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Name: Tetsuya Storm

Age: 19

Personality: Often distant, secretive, Tetsuya appears unable to grasp the concept of friendship. He often has a blank expression, speaking only when he feels it necessary, not often one for idle talk. This isn't set it stone however, he merely lacks the understanding of what it means to have a friend. He's quiet, both in speech and movement, often scaring people when he does speak, sometimes forgetting to announce he's there. He prefers night time, and has done for

Weapon of choice: Recurve bow, Chain Scythe and a Wakizashi, often using a variety of poisons.

Dominion of birth: Venta

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Appearance: Tetsuya is mostly seen in a black outfit. A long sleeve top with a thin curving pattern on the left side, this continues down onto his bottoms, ending at his shoes, which are fairly basic but comfortable for long days. He also has a long coat, lacking the same pattern, buttoned up from his waist to his neck, where the collar has a small badge pinned on it, silver with the shape of an eye, the iris in a swirl, a gift from his grandfather, he doesn't know the origin. His Wakizashi is held his back, coming up through a small hole in his coat, attatched to a leather belt, which runs around his waist and up diagonally over his chest. His Chain scythe his holstered on his right side and the chain looped around a clip. He also has a few vials along his chest with home made poisons. For the time being he just holds his bow in hand, keeping his arrows slung over his shoulder.

History: Born of a noble women Tetsuya never knew his father, though the stories he has are of a bitter tirrant, his mothers pregnancy wasn't planned. Shortly after his fourteenth birthday his mother was struck ill, he sought out to find a cure, studying for two years to find the source of her affliction, this is where his knowledge of poisons came from. His mother died soon after his return, the disease she battled with became worse after Tetsuya's failed attempt at curing it, he's blamed himself ever since, calling himself a murder. Just three weeks from this event he ran away, seeking to bury his past, he joined the guard of a town on the edge of the land, lying about his age to gain entry. After vigorous training he thought he had his calling. He defended members of his home lands with deep seeded fury, ending lives when needed, no remorse, any life was less than his mothers, ending those to him seemed like nothing. His blood lust needed to be controlled, seeing evil he often killed without permission, gaining quite a reputation. It needed to be controlled, people begun to hate him, despite his intentions of protecting the innocent. He left before any repercussions came to his doorstep, heading to the warrior academy to rid himself of his anger, and fight in the right way.

Extra: Tetsuya adopted his mothers name, her family is well known in each province, having been around for many years. It started in the neutral zone, between two members of opposing lands, though he's often asked about it.. people often push their luck, he becomes aggressive in his tone and often violent when pushed even further. He will never speak of his parents, no matter who asks

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