Kyros: The Wandering Sage [Two Faces of the Wyldspan]


New Member
Name: Kyros, Sage of the lost lands, Sage

Caste: Twilight

Motivation: Find and Restore a factory Cathedral for the betterment of all Creation

Concept: Wandering Sage

Height 6ft 1in Weight 180lbs Hair black Eyes ice blue


Some are motivated purely by selfishness. Some by the tears of their loved ones. Others yet are motivated by a sense of honor or duty, and of those some are bound to a higher power. Kyros falls into the latter category. His first memories are of his Exaltation, a bright light bursting forth from his body and a seering light that blinded him. The pain was immense and the light burnt away the memories of his former life. The pain subsided and Kyros found himself lying on the edge of the Wylde.

He stood up and took account of himself, he knew his name, current affairs, historical facts, how to speak, but lacked any knowledge about himself. What were once his memories now were visions of the great Factory cathedrals of the first age. They invaded his dreams and beckoned him to find them. He could feel their draw, and the pushing of some force behind him. He didn't feel as though he was forced in the direction, but rather given the glorious of task of bringing them to the modern age. He sees his eagle companion as a gift from the powers and treats it as if it were his brother and not simply a pet.

His biggest problem now was he didn't quite know where he was or how he came to be there. So he began his search, finding and selling artifacts and searching for some clue as to the Factory Cathedrals locations. He knew there had to be one close, otherwise why would the powers have driven him here?

Physical Appearance:

Kyros stands 6 ft tall and wears a dark crimson cloak about him. He mostly keeps the cloak hood up as he travels and it hides his Jet black long hair. His eyes are an ice blue that draw people in, but they soon find he doesn't have much to say to them unless it concerns his mission. He seems slender at first, but when his cloak is thrown off and he prepares to do battle his large shoulders flare and he wields his blade as if it were a feather.

Talon is an albino eagle that has a wingspan of almost 5 feet. The bird is mostly perched on his master's shoulder when they are in town, and flies above his master and hunts when they are traveling.


Kyros is a true believer in his own destiny, and believes everything is either a test or a gift to him. He sees any allies as fellow chosen that the powers favor and enemies as obstacles to his path. He has trouble relating to people, but can still hold an intelligent conversation with anyone in creation, in fact he once talked for an hour to a tree that seemed to listen.

Talon is protective and doesn't like anyone coming too close to Kyros, he is slow to like new people, and quick to let Kyros know his thoughts about the company he keeps. The two seem to have a dialogue at times that people mistake for random ramblings as Kyros doesn't need to finish sentences.



Physical (8)

Strength: XXX

Dexterity XXXX

Stamina: XXXX

Social: (4)

Charisma: XX

Manipulation: XX

Appearance: XXX

Mental: 6(+4 bonus points for 1 int)

Perception: XXX

Intelligence: XXXX

Wits XXX

Abilities:(28) + 1bp resistance +1 BP lore +1 BP investigation



Martial Arts

Melee: (F) XXX




Integrity:(f) XXX



Resistance(f) XXXX

Survival: XX



Investigation XXX



Occult XX


Athletics (F) XXX










Socialize (f) X

Specialties 1bp for 2 class/favored

Lore: Factory Cathedral

Investigation: Archaeology



Pain tolerance -3 Ignore -1 penalties(-2 to touch based perception rolls)

Flaw: Amnesia +3


Artifact Daiclave **

(orichalcum: +1 def, +1 Acc, +1 Rate)

Artifact Breastplate *

(orichalcum +2 Lethal and bashing soak, +1 Lethal and bashing Hardness

Familiar **

Eagle named Talon


(represents the selling and trading of mundane things he has found)


1st melee excellence

1m for 1 die

2d athletics excellence

2m for 1 suc

2d investigation excellence

2m for 1 suc

Dipping Swallow Defense

2m to restore parry DV

Solar counter attack

3m when using parry DV step 9 counter attack

Oaken skin meditation

3m step 7 reflexive Hardness= 8 against attack

Iron skin concentration

2m step 7 attack essence vs sta+res win =prev failure = +4A/8L/8B

Crafty observation

5m for a dramatic investigation in moments

Body mending meditation

10m (Sta+res) Healing x 10 or added to sux of wound mending care tech

Lightning speed

3m to increase speed Athl in yards


Compassion: XX

Conviction XXX

(flaw: Heart of flint)

Temperance XX

Valor XX



Texts(Factory Cathedral)

Willpower: 5

Essence 3 (7 BP)

Personal: 14/14

Peripheral: 28/35

Committed 7/7


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-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]



O.BrPl. H:2L/2B Soak: 6L/4B

PDV: 5 (Daiclave)

DDV: 4


MPDV: (2+ability)/2

Hardness: 2L/2b

Soak: 8L/8B


Clinch: Spd 6// Acc 4// Dmg 3b// Rate 1//Def -0

Punch: Spd 5// Acc 5// Dmg 3b// Rate 3// Def +2

Kick: Spd 5// Acc 4// Dmg 6b// Rate 2// Def -2

Daiclaive: Spd 5/ Acc 8(+15)// dmg 9L(12L)// Rate 4// Def +3

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