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Multiple Settings Kitsune Kounts- Rp Writing Sample

The Kitsune Siren

The Foxy with the Moxxie
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*𝙹𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚊 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚎-𝙸𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒*

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The brightly shining sun and gentle breeze is what Jayla woke up to and was definitely thankful for. In her eyes, it was a sign that it would be an easy going day with nothing to ruin it. Of course, even as a kunoichi, she knew better than to wish for such things. As she walked through the familiar village that was Konoha towards her team's training grounds, she lamented her journey of being a ninja thus far. Born in from two families, one of which had a kekkei genkai that made them feared literally on the battlefield and the other familiar in the way of the sword. Yes, she was basically raised to be the perfect warrior when it comes to fighting. Still, she was one that was kind and caring towards others, ninja or not. But even as a genin, she knew she had plenty of things to work on to become better. Which was why she was actually glad she was a part of Team Gai. Sure, their green clad sensei and teammate that was basically a carbon copy of him seemed to be a bit much, but the team was something that she definitely needed to better herself.

Speaking of teammates, the young brunette thought about her other teammate that was on her mind: Neji Hyuuga. Coming from one of the many clans of Konoha, Jayla first noticed how closed off and cold he seemed to be for others. More than once she heard him talk about others being stuck in their place due to "destiny", something that she found odd. Of course, that didn't deter her from trying to get to know him as a person. And after various missions and training together, she was glad to see that there was some sort of progress between the two. Sure, he wasn't all smiles and giggles, but he definitely seemed much less cold towards her. As she approached the training grounds, the sight of her teammate there caused her to smile. "Neji-kun!" She called out as she approached him, panting slightly from rushing there. "Good morning! I hope that I didn't keep you waiting for long." She said with a small smile. "Are you up for some training?"

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏

𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒂 𝑱𝒂𝒚𝒅𝒆 𝑮𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒔

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ஜ۩"𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅."۩ஜ​

It was supposed to be a goodbye. A final tribute to all she and her friends had created and one final goodbye. When the news of YGGDRASIL shutting down, Jayla Igarashi, or Lady Elincia Jayde Gladiolus in YGGDRASIL, was deeply disappointed. YGGDRASIL easily became her new favorite game once it was released and she was able to get all the equipment to play. Instantly, she started the game as a demon and worked her way up. Of course, with her playing an evil creature in the game, she was picked on by plenty of players because of it. Thankfully, she was soon rescued by the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and quickly became a member. The whole guild was the only one in the guild full of dark factored creatures there and the demoness instantly felt at home.

There, Elincia worked her way to better herself and became one of the feared members of the guild. With her wide arsenals of weaponry, magical spells and use of traps, even her NPC's and pets got plenty of credit for her carnage. Call it a bit of revenge, but the demon showed no mercy when it came to fighting light creatures in the battlefield. Yes, over the years, Elincia gained a name for herself, both inside and outside of the guild. But now, it seemed all of that was for naught.

When the announcement of the game's ending reached her ears, she could feel immense dread at the thought of her favorite game shutting down for good. Ainz Ooal Gown had become a second home to her; one where she could act as freely as she wanted and enjoy herself and the carnage that she wanted. But now, it would all be gone in a matter of hours. So, as tribute, the demon spent the last day simply sitting there and taking in the final moments of the game. Surprisingly, a few other guild members had joined her in the tribute, but one by one, they all left to their other lives and such. Even Momonga, one who she thought was even more devoted than her, had to leave at the last moment. Now, alone at the meeting table, Elincia rose and began to stroll through the guild that she called home.

Going through the guild palace and their many floors, it was Elincia's Domain that she seemed to halt at for the longest. Everything she had was here: her armory, potions rooms, rooms full of priceless and one of a kind items she got from limited events and quests, and most of all, her NPC's. Idle, yet still admirable, she found herself gazing at all of them and smiling sadly. "Well, if we're going to go, we might as well go with everything." She murmured to herself before diving into her NPC's and altering them the way that they should've been before the game had shut down. They've had abilities and skills that she was too ignorant to apply because she was always busy with other events and fighting with the guild. But now, she would be the only one to know about these upgrades as they would never be able to see the battlefield again. "You will be missed, all of you." She said, gazing fondly at her creations all lined up in front of her: all staring and awaiting their orders. The Homunculi Maids were down in the kitchens, so she knew that they were perfectly safe there.

Finally, her strolling led her back to the meeting room. A look at the clock shows that she had less than ten minutes left. So what should she do now? Turning, the demoness exited through one of the throne rooms, walking past the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown and staring at it. It was an item; one that represented the guild and all that it stood for. The friendships, the hardships, their climb to be one of the top ten guilds out there. It wouldn't be right to leave it on its own. So, the demoness took the staff, admiring it as it stood a bit over her head. It was amazing, and she was thankful to have it in her final moments. She continued her stride to the throne room, she stepped inside and took notice of the NPC's there waiting. The maids were obviously the Pleiades, and she was able to recognize Sebas easily. With the command to follow her, she walked past them and up the stairs, the NPC's following her till they reached the bottom of the stairs. At the side of the throne stood Albedo: the overseer of all the floor Guardians, and definitely the strongest. It was nice being surrounded by them like this. Curiosity getting the better of her, she used the staff and looked at her information, surprised to see all the information there was. Using the staff, for fun's sake, she encrypted into her bio that she deeply admired Elincia, smiling at her work and setting the staff at her side.

Not much time left. Only a minute. Sighing, she ordered the NPC's to bow, leaning back in the throne to take in the final moments on the server. Three...two...one. She waited to see the YGGDRASIL logo, for the game to shut down and some type of thank you for playing. But no. Instead, the clock started once more and it was counting as if it was a regular day. But, that wasn't supposed to happen, was it? Quickly using the staff, she tried to access the settings to see what was wrong, but the staff didn't work. Causing her to curse. That was when she heard it. A voice that wasn't hers. Asking if she was okay.

She turned, seeing that it was Albedo, staring at her with worry in her eyes. This couldn't be real. This just couldn't be happening! But the succubus stood and was close in front of her face without orders, trying to find out what was wrong with her. But she wasn't the only one, she could see Sebas and the Pleiades were staring at her in question as well. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be. But, her curiosity got the better of her and she pulled Albedo by the wrist, surprised to feel a warm pulse under her instead of nothing. Unbothered by the surprised expression of the succubus, she let go with a gentle apology. An NPC never felt real. They were simply there and weren't able to move on their own. The fact they all moved and acted was just a surprise.

So that was it, she was stuck in YGGDRASIL. Or was it even YGGDRASIL anymore? With an order to gather the others and to meet her on the sixth floor for a proper meeting and evaluation, the demoness stood and decided to walk there, wanting to clear her head. She was in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, the only member of the supreme guild left, and she was left with monsters and various creatures of high rank and dangerous skill. And as the only guild member, they all responded to her. The only question was: what could she do now?

Walking onto the sixth floor, Elincia was momentarily distracted by the fake sky above her, taken in by its beauty every time. With a small shake of her head, she called out. "Guardians of the Six Floor, are you here?" She called out, wondering if anyone would answer her.

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