The Soul Factory


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The SCF (Soul Capture Force) is an organisation of trained warriors that want to capture loose souls and restore peace.

The Soul Capture Committee leads the SCF and deals with political problems, funds etc.

A soul capsule is a phial shaped container that is able to contain a soul. The filled soul capsule often is colored according to the personality of the soul contained.

Artificial souls were created when the factory was still working. As long as they don't have a body, they can pass through objects and only other souls can touch them. (Ghost-like, even if they wanted to, they couldn't touch anything but another soul.

Some humans say that when an artificial soul passed through them it felt like getting punched in the stomach.

Artificial souls without a body cannot be killed, only contained. They don't need to eat or drink water. Artificial souls can move up to 3 times faster than a normal human (varies from soul to soul).

When an artificial soul enters a body, they will need to eat and drink, they can be killed using normal means.
Artificial souls can enter the body of someone who is alive (a battle of willpower goes into that person's mind & whoever wins keeps the body). If the soul of someone who was born in their own body gets kicked out, they are erased from existence. If the human rejects the artificial soul (very rare) the said soul will keep on existing without a body.

Members of the SCF wear a special armor that doesn't let souls steal their body. They are equipped with a "soul gun", which is basically a vacuum that places the soul in an empty soul capsule.

More information: When an artificial soul wants to enter a body that is alive, they have to stand IN the said body(remember they can go through objects, right?) for 5 seconds for the battle of willpower to begin.

The souls that have been put into bodies by the factory don't have any memories of being contained. The black market doesn't have the technology to delete the soul's memories, so it's basically a rip off.


  1. No god-modding
  2. No Mary/Gary/Sues
  3. Everything should be kept PG 13, including language.
  4. If you read this page, write "Mmm..souls" somewhere in your character sheet
  5. Don't let romance consume the whole roleplay
  6. Don't kill/absorb someone's character without their approval.
  7. You can't control a character which is not yours (except for NPC's)
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