Kingdom Under Attack


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
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Name: Kalian (kell-ee-an) Lucifurc (lucy-furk)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Birthday: October 31

Zodiac(Western): Scorpio

Personality:Mysterious, cunning, selfish, secretive, hot headed, emotional and caring(deeeeeeep deep deep down), strange, thrill seeking, adrenaline junkie, flirty, horny, quick on his toes, childish, trouble maker

Sexuality: Will frick anything that is human

Weaknesses: Arrogance, doesn't have much in the way of allies, his ego, is almost always is trouble, steals and lies, his big secret

Skills: Thievery, lying, fighting(both physical and verbal), keeping secrets, intelligent

History: Unknown

Quirks: Has a strange attraction to cats

Other: No one knows who this stranger is...

Fluffy kittens are the best.
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Name: Zac Allen Rene

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 19

Zodiac(Western): Cusp of Taurus and Gemini

Personality: Zac is kind-hearted and generous, always trying to help out. However, the moment somebody starts threatening the safety of his town or family (what's left of it) his heart seems to freeze up and he becomes cruel and calculating.

Sexuality: Straight as a ruler. (but it's not a metal ruler, 'cause that would hurt)

Weaknesses: Zac's kindness still overtakes him sometimes, and it was this that got him during the invasion. Now he's tried to remedy this weakness, but has instead developed another weakness. He's very trusting when not feeling threatened, and could easily be taken down by an assassin.

Skills: Zac isn't actually that strong, what makes him so powerful in battle is his agility and quick wit. Often times he spends as much time actually hitting someone as he does getting his opponents to hit each other. This makes him excel in fights against multiple enemies, but he can barely do any damage to a single opponent. Zac is also pretty good at woodcarving, making complex designs in less than hour.

History: Zac was raised in the village, and attempted to help defend it. But he showed mercy to a fallen enemy soldier, and payed the price. Ever since then, Zac has felt that he failed his village and takes every possible opportunity to improve his skills and attempt to stop those dolts from abusing his home.

Quirks: Zac tends to sing to himself when he's all alone. He also carries a carving knife and a long stick of wood at all times.

Other: He's known by most in the village, and if a fight happens, he can't help but join in.

Fluffy kittens! :3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/9d909c283f65fee5e218370b57ac0987.jpg.7a537b629026f12e4b49c99ebb3a3a36.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/9d909c283f65fee5e218370b57ac0987.jpg.7a537b629026f12e4b49c99ebb3a3a36.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ellis Mayfaern

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 17th

Zodiac(Western): Gemini

Personality: Stubborn, quick thinker, reckless. Likes doing things her own way, instead of having it laid out for her or made easy. Stays in her own thoughts a lot, but is very honest. Sometimes brutally honest. Pretty trusting and empathetic, but can be dense. Generally happy person, tries not to take things too seriously. Stays on the positive, and is very sensitive but tries to hide it.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Weaknesses: Her honesty, It's gotten her in trouble quite a few times. She's scared of suffocation, and has nightmares a lot.

Skills: Pickpocketing, lock picking. Isn't super strong, but can fight her way out of most situations, so long as they aren't too serious. Good at climbing and general athletics.

History: After the neighbouring kingdom took over, Ellis was moved to the small village. Her father tried to defend her and her mother, but both quickly died, leaving her orphaned. She became a bit of a street rat, scrounging off other people, stealing and such, until she was old enough to get a job. She works at the tavern in the evening, and the fields during the day.

Quirks: Has conversations with herself in her head, fiddles with the key around her neck when she's thinking, has a habit of chewing on herself or things in her hands. Almost never wears shoes.

Other: Always wears a chain with a key around her neck.

~Fluffy kittens~



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Name: Ancelcius "Nizzle" Neria

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birthday: January 31

Zodiac(Western): Aquarius

Personality: Serious but has a childish personality

Sexuality: Damn straight

Weaknesses: Nothing affects him basically, he might have a weak spot somewhere between his two legs.

Skills: Manipulation, persuation, great upper and lower-body strength

History: N/A

Quirks: N/A

Other: He likes to lead other warriors in battle or in the tavern.

*eye twitches*

... Fluffy Kittens are fucking awesome.
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