Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

The guards seemed kind of stunned, they just did as they were told and never questioned anything.

"So how does the food taste? sure its not the best but it's better than nothing." Kit smiled.
Vivian walked outside the tent and looked around around outside, she smiled then took a deep breath of the air.

Saya looked at kit and smiled "its good.." she then continued to eat.

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Nova woke up and looked around, he came to the top of the tent and had a guard go down and watch after his sister, he went outside the tent and saw Vivian "So did you place the blanket on me?"

Kit smiled when they were finished and then Kuro signed something and Kit sighed "I know I will see if there has been any word from her."
Vivian had looked around the tent to make sure that everything was fine, she sighed in relief then walked over to the water, she put her feet in the water a little then smiled as she looked out to the open sea, she then heard a voice and looked to see nova, she smiled "oh..hi, I noticed you had fallen asleep and I though you might get I cover you up..why?"

Saya looked at kuro then looked at kit in curiosity, but she didnt say anything cause she didnt want to bother them about it.

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Lucifer started to laugh and he said,coldly "don't you dare teach me how to be king." He sat back in his thrown to stare out. He unsheathed his dagger and started to play with it. His guards shrugged, used to his mood swings by now. When he stabbed his leg, they sprung into action . He watched his leg quickly heal and it was at that, that he got up. "I need to see Michael! Go get him!"
Fayde smiled, "Sure, we will. When I return I'll bring a present ok?"

He looked at Michael then nodded. He disappeared in a flash of purple light reappearing with his huntresses he looked at the devastation then at his huntresses thay were just hanging out on charred stumps and fallen trees. He decided to fulfill his promise to Juliana and began walking in that direction, his huntresses followed. As they fell in they teleported They appeared in front of the tavern amd went in. They walked upstairs and He knocked on her door wondering if she was in.

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Julianna sighed then turned into a bird and flew off to go back to the tavern, once there, she flew in through the window then turned back into her human for, she set on the bed and sighed, she then heard a knock at the door, she stood up then walked over and opened the door.

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"Dad he can't come to hell...we he could with spells but I would prefer if you two met on earth..." Lucy didn't like the idea of Michael coming to hell.

Leta looked happy and then ran off to her room.

Nova smiled "Thank you, normally I wake up because I become cold." he laughed a little.

Kit looked at Saya "We were discussing the wind in case you were wondering."
Lucifer growled a bit and looked into space. "I need to speak with him and there is no time." He stood up, unamused by everything. He never took anything serious so this personality was new for him.
Lucy looked at Lili and whispered then she vanished "I will be right back with uncle..." Lucy appeared where Michael was, he figured Michael would be a busy person and really didn't want to bother him but he didn't think it was often that Lucifer asked for Micheal.
Vivian smiled and giggled "I hope I didnt wake you up.."

Saya looked down, she felt like she medaled in there business a little "sorry...."

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Fayde stood as the door opened the Huntresses behind him. "Told you I'd be back. Was wondering if you would prefer to bunk in my palace for free instead of paying for this room." He took a step in but paused, "My I enter?"

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Juliana looked up at fayde, she sighed then moved to the side to let him in "come on in..."

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Fayde stepped in he looked his comrades and all but two teleported to the palace. Xeroa and Armelia stayed. Armelia wanted to stay she could smell theblood of herkin on this womans hands she spoke with a sarcastic but guided tone. "Hoe longhaveyou hunted my kind?" Fayde sighed knowing that this may not end well. Xeroa put her arm out in front of Armelia to signify that she had to stop. Fayde looked up, "please don't get upset, she just looked to judge the strength of others."

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Michael was in the angel realm speaking with a few of his soldiers. He was at his desk, writing some things as he spoke to his soldiers. He then said "find out if Duanna is still unharmed." A few of his soldiers left.
"Hello Uncle, are you worried about your wife? I can say that for now she is safe, dad is....something is off about him, he wants to see you but he doesn't want to meet on earth, he wants you to come to hell...." Lucy looked a little worried.

"No you didn't wake me but I do hope you slept well." Nova smiled.

"No need to be sorry, I was just letting you see my ex-wife can control wind, there was something off about that wind storm, there was no rain or anything just wind. My son and I is worried about her." Kit looked down.
Michael raised an eyebrow and said "he knows I can't go there right?" He continued to do some more work. His servants were taking care of Leo for him so he didn't have to.
"I told him that..." Lucy sighed "I mean you could but the spells and wards would take hours to make so it would be easier to got to earth...I don't know what to tell dad to make him understand that he needs to come the earth if he wants to speak with you.....I should have never broke my connection with Lili then dad may not be acting like this....I gave dad the throne to Hell, I don't see why it would matter but I just gave it to him, he tried to fight me and I didn't care I just walked you know of anything that I can do?" Lucy was becoming more worried and his body started to hurt but he tried to hide his pain.
Michael started to laugh uncontrollably. When he called down ", he said "is that what this is about? The only reason why he's so moody is because he likes getting what he wants but enjoys fighting for it. He hates being handed things. He doennt realize this but he's been like that since he was a kid."
"So if I fight him do you think he'll go back to normal?" Lucy had to focus on how he spoke to make sure his voice was steady and didn't have any breaks from the pain, the pain was getting to the point that he wanted to fall to his knees but he wanted to keep his composure in front of Michael.
"Listen, Lucifer is a child. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll throw a temper tantrum but-" A soldier walked in and bowed. "Hydra... She's active. Shall we strike her down?" Michael shook his head but suddenly a large glowing ball appears. Lucifer appeared on the screen and he said "you too your sweet time, brother. Remember how we hate the dragons? Well Hydra is active and is plotting something. I have sensed a large amount of skeletal dragons lately."
Michael hurried over to Lucy and yelled at his guards "get him to safety." One of the guards threw him over his shoulder and disappeared to the human realm.

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