Kingdom of the Sky (Sign-ups) (WIP)


New Member

In a land of great adventures there is one, one that stands above the rest. Heroes and legends where born from this kingdom. . .

Note that this thread is work in progress (wip) but you are welcome to join c:

Lore (history)

In a mystic land of Faltha, one can expect magical events and strange beasts.

The founder of our kingdom, Eragon was born in Faltha. He was a half beast. We describe Eragon as the head of a wolf, the wings of a eagle and the tail of a wolf. During his adventures, he meets a female half (beast). Her name was Angel, she had the body and tail of the wolf and the wings of the eagle. They fell in love and had some children. Fearing for their safety, he and his family journeyed once more and settled down in the castle on the floating islands. That castle is now the kingdom of the sky.

General info you should know

  • The kingdom accepts all beasts (meaning all animals such as half wolf/dog etc. or regular animals)
  • The members of this kingdom is religious.
  • The castle is on a large floating island. There are several others around it, they are connected by bridges. The kingdom is also connected to down below (not just floating land)
  • All members use magic (powers) in every day events. There are rarely non-magic beasts


  • Follow the rules (not just the roleplay ones)
  • No Ooc fighting.
  • Be respectful
  • I am open to plots. Just one at a time c: If you have any, please msg me.
  • No killing other people's characters (you have to ask)
  • Please, Please no DRAMA. I don't want to be mean, but please don't bring real life problems in this rp
  • Please don't make your character like god (indestructible, one kit KO's etc)
  • Have fun c: (if you read this please put sky in the form)


This Kingdom believes in 3 things. Life, death and Glory. They respect these three deity and deities. One, Thalia. She is the goddess of life. No beast bears her name. She is described as a white wolf, with large white feathery wings. Kira is the god of Death. Members of the kingdom sacrifice part of their meal to him in fear of sickness, death etc. He is described as A black wolf with six tails. Each tipped with bright red. He has amber eyes and is large. Hadora, the god of glory. He is described as a male wolf wearing battle armor. He is a dark gray wolf.

Ranks (More will be added along the way)

Leader/Emperor(1/1): He/she controls everything

Caesar(Deputy)(0/1): He/she is like the right hand man (or animal :P ). Usually is the princess/prince. He/she takes over is the leader/emperor dies.

Nobles (0/10): A noble are of royal blood. A noble is respected.

Healer(0/2): The medic who heals injuries, tends to sick members etc. He/she teaches the healer in training

Healer apprentice(0/2): The medic-in-training to be the next one

Non-Hp positions

Instructor(0/?): A teacher who teaches certain skills to one or more apprentices (limit: 3). He/she teaches his/her skills to the apprentice that wants to be a warrior/spy/assassin. The instructor still keeps his/her original rank.

Spy(0/15): He/she infiltrates a building/clan etc. to steal or gather information in secret.

Warrior(0/?): The fighter. He/she defends or fight in a battle

Assassin(o/15): The silent killers of the kingdom. Bears a mark to show that he/she is an assassin.

Apprentice(0/?): The young beast (animal), at 7 moons (months) old chooses what he/she will be.





Type of animal (like half or normal):


other (can put what your character looks like):

HP form




Why you would like an HP position:

Type of animal:



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Do we have to chose one of the ranks or can we be a normal citizen?

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