Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"This is the kingdom of azriel." Lili smiled

Duanna smiled as she pulled away "thank you" she kissed him even with his blood still on her lips.

Demonia smiled "I would love to meet this Hydra lady, she sounds like my type of friend." Demonia giggled
Viktor licked his lips and smiled. He then kissed her once more. "When you give birth, you better show me them."

"You can meet her now." Hydra walked out of the shadows. She smirked and kicked Lucifer a lot. When he grumbled a little bit, she rolled her eyes. "He's become so weak minded. It must be that skank he's fooling around with." She smirked as she stared at Hell.
Hell scoffed "dear he was my first believe it or not." She was getting annoyed. Demonia smiled "nice to meet you, so what seems to be the problem of why they want to put you down like a rabid animal?"

Duanna giggled "everyone will get to see the kids." She suddenly covered her mouth when she thought abot how she just kissed him, she looked like she was going to cry,, she was angry with herself.
"I don't understand why their so mean. I just wanted to play." She looked at Demonia, innocently. "Their bullying me for no apparent reason." Lucifer started to laugh as he slowly got up. "Shut up. No one is believing you. Your such a whiny brat."

He looked down and said "I should leave... Before I get you into more trouble. Please don't tell Lucifer that I even stopped by and don't tell Michael about any of this. I don't want to ruin you and Michael's relationship cause your my friends." He left.
Demonia glared at lucifer "I didn't give you permission to speak, you hit me so you better keep your mouth shut!" She looked at Hydra "and what type of play were you wanting?" Demonia grabbed her sword in case lucifer tried to attack her again, she carefully held her son in her other arm.

Duanna sat in her room thinking about what she had done.
Fayde put a hand on Lucifer's shoulder a steely grip keeping him still. "First my lady I apologize for my brothers conduct. Second I believe the issue is what she may do." He looked Hydra up and down before turning back to Demonia. "She seems dangerous in both my brothers opinions and I offered to help." Fayde looked at Demonia a matter-of-fact tone filling his voice despite the woman being in the room.

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Vivian giggled "if thats really what you want me to do.."

Saya frown then sighed "if you want...I can talk to them for you"

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"Okay," Rei was relieved. At least someone was willing to answer her questions, Master always left her with no information about her surroundings... "But where are we in the kingdom of Azriel?"
Lucifer growled angrily and said "of course she's dangerous!" Hydra fell to her knees in agony. She had a hole in her stomach and she started to cough up blood. The wound quickly healed but she laid on the floor limp. "Someone... They killed one of my dragons." Michael looked at her and said teasingly "that's a good look for you."
Nova did not answer he just went to where his sister was to wake her up.

"They never listen so there's no point in in..." Kuro looked down.

"In the castle, would you like to see a map of where we are?" Lili smiled.

Demonia didn't like to hear the death of dragons, she found that they were beautiful and next to her ravens, dragons are her favorite. "If I was well I would help you find the killer and help you get rid of them...anyone who hurts a dragon deserves pain...."
"There's a map?" Rei perked up, she always preferred paper to people... People ask too many questions... She liked the little girl though she was very helpful and polite. Surprisingly she also liked being carried... It dawned on her she had yet to learn the girls name... "Um... I'm Rei Al... But called Rei by some..." She said awkwardly

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"Oh dear seems that I forgot to introduce myself, I guess being surprised but you being alive I forgot to say who I was, my name is Lili, that's with an I instead of a Y and the end, nice to meet you." Lili smiled and took her to the map room.
Hydra smiled a little and said "its illegal but people still do it." She smirked as she slowly stood up. Michael rolled his eyes and said "Lucifer... I'm going to,see my girlfriend." He walked off but past Viktor who smiled nervously at him. He quickly scurried inside the room and said "I have a problem."
Hell followed Michael "Duanna is in Hell, would you like me to to bring her here?" Demonia sighed "Dragons are such beautiful creatures, I had one as my first pet when I was a princess in Hell." Demonia looked at Viktor and laughed a little "You have a problem?"
Rei squirmed out of the girls hands when they got to the room and landed daintily on the floor almost as if she was a dancer. "Which one is it?" Rei asked excitedly looking around. Now that she knew where this was there was no doubt she would be back to scour all of them. But for now just the castle would suffice.
Lili rolled out a town map and laid it down "This is of the town and we are in the center, you can look at this one while I look for the floor plans of the castle." she smiled
Michael nodded and said "bring me to her. Her emotional levels have been strange. I still have my connection to her and that will never change."

Viktor thought about what to say but then blurted out "I made out with Duanna multiple times but you can't tell any of this to Michael." He leaned against the wall knowing her probably be hanged for laying a finger on the princess.
Rei ran one of her porcelain hands over the surface of the paper. she began tracing all the streets whispering the names and committing them to memory, just in case she was ever lost again.
"Meet us in the garden." Hell smiled and left to get Duanna.

Demonia looked at Axoret then back at Viktor "How do you not have a slap mark on your face? Surely she didn't kiss you back....?" Demonia could never see Duanna betraying Michael.

Lili soon found the layout pages for the castle and rolled them out "Found them after doing some digging around." she smiled.
Michael nodded and went to the garden to wait.

Axoret was too stunned to respond. Viktor sighed and said "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I left before I could do anything else. Falling for her was the last thing I wanted to do."
It was several minutes before Hell and Duanna appeared in the garden. Duanna was looking at the ground, she didn't even take a step towards Michael. "I found her crying....she almost didn't want to come see you....would you like me to leave you two alone?"

"That doesn't tell me if she kissed you in return." Demonia was trying to keep herself from getting up and going to find Duanna.
Rei looked up from the town map, she only had a basic understanding but it would suffice in an emergency. "Excellent!" She ran over and started leafing through them. After a few moments she stopped and looked at Lili. Her face had a puzzled look on it and she seemed to be warring with herself. Eventually her curiosity won and she asked, "Why... Why are you being so nice to me? and helping me? Usually a castle wouldn't let some doll just look at the layouts of there home... If I was someone dangerous this is information would be..." She paused not wanted to incriminate herself in her pursuit for knowledge that badly, "important." Her emotions were getting the better of her, she really should just keep quiet and gain the information but... She didn't want Lili to get into trouble, usually people weren't this nice to dolls like her.
Lili smiled "I am a daughter to two prisoners of Hell, Azriel is my kingdom, sure my mother is friends with the queen but I really couldn't care what someone does with the information also you don't seem like someone who means harm or ill will towards this palace."
Michael watched her and stepped closer to her but stopped and demanded "tell me what happened?" He knew something was up and he was going to find out what. This was a rare side to him. "If you don't tell me, I will find out and you won't be happy with what would happen to you because you didn't tell me."

"She... Did," was all he said before falling to his knees crying. He felt miserable. He didn't understand why he felt like this.
Duanna started to cry "I'm sorry....I don't....I don't know why I did it....I never meant to but it happened.....I never meant to......maybe it how I really am and I became an angel by mistake....I feel like something is waking up inside me.....Michael I love you more than anyone will ever know but I kissed another man....." she cried harder and fell to her knees, she didn't look at him once, she didn't want to see the look in his eyes "I'm sorry that I betrayed think I call myself your queen...."

Demonia looked shocked and looked at Lucifer "I blame you for this! You better keep her out of hell because that darkness isn't doing her any good!" Lucy soon walked into the room and smiled as he saw the misery he had caused.

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