Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"It hurts from time to time...but lucifer hasn't hurt me except for once and the darkness isn't killing me so far, I am keeping track of if the darkness gets close to my heart but it seems to vanish every time it gets close." She smiles a little.

"What do you think we should name him?" She kissed him back and looked at Lucifer "so why the sudden visit? Your kids and hell and you. It's been so long since I have seen your smiling face, even if I am angry with you I would still like a hug." Demonia giggled a little.
"I'm surprised Lucifer hasn't hurt you that much." He laid on her legs and got comfortable. "Well as long as its not killing you."

"I don't know. What are you thinking?" He smiled and kissed her deeply. Lucifer ran a hand through his hair and said "not hugging you. Michael and Fayde are here too."
"Well it would be nice to have someone that is dedicated to their work and doesn't slack off."

Kuro soon finished his work and and then started to clean the room up.

Duanna smiled at him "I think having his kids and hell has softened him a little but he would never admit it." she giggled

"I like the name Killian, it means small and fierce, my hope is that he may be small now but when he is older he'll be fierce." she smiled and fell into Axoret's kiss and then looked at Lucifer "Fayde? Why does that name sound so familiar....?"
"Definitely not. But I'm glad that he hasn't hurt you too much. I would be furious." He winked at her.

Axoret laughed and said "I like it." Lucifer looked at her and replied "he's my brother."
"I was trained not to slack off...i was taught to protect my leader at any cost..even if its my life" vivian spoke softly, she know what becoming a bodyguard ment and she seemed fine with it.

Saya watch kuro then walked over to him "may I help..."

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Duanna giggled and then felt the pain in her stomach return.

"oh right the brother that vanished from the world never to heard or seen again."

"I see, well you will never have to give up your life with me." Nova smiled and laughed a little.

"No I'm fine, I'm use to cleaning it up myself." Kuro's mouth never moved but he did smile at her.

(sorry been sick, that why I haven't responded much)
Vivian looked at nova and smiled a little "what do you mean....if I work for you and your family, I would have to protect all of you.."

Saya smiled "o...ok" she then watched him, she wanted to help but she didnt want to get in the way.

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Rei liked the name Killian she wondered if it suited the little baby like the lady said it did. She had her ear pressed up against the door. At times like these she often wondered, since she was an object and not actually a living creature, if it was actually her ear that she heard out of. All the tests she had done seemed to point to that but she could never really be sure.
Viktor looked at her with a concerned look and asked "are you alright?"

Lucifer nodded and said "the one and only." He smirked but Axoret didn't seem impressed.
"I'm just getting a little hungry is seems to hurt when I do..." she tried to hide her pain.

"Also how are you treating my daughter. If she returns her with one bruise then I'll kill you." Demonia smiled at him, there was a hint of hatred in the smile.

"I've never been one that likes to be protected, back when I was ten my mother was almost beheaded for wondering into Azriel, without hesitation i ran in front of my mom wanting to protect her. there was only a few times in my life when I have been afraid but it always involved my mother, she use to get hurt so easily when it came to love and pain of any kind so I swore to always keep her safe no matter what happened." he smiled and looked down a bit.

"Sorry it's just I have always been use to cleaning things up myself." once again his mouth did not move when he spoke.
Although Fayde wasn't in that room he could feel his essence invoked by the speaking of his name, he gave into impulse and appeared behind Lucifer arms crossed and a deadpan expression on his face. "Hello all." He stood making eye contact with ebrryone present, his gaze lingering on the people he didn't recognize. " Nice to meet you, I'm.... Fayde" he had paused debating whether or not to say his real name. But went with his well-known name. He knew he didn't look much older than a teenager, but he could tell he was powerfull enough to take on everyone in this room that he really cared to know.

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Viktor frowned and cut hid hand. "Feed. This is what you need right?" He looked at her with a serious expression.

Lucifer approached her and hit her across the face but was grabbed by Axoret. "How dare you not trust me!! I haven't laid a finger on her. She's my prisoner." Axoret jammed a needle into Lucifers back and let him slowly collapse. Axoret growled angrily. "I don't like when people like you touch women with your filthy hands." He flipped his hair and looked at Fayde. "Good day. I'm King Axoret and laying there is Queen Demonia." Michael came into the room and smirked. "Hey." He glanced at the unconscious Lucifer and shrugged, knowing he probably deserved it.
"From what I know they respond better to lucifer's blood but yes....are you sure you don't mind." she was a little scared to drink from him.

"Nice to meet you Fayde, I have heard a lot about you and I am happy to finally meet you." Hell looked a little upset as she saw what happened to Lucifer "You couldn't have let me handle him?"
"Of course not. I would do anything for you." He kissed her deeply before shoving his hand in her face. "Drink."

Axoret shook his head and said "no I couldn't have because he had no reason to hit the queen." His attention went back to Fayde and Michael. "What is your reason here anyways?"
"Just please let me know if I need to stop." She smiled and drank from him.

Hell sighed "He is going to be upset when he wakes up." Demonia giggled
Fayde looked at Michael, then back to Axoret. "We came about Hydra, I really don't care but we figured we should consult you before putting her down." He looked at Lucifer's limp body, "he's really let himself go, before he could have jammed that needle down your throat before you brandished it." He wouldn't do anything though it wasn't his skill in question. "Anyways do we have your consent to kill, or will there be an issue?"
Vivian smiled "I see...your a good person for wanting to protect your mom.." she then looked away "I wish I could say the same about the people that I used to live with...but sadly I cant.." she spoke of her family but she didnt speak of them as any part of her life anymore.

Saya looked at kuro in confusion, she noticed that he was speaking to her but his mouth wasnt moving, she then smiled "you are very cant speak but you can speak to other people through their I right?"

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Nova was slowly starting to like this girl but quickly drew himself away from the feeling "I need to go wake up my sister so that we can head home..."

Kuro smiled "you are the first person to catch on, it took several years to master but once I had it down it was really easy to do but even with this gift mom and dad still refuse to accept that I am nearly an adult, they worry to much and try to make up for the times I was in a coma." he sighed.
Vivian looked at nova then smiled " there anything that you would like me to do.."

Saya smiled "so...your parents know but they havent catch onto your abilities"

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Lili walked up behind Rei and smiled "Aren't you a pretty doll." she giggled and picked Rei up.

"Just make sure that the guards don't hurt themselves, maybe you could whip them into shape." he said jokingly

"They think that when they hear me it just that, all in their head. that they are imagining it all..." he looked down.
"oh." Rei said slightly surprised when she was lifted into the air. She should really be use to this treatment since she was after all a doll... But she looked at Lili and said, "you should really ask before picking someone up..."
Lili was started but gently held onto the doll instead of dropping her like most kids would when startled "I'm sorry i didn't know, I just thought someone had placed you here the way that you were, I didn't know you were a living doll or I would have asked, very sorry, would you like me to put you down?"
Rei thought for a moment... She always forgot that dolls talking wasn't exactly normal. For her it was an everyday thing. She decided to say, "I don't care whatever makes you comfortable... But can you tell me where I am?"

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"Don't worry. It doesn't hurt. Drink as much as you want." The twins weren't happy but accepted it.

Michael smirked and said "years ago, way before Duanna, I had a thing with her. I slept with her constantly. My parents hated her but it was whatever. After me, she went after Lucifer. She's a succubus who seduces every man she sees. She also controls dragons and can resurrect them."

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