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Fantasy Knights of the Moon


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
In the lands of Heer are two kingdoms, Marisol and Halaluna. Both similar in many ways but without knowledge of each other they have always been directly opposed. Both kingdoms beholden to a higher power, both kingdoms named after the god that gifted them magic.
Marisol of the Sun, Halaluna of the Moon.
While the Sun and the Moon share the sky equally, the mortal kingdoms below cannot follow the example set and share the world equally...
The lands of Heer is soon to become the battlefield where Marisol and Halaluna shall meet for the first time. Both kingdoms expanded until everything was conquered and absorbed. One could say both kingdoms have half the world each, but it still isn't enough.

Marisol was the first to strike, ambushing Halaluna's diplomats and kidnapping Luna princess Pomni kick-starting a war between the two kingdoms. Whilst battle wages on in the front lines a elite unit has been assembled by the king of Halaluna... a team to infiltrate the lands of Marisol and rescue his daughter from behind enemy lines.
This team has no official name, but should they be successful they will be known as legends, "Knights of the Moon"
Should they fail they'll be remembered more along the lines of "those moon knights"

Its a medieval fantasy world of magic and monsters, said magic system can be summed up like most of my fiction.
"One magic type per person" however as warriors of Halaluna your characters will also have access to magic gifted by the moon God.
(Moon magic falls under the categories of ice, illusions, starlight, darkness and gravity.)

Hoping for five or six players able to post two paragraphs or more once a week but I'm happy to start with three others.

If you have questions or want to show interest let me know below

Cs page is here, this goes for everyone...
If you want to play post a sheet.

I'd love to try it out I have a few ideas in mind
Question: is this a fandom rp? If it's not I'm down
Sounds like fun!

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