Kingdom War


Six Thousand Club
Character Sheet









Type of Creature:

Name: Phoenix

Gender: Female

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/42696705_m.png.3b0a5c340159a19704efec27a9df7e3b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/42696705_m.png.3b0a5c340159a19704efec27a9df7e3b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kind, Caring, Some times hot-headed, Full of spirit.




*The Color Red



*The Cold


Kingdom: Great Dragons

Type of Creature: Draconian Elemental

Powers: She can control fire, turn into a dragon, Fly, and much more.



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Name: Calista

Gender: Female

Age: 15


Personality: Kind, Nice, and always looks to the bright side of things.


Lava, The color orange, and cares for children.


Water, The color Green, and dislikes anyone who is disrespectful.

Kingdom: Great Dragons

Type of Creature: Charcoalian

Powers: She can create volcanoes and control them. Make lava go anywhere that she wants it to. If in danger

she can create smoke to get away or kill any enemy.




Personality:Kawazoe is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle,Kawazoe comes off as his his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Kawazoe is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

Likes:The color red,the woods,Being Free


Kingdom: Great Dragons

Type of Creature:werewolf

Powers:able to control the earth

Extra:He is a bounty hunter will work for either Kingdom
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Name: Vincent Loyce

Age: 17

Kingdom: King of the Sly Wolves



Vincent is a young ruthless ruler who will not let anyone stand in his way of his power and riches. He cares about who he sees fit to care about and despises the rest and mocks there existiance. He beloved in fiml law an order when it comes to outhers but when it comes to himself he is hipocrytical.


He had his parents assassinated to claim the throne early. He then had statues of him carved around the land and a peace corp watch over all replacing traditional nights. In his rule the Kindom prospers filled with law and order everything is fought threw words and lie's instead of by the blade. He has his army of rose and wolf nights to fight the wars though.

Likes: red wine,books,roses,diplomats

Dislikes: white wines, people of the great dragon, ignorant people, seafood, getting his hand dirty.

Type: Human

Powers: He can control people with his voice, he can lie threw anything, his blood has a poison flowing threw it witch dosent bother him but can kill outhers quickly.
[QUOTE="Marvelous Chester]Name: Vincent Loyce
Age: 17

Kingdom: King of the Sly Wolves



Vincent is a young ruthless ruler who will not let anyone stand in his way of his power and riches. He cares about who he sees fit to care about and despises the rest and mocks there existiance. He beloved in fiml law an order when it comes to outhers but when it comes to himself he is hipocrytical.


He had his parents assassinated to claim the throne early. He then had statues of him carved around the land and a peace corp watch over all replacing traditional nights. In his rule the Kindom prospers filled with law and order everything is fought threw words and lie's instead of by the blade. He has his army of rose and wolf nights to fight the wars though.

Likes: red wine,books,roses,diplomats

Dislikes: white wines, people of the great dragon, ignorant people, seafood, getting his hand dirty.

Type: Human

Powers: He can control people with his voice, he can lie threw anything, his blood has a poison flowing threw it witch dosent bother him but can kill outhers quickly.

and this is why my guy left
Name: Lucena and Merek Hadrien

Gender: Girl and Boy

Age: 20 and 15




Personality: Lucena is rather rough and tough, speaking her mind when she wants to and has a quick tongue. She's fiercely loyal to those she deems worthy and has a deep love for her brother, protecting him no matter what, even if it means going against her kingdom. While she may be loyal to her kingdom, she'll betray them to protect Merek. Merek is much more shy and quite. He's reclusive and likes to be seem as a ghost. He doesn't enjoy attention as it makes him nervous and he has a bit of a stutter when he's speaking to someone he does not know well. Occasionally, he can be sarcastic like his sister but it's usually directed at her as he's most comfortable with Lucena.

Likes: (Lucena): Merek, smart people, combat, her weapons, her kingdom, loyalty, kind people, and food. (Merek): Lucena, kind people, somewhat Vincent, his abilities at times, loyalty, and stability

Dislikes: (Lucena): Manipulative people, Vincent, disloyalty, dishonor, rule breakers, unchivalrous people, and the ones that took her brother away. (Merek): those that are unkind, his abilities at times, instability, disloyalty, those who believe themselves to be superior, and his current life

Kingdom: Great Dragon and Sly Wolves

Bio: Lucena and Merek are not blood related. He was adopted when he was just an infant and Lucena took to him quickly. Their parents died when Lucena was 15 and Merek was 10. Somehow, Vincent learned of Merek's abilities and sent to have him captured for his own purposes when he was 12. Lucena vowed to find a way to get him back and has been steadily planning for the past 3 years.

Type of Creature: Human and Mage/Witch

Powers: None and the ability to cast powerful and rare spells unlike any other, precognition (rare), and empathic abilities (control and feel others' emotions)
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Name: Caroline loyce

Gender: female

Age: 15

Kingdom sly wolves


Personality: sweet kind loyal to her brother Vincent

Likes: Vincent, Color red, tulips people who treat me with respect

Dislikes:people that are mean to my brother, and people who think it's funny to be mean to us

Type of Creature: human

Powers: none
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Name: lance T. Draka

Gender: male

Age: 20



Personality: filled with rage, he is a dragon human that lost his transformation powers. He is calm for the most however

Likes: honour, battle

Dislikes: dishonour, torture

Kingdom: great dragon (was a prisoner)

Type of Creature: fallen dragonoid

Powers: transformation, super strengh and speed, breath power.
Name: King Blaze

Gender: Male

Age: 56

Appearance: Blonde shaggy hair with white strands, Golden eyes, tan, muscular, tall, bulky, has beard.

Personality: Strong, Unmerciful, Orderly.


* His Daughter, Phoenix

* Order

* Strong Armies.


* The Sly Wolves

* Small Weak armies

* Weak Order

Kingdom: Great Dragons - King

Type of Creature: Draconian

Powers: Fire, flying.
Name: Ilenna

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Human appearance: Silver hair, golden eyes, pale skin, sharp nails (usually hidden), silver scales on shoulders(also usually hidden), small silver wings (look fake)

Dragon appearance: Beautiful, silver scales, gold eyes, intricate design on back

Personality: shy, wise, lonely

Likes: the moon, winter, mountains, silver and jewels, pork

Dislikes: other dragons, people, pollution, the sun, summer

Kingdom: Rogue

Type of creature: Dragon

Powers: Breathing ice, turning into human, prophecy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_mzf4qneGqd1r72dfyo1_500.png.b56805c242feeb14120d4b9582a890d8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_mzf4qneGqd1r72dfyo1_500.png.b56805c242feeb14120d4b9582a890d8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Moira Goode

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Personality: When first noticed, Moira appears to be a very mysterious and quiet individual. But on the contrary, she is a naturally warmhearted girl and is open to making new friends. Though this can also make her gullible and quick to strangers who may seek to do her harm. She cares deeply for all living things, but by no means is against fighting to protect herself and the ones she cares for.

Likes: Nature, animals, hearing the sounds of the forests, getting what she wants, collecting rare herbs, flowers, mosses, etc.. for her healing clinic

Dislikes: War, the arguing kingdoms, killing animals (she is a vegetarian), hunters

Kingdom: Does not stand beside either kingdom, but resides in her healing clinic that she owns in the Sly Wolves Kingdom

Type of Creature: Witch

Powers: The young witch has many abilities that she too is still discovering as she grows older. Though one of her most common abilities include conjuring emerald flames that crackle with otherworldly magic. She also tends to use her telekinetic powers, which cannot lift overly-heavy objects although one time she had lifted a huge boulder to collect the special moss growing underneath it. And one of her most personal favorites was ensnaring the mind and manipulating the senses of humans, particularly men, in order to get free clothes and food when she was low on funds. Since flying is still very difficult for Moira, her main form of travel relies on her power of phasing; her physical form almost appears to be skating on the ground, gliding quickly and leaving shadowy afterimages of her form behind her as her speed leaves even the fastest horses in the dust. But aside from all of her powers, she is physically very frail and has had no training in any type of fighting or martial arts. For all intents and purposes though, she despises using her magic to harm or control other living beings, wishing only to use it to heal and protect the sick and wounded.



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