

I am ThousandSwords. The Black Ninja. The only thing someone needs to know about me is nothing. If you research real life history of Shinobi, better known as NINJA, you will find that their existence must remain anonymous because their missions require it.Therefore, that is all I can expound. Kochira koso, hajimimshite: Nice to meet you for the first time in Japanese.
So you say that's all we get to know. But soon my deary, you will crack >83


Nice, creative intro you got there, it kinda made me look twice...but I'll greet ya' anyways.

Hope to see you around...? Or I guess...sense your there? haha
Well,well...A ninja in the open,declaring oneself as such? Risky. SAMURAI SQUAD BEHIND YOU!

I keed. Welcome to RPNation,where you are free to be as creative as you desire! Here,you will not be ostracized or shunned. Here,we will embrace you as a dear sibling. We have several things here that you should be aware of. We have a shoutbox on tha main page. The shoutbox behaves very much like an IRC chartoom,and is pretty much the pulse of the site. There's conversations there,and a constant feed of info regarding posts. So,what kinds of RP's strike your fancy,hmm?
Oooo~ An assassin of the night, a diplomatic killer, a guardian of sorts...~

Welcome to RpNation, new friend. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or problems feel free to voice them. I hope you enjoy your time with us.


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