Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

As Hydra disappeared three arrows converged on the spot where she was standing. Fayde silently cursed, before checking on his now healed brother. "Well that was exciting. Though if she wants her land back that may be an issue, if this Axoret is keeping her around I guess we'll have to confront him if we want to put her down." He opened his hand and let it disappear. "Of course we could see how this plays out as long as sh e stays under control there should be no problem."

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Michael shrugged and said "I'm on good terms with Axoret after almost killing the crowned prince and then forcing him off the throne." He grinned a bit and Lucifer asked "who's the bad one out of all three of us?
Fayde laughed, "So you have been busy." He looked at Lucifer, then to Michael. It had been so long since he saw his brothers, longer still since he saw them get along, it forced a grin onto his face. "So then, how shall we go about this."

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Lucifer said "well she's practically a succubus. You can go be seduced by her and we can umm.. Go on our merry lives." Michael glared at him and said "were not going to do that. Especially to our brother we haven't seen in years."
Fayde chuckled "I doubt my huntresses would be happy about that. Thanks for the offer though." he looked back at Mia who stood behind him smiling in a bashful way.

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Lucifer rolled his eyes and sat on the ground. "The only reason I'm here is because I sensed Hydra. We need to get rid of her. Do you have any better ideas? Michael? Fayde?
"We could attack her with the elite of our forces. Once we track her down of course, or he can lure her out my palace is still one of the most formidable fortresses. If she does have an armyof skeletal dragon we can defend against them there. It has it's back to so we cant be surrounded and of course we have the three strongest angels to fight her army."

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Lili reappeared next to Lucy and told him something and he nodded. Hell had heard what they were saying and looked a little worried and she looked at lucifer "I am taking the kids to see Demonia, seems something happened to recently and she isn't doing too well."
Nova smiled "I think I will order the servants to start putting away everything and when my sister wakes up we will head back to the castle."

Kit put on his patrol outfit and left the room.
Vivian looked at nova and smiled "by the way...your guards are not very advanced.." she honestly didnt care if she angered him over her saying that.

Saya watched kit leave, she then looked over at kuro and smiled.

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"They really don't care about my safety I took them a while to follow out here. I think the captain sent me his worst bunch." he sighed.

Kuro smiled back then went over to his school work.
Lucifer smirked and said "fallen... 2 angels and a fallen." He went over to Lucy and asked "what's wrong with Demonia?" He seemed genuinely curious.

Ooc: Sorry guys. Was at a party all day.
Lucy sighed "demonia was found in the hall and had her son. She's been really worried so I thought me and sister along with mom would go see her." Hell sighed "Demonia is pobably blaming herself and is a total wreck."
"Wheres her son. We might be able to help. We as in Me, Fayde, and Michael. Right guy?" He glared at them, threatening to agree. He had history with them so the least he could do is help them.
Lucy shook his head "Demonia hasn't been told and that's why she is so worried, she thinks the worse has happened and that she lost him." He sighed and Hell looked worried "I wonder if she kept up with her feedings...I have nevr known her to lose a child."
"Who has him then?" Lucifer demanded. If someone he couldn't trust was caring for the prince like a servant or someone, he would be furious.
Fayde rolled his eyes, "You aren't intimidating enough to scare md to do anything, besides you wouldn't need to. If I were needed you only have to ask."

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Michael pushed him and said "yeah. Were not like you." Lucifer laughed as he stumbled to the side. He walked ahead. "Lwts head to the palace.

Back at the palace, Hydra walked through the front door. She had a sarcastic smirk on her face. Servants tried to stop her but she pushed them to the side. Dragons were flying above but kept their distance.
Lucy appeared at the castle with hell and lili. Sephrith appeared but stayed in the shadows in case he is needed. Demonia was in her room fighting off sleep, to worried about hearing no word on her son.
Hydra sensed them and hid in the shadows. She kept hidden as she watched them. Michael an Lucifer were with them. They couldn't sense Hydra because of a spell but Michael said "Hydra is nearby. There are too many dragon. Axoret hates the dragons so he wouldn't let so many close by.

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Hell looked at Lucy "go find the prince if he is alive, I will go check in on demonia" lucy felt a weaker energy and appeared where it was and looked at viktor "so this is where the young prince has been" he sighed with relief. Hell walked into demoniaand sighed when she saw how much of a wreak she was, she walked over to comfort her and Demonia started to cry.
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Fayde tagged along not wanting to be left out of any fighting, especially since he was he was so good at fighting. He stepped in synch to his siblings walking at the end. He was only there for support.

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Vivian smiled and giggled "well...seeing as I guess I'll be work for wont get that from me.."

Saya watched as kuro went to do his school work, she looked around then she decided to stay with kuro till kit got back.

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