a cute girl like yourself has to know some equally cute men..." Tony whispered, looking at the prompt on the board and taking a sheet of paper from his folder and laying it out. Pulling a pencil from his pencil case he began to sketch the outline of a head.

Pulling his phone from his pocket he grinned at the message, finally a party. Tony knew exactly what he was going to do. It was quite obvious. He planned out a costume and nodded once he thought of the perfect one. Himself, he laughed to himself at the thought.
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Kayla Jade Brookes

Kayla giggled as he grabbed her hand. His hand was warm and comforting in a way. "I haven't seen any cute boys yet, but I may have just found one." she whispered in his ear. She leaned back and pulled out a piece of paper and began doodling. Kayla pushed a piece of her hair behind her ears and smiled at him. Kayla began shading a rectangle that she quickly drew until her pencil snapped. Shit. Kayla thought as she got up to sharpen her pencil.
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✿Madeline Amber Moreau・The Nice Girl✿
"Hmm?" Maddie questioned, feeling her phone vibrating in her pocket. She didn't like shutting it completely off, in fear that her parents may try to contact her during the day with urgent information. Reading the text, she smiled.

Oh, how she loved Halloween. And parties. Though she never got drunk, they were always fun to go to. Most of her friends went, and it was always a good time.

"Costumes... Huh? I wonder what I should be this year..." She pondered, walking down the hall. It was the same every year. Maddie would be ever so excited for Halloween, but have no idea what she wanted to be.

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