

New Member
Name:  Koray (surname unknown)
Age: 14 
Sex/ Gender: Male 

Personality: Quiet, loyal, studious 

Short History : He was born in a far away, unknown land. Much about him is unknown, as he was abandoned at the castle as a young child. He has lived there ever since, he serves the Royals, and is more than happy to.  They are the only 'family' he has ever known. He is interested in the world, so tries to learn things from the books in the castle library. He doesn't speak a lot, but when he does it's carefully considered and meaningful. He loves watching others partake in sports, although he is not bothered about playing himself.  The one thing he does love to do is ride and care for horses. He spends all of his free time either reading or in the stables.  Some times he will take the less valuable books down to the stables, and just sit their and study, surrounded by the horses.  

Position in the castle: Serves the Royals 

Special stuff, like powers or whatever?: Really good at Archery, he can see long distances. He is also a talented musician, when he plays his guitar he can influence people's emotions (make them happier, etc). 

Species: Elf

Anything else?: 

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