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Multiple Settings King's Roleplay Search (21+)

King of Nowhere

New Member
Hey, I'm Alex! I'm 26, and my pronouns are they/them. I'd love to have some more roleplays. I have several ideas, but feel free to suggest something else if you have any ideas you want to do. My response time can vary. Some days, I'm very active. Other days, I'm not able to be. I have multiple chronic illnesses, so health can be rather unpredictable. If I'm not able to reply for an extended amount of time, I'll do my best to make partners aware of that. My time zone is EST. I'm usually most active in the evenings and late at night. I've been roleplaying on and off for about a decade, and I have a degree in creative writing. My average post length is two to five paragraphs, but I'm very flexible and will adapt to my partner. I play a wide variety of characters that include all genders and sexual orientations. I do play a lot of LGBTQ+ characters though as that's what I'm most comfortable with. If there is a specific romantic pairing in my idea, it will be marked with what pairing type(s) the roleplay will include. If I'm wanting to play a specific character, they will be bolded. For fandom pairings that include my OC, I'm willing to double as anyone you would like for your OC.


Two trans guys become friends through a support group for trans people. They end up transitioning at the same time at relatively the same pace and supporting each other every step of the way. They end up getting very close and falling for each other. [MxM]

In a dystopian world of walled-off pockets of civilization, an order of magicians rises up to fight their oppressors and reunite the lost cities.

A young deity, who was lost to Earth when another deity stole him from his parents, gains his full powers on his 21st birthday and accidently creates a whole planet complete with a kingdom he's been dreaming about most of his life. He ends up transporting himself right into the castle where a handsome king awaits. The people know who he is, and he is immediately welcomed as a god. [MxM] (can be changed to FxF or include non-binary characters)

In a world of superheroes and villains, a famous villain is slain by his equally famous hero rival. The villain's son inherits his father's lair and begins his work to take down the "hero" that killed his father. In this world, things are not as they seem. Those who call themselves heroes are on the wrong side. The villain's son has declared the man who killed his father as his arch-nemesis only to discover the man who wears the disguise as a superhero is his husband. [Mx] (can be changed to FxF or include non-binary characters)

Our characters along with their close friends venture out to sea in search of a wreck to solve a mystery of a lost plane from 30 years ago. My character is a marine archeologist and has made it her mission to solve mysteries of the ocean such as this one.


Once Upon a Time:

Hades has done dealings with Regina's daughter before and has always had a thing for her. He was quite displeased when he discovered she married Mr. Gold, but when she comes to help Emma and the others save Hook, he decides he's going to take what he wants and does everything in his power to get his love to leave Rumple for him. [MxF] (If you want something poly, it could be M/F/M)

This Mr. Gold x OC idea.

Rumple x Belle
Regina x Emma

Harry Potter:

This roleplay will involve us playing four characters each, one character belonging to each house. Our characters will all be the same year and be in the same year as the golden trio. For the main events, we will follow those in the books. But we will throw in plenty of our own adventures and shenanigans in between. We will begin in first year and work our way through. If the roleplay continues for a long period of time, we can even continue into our characters' adulthood if we so choose. Each school year, we will write an updated character sheet so no need to write about our characters' future looks, personality etc.

Grey's Anatomy
Doctor Who
BBC's Sherlock

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