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Fantasy Knights of the moon: roster



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My Interest Check
Hey thanks for coming, the info i need to accept a character is below but if you want to add more feel free to. Im not wanting to put a damper on anyone's creative flow but I may ask for a edit or change if I feel something contradicts lore or seems to OP/BS to manage in a group setting. If you want to brainstorm ideas PM me cause I'm happy to help.
(most fantasy races are allowed assuming they are not immortal/ageless. No elves but you have different half elves about. Sun-elves, Dark-elves etc I can go over it more if you want to know as each race usually has their own magic/abilities unique to them. You can home-brew your own but don't be offended if I ask for clarification or a edit)

(Picture and small description please, write things people can notice like height or hair colour)

Rank/title: (you can be a no name warrior in the lunar armies chosen at random but its kinda implied the halaluna king has chosen specific individuals for their talents/skills. Think along the lines of "a deadly assassin" or "a cleric chosen by the Moon god")

Gear: (what this character usually has on a mission or when travelling. )

Talents: (what makes this person special/cool)

Flaws: (why does this person suck)

Inherent mana: (what they were born able to do list a type and some spells/techniques, for a easy example...
fire mana. They cloak themselves in fire, from balls of explosive heat and can spit flames)

God given magic: (moon magic, like I listed on the check falls under a few things. While its possible for a chosen of Halaluna to know and use all of the moon magics your character should specialise in one)

(Be vague or not. Main thing is they are Halalunin thanks to being raised in halauna territory. That and king Godwin Halluna has summoned them to rescue his daughter)
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Name: Wada Stormeye
Race: human
Age: 29
Wada is about 5ft11 with dark hair and a short unshaven beard. Wearing simple clothes in his downtime but almost always suited up for combat. His eyes glow blue with electricity when using magic but they are usually a muddy brown colour.

Rank/title: Ranger in the Starlight Brigade.
The Starlight Brigade is a small but versatile branch of the lunar armies, specialising in monster hunting though they do assist in upkeeping the law and peace in the outskirts and more rural areas.

Gear: apart from the attire in the picture the weapons Wada carries is a pouch of caltrops, a dagger and a short sword.
images-46.jpegcaltrops are basically these in large numbers.
images-45.jpegthe dagger is one designed for catching a weapon with its teeth.
Wada has a small bag for loot and essentials that hangs by his waist, (or can be tied like a backpack)

Accurate, Be it a arrow, a dart, a boomerang or magic... Wada usually hits his target.
Stealth,Even before becoming a ranger Wada was raised as a hunter. Some scars quickly taught a boy the importance of keeping safe.
Thunder Magic, Thunder came naturally to Wada, only needing a visual example or detailed explanation for him to replicate a technique or magical idea. (Assuming its his inherent mana or similar)
Swordsmanship,It was three brutal years of training in the lunar armies before Wada was deemed ready. While excellent with a bow and magic Wada had no experience with a sword and his training was exclusively melee in nature.

Outlaw justice, Wada knows the Halaluna laws, he just chooses to enforce them as he sees fit. As one from the outskirts he has a bias against nobility and the rich. A bias he has no problem speaking outloud about.
Doesnt share food, "I hunted and cooked this i ain't your mother"
Attitude, be it his personality or more of a act Wada has often been described as "flippant"
Country bumpkin,
Is a somewhat polite way of saying Wada is not suited to life in the city and knows little of customs and ethics of high society.

Inherent mana: Thunder.
Wada is considered a savant with electricity, adapting techniques taught from his family and copying monsters and beasts encountered in the outskirts. To list off some classics Wada falls back on though...
Throwing/projecting electricity in a variety of ways and shapes, coating himself or weapons, conjuring a wolf made of thunder, telekinesis via electromagnetism.

God given magic: (I'll probably choose what isn't picked. All are good)

Background: living in the wilds far from Heer, the Stormeye clan was assimilated into the Halaluna empire and many went on to become valued warriors in the lunar armies. When Wada was old enough to realise how the higher society viewed himself and others with similar backgrounds his mind was set and made, to stubborn to change. He would join the Lunar armies like his family before him, though he wouldn't fight for the rich assholes of Halaluna safe in walled cities... he would stick to the outskirts.

It wasn't long into his career as a ranger when others noticed he had a particular glow about him. Said glow was similar to the stories one hears about the Moongod's potential chosen.
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Name: Buras Ur'Ull
Race: Beastfolk

Age: 28
A gargantuan beast easily standing head and shoulders above most at 7'3", and that is before his horns are included.

Rank/title: Hunter of Champions

  • Plate Armor that covers the vital parts of his body
  • Large battle axe he uses with deadly efficiency

  • Executioner: Buras wields his gargantuan axe as if it weighed nothing, easily cleaving through metal, flesh, and bone with each precise swing.
  • Close Quarters Brawler: Should his opponent make the logical decision of getting inside and past the deadly arc of his axe, they will be disappointed to discover that Buras has no qualms grabbing them by the neck and using them as an impromptu weapon
  • Slayer's Strength: Unsurprisingly, Buras is immensely powerful physically.

  • Unsubtle Bull: Stealth is not Buras' forte, nor does he ever want to be quite. A good fight never comes from sneaking around.
  • Dimwitted Donkey: Not much of a thinker himself, if he cannot solve a problem by beating it into submission then it is not a problem worth his time
  • Uncouth Goat: Adhering to the traditions and ways of his tribe, he is, at best, an oddity at many gatherings.
  • Braying Dud: Though he is able to wield magic, it is not to the same extent as many of his peers amongst his fellow Knights.

Inherent mana: The limited magic Buras can wield is solely used to enhance his already formidable physical powers. Strengthening his muscles, quickening his reflexes. Even if a foe could match him without magic, they would be hard pressed to keep up with him once he begins to channel his spells.

God given magic: Buras was gifted with an affinity for Gravity magics, though as with many things he's only really bothered to crush people under their own weight with it so far.

The conquering of Buras' tribe was a short affair. Two champions were presented, a battle fought, and the warrior of the King was victorious. This, as far as Buras cared to learn, was how most of the Beastfolk tribes were absorbed by the Halaluna kingdom. But he did not care to much at the loss of his tribe's independence, for the wars of conquest provided opportunities for him to advance and prove himself. And so he fought, seeking out the greatest warriors the enemy could muster, fighting his way across entire battlefields to reach his quarry. It was perhaps unsurprising that this unstoppable force was called upon to rescue the princess.
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I'm tired but like, here

Name: Hakkon 'Aries' Amell
Race: TBD
Age: 29
Appearance: TBD

Rank/title: Hakkon the cutthroat: He was a mercenary working alongside the army of the Halaluna before joining the army himself, it is said he's gotten his name by the way he was more then willing to sacrifice those of a lesser rank then him to successfully complete a mission. It is unknown how, or why, exactly Aries is in the army, but there are rumours: none are good, but most are far from the truth.

Gear: TBD

Talents: TBD
Flaws: TBD

Inherent mana: Aries is a druid, meaning he has natural nature abilities, mainly plant based ones. (Wip)

God given magic: (WIP magic type is starlight though)


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