Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Viktor frowned and flipped his hairas he walked away. Lucifer followed closely behind Duanna and Sephiroth.

Michael was shaking as he panted. He seemed to be getting sick from his body rejecting the negative energy. It didn't seem that he would fall this time. He might actually die from it.
Duanna walked into the room and saw Michael and then leaned against a wall staying outside the room and started to cry more and Sephrith sighed. Clair glared at Duanna "Get that bi*** far away from Michael! It's her fault that he is like this!" she pulled out a dagger that was at her side.
Lucifer growled and put his sword to Clair's neck. "You know I could kill her for even laying a finger on my brother." His eyes were blood red.
"I don't care where we go, I trust you." And surprisingly she did, all of the stuff she said earlier really got to Rei. It also made her want to know a lot more about Lili

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Saya smiled more then looked around "well do you need anything else done...I can help"

Vivian nodded "lead the way.." she looked over at the guards to see what they plan to do to keep novs and kana safe in every direction.

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Clair looked at him worried "Sir if we get you to the heavens in time the council might be able to help. Please give me permission to take you home." Duanna peaked into the room, she didn't want Michael to see her but she didn't want to leave him alone.

"No I normally do my school work then clean up, that's all i ever do." Kuro smiled

They just followed behind, not seeming to worried about their safety. Nova walked into the castle and took his sister to her room, laying her in bed.
Michael frowned and tried to stand up but it hurt so much. He finally said "bring me to them.... Please!" A tear slipped down his cheek. He was so pure that any darkness that tried to enter his body would kill him.
Clair sighed with relief "thank you sir." she touched his chest and he appeared in the council room but she was forced out as soon as they saw. Leta heard Clair speak in protect of leaving the council room, she picked up Leo and left to see what was going on.

Duanna looked down "Lucifer....I want to go to my room....." the top of her dress was covered in blood tears. ".....I hurt him so much....this is all my fault...." Demonia walked over and smacked Duanna and glared at her "Has being in heaven really made you that damn weak!? I know you have a new body and all but I see no really for you to be acting like a spoiled princess instead of a strong and confident queen! The Duanna I know would have fought Lucifer to say out of Hell even if it meant dying! Just now you have request Lucifer to take you to Hell, a place that you fear and hate! I don't know you're not the daughter I raised...." Demonia was disappointed "And then you kiss a man that isn't even your husband....i never thought you would give into the darkness so easily...." as Demonia turned her back on Duanna to return to her room something flashed in Duanna's eyes and she pulled out her sword and stabbed right into Demonia's back, a smiled spread across Duanna's face and her eye are completely black, it happened so quick Sephrith did have time to react.
Rei was confused, this was the first time Lili wasn't smiling. "What's wrong?" She asked.

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Lucifer screamed "No!!" He ran over to Demonia and yelled "restrain her." Soldiers grabbed Duanna as Lucifer ripped the sword out of Demonia and let her lay in his lap. Viktor was just coming back and saw everything. "Demonia!" Hw ran over to her and looked at Duanna. He looked down and went over to her. He whispered in her ear "run away with me..."
"Something is off..." she looked away as Duanna stabbed Demonia, her worry was now replaced with fear.

Demonia spit up some blood and looked at Duanna " the Hell..." she coughed "are you....?" Duanna smiled "The name that I am known by are Abeko, Abito, Amizo, Batna, Eilo, Ita, Izorpo, Kali, Kea, Kokos, Odam, Partasah, Patrota, Podo, Satrina, Talto but you the one you all may know me best as is Lilith." she laughed a little and then looked at Viktor "I would love to dear but it would give me a terrible headache listening to Duanna scream at me to stop."
Rei's eyes widen at the sight of the stabbing. She takes a step back. Her master has never put her this close to danger before. "Off is one word you could use for this."

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Saya looks at kuro "then do you have any games.."

Vivian followed close behind nova and stayed on high alert for anything that tryed to attack, when they got to the castle, she followed nova to kana's room but didnt go inside, she waited outside of kana's room for nova to come out, as she waited by leaning against the wall outside the room, she looked around.

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Fayde, watched not even flinching at the stabbing, he realized he hadn't seen the council himself. " I'll leave this mess in your capable hands." He said this to no one in particular before disappearing popping up in front of the council rooms doors. Two angels that were passing by were startled, one dropping his paperwork. One look at Fayde's black wings, and so dozens of warrior angels were on him weapons levled at him, he waved his hand and their weapons seemed to get heavier. As a collective clatter of weapons hitting the floor went up. Fayde just turned and entered the counsel room looking at the members. "Vramiel, reporting." The power his real name holds made the room shake. He looked at the now dismayed faces, it appears they thought or at least wished him dead. This angered Fayde he clenched his fists glsring at the angelic men with his piercing eyes. "After all I've done to defend this place I still can't call ithome can I?" He turned and walked out not caring if they gave him a new assignment, he probably wouldn't do it anyways.

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Viktor unsheathed his sword but hesitated. Normally, he would have no problem killing her but he didn't want to hurt the children and he still loved Duanna. He turned his back to her. "I must leave." He walked off.
Lili quickly but gently picked Rei up and ran away from the area in case anything worse happened "I'm sorry that you saw that....I never thought Duanna was able to do something like that..."

Duanna laughed as she saw Viktor leave and then she watched as the life in Demonia's eyes started to vanish "Well isn't this what you wanted Lucifer, I am sure once your brother falls then so will the heavens and with the death of the queen to Azriel, I am sure it will be easy to conquer, you already have hell once more so no need to mention that." Demonia looked at Lucifer "Please do something to save my little girl...."

Leta saw Fayde walked over to greet him. "Hello" she smiled at him.

Kuro looked at her confused "Games?"

Nova walked out of the room and looked at Vivian "Something has happened while I was away."
Lucifer growled as he held Demonia close. He screamed in agony. Axoret had his blade in Lucifer's stomach. "You..." He looked at Demonia and his body was currently shaking with a mix of anger and sadness. He couldn't believe Lucifer had stabbed his beloved.

Michael saw nurses and doctors working on, trying to keep him stable and stop him from falling. He has been in the human realm for too long and was dying. They had to stop the change. Everything was turning to s*** so quickly.
Demonia looked at Axoret and smiled "It wasn't him dear...." she coughed some more and then laid there motionless. Duanna just laughed as she watched. "About time that the bi*** died. I swear she was annoying me to death."

Clair watched and looked worried, for as long as she had known Michael she had always cared for him, she had feelings for him but kept them hidden, she was just a healing angel and he was their king. Another angel came up to her and said something she looked shocked "Alright, I will deal with her, if the king gets better makes sure that he rests. I don't want him to return to earth for a while..."
Axoret spun around and went to stab Duanna but Lucifer stood in front of her, letting Axoret stab him once more. He coughed up blood. "No... I won't let you hurt my children." He picked her up and disappeared, reappearing back in Hell. He slammed her against the wall and demanded "what the hell are you doing here, Lilith?" His body was quickly healing.
Rei was frozen, everything seemed to slow down as Lili carried her away. She saw someone die. And she could only watch, she couldn't interfere... never interfere... and now someone was dead. DEAD. Why did she have to be weak? why just a doll? She wanted to help... but she was the most helpless one of all. "What? ... Sh... Should we help them? And... Ah... A-are you ok Lili? Did you know those people?" She spoke to Lili but her eyes never left the scene, even after they were far away.
Nova soon ran into the room and saw Demonia on the ground and then looked at Axoret "What happened....?"

"I just wanted to help you in your plans." Duanna smiled.

"Yes I knew them....and I want to help but I'm too weak....i could never help....." lili was shaking.
Axoret said "I came in for part of it but I thought Lucifer stabbed Demonia and I stabbed him but it was Duanna and he protected her before leaving."

"I was waiting for the children to be born but..." His hand rested on her stomach. He smirked devilishly.
Fear filled her eyes "You wouldn't?" Clair soon appeared in the room "Lucifer step away from the girl." she didn't seem bothered but the darkness of hell.

"My sister wouldn't do something like that...she would never do something like that." he saw that sword next to his mother then sighed seeing that it was true "Kana is asleep....I have to leave to hell...."

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