Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

"Please enjoy the meal." Kit smiled

She kissed him back.

Lili looked worried "I have to go find him!"

"Do you think any of the healers would be able to make him stronger? He is just very weak, if we can find a way to make him strong..." she was cut off by Demonia scream and then crying.
Michael smiled and said "I have to head back to the angel realm. They need me." He kissed her before leaving.

Lucifer grabbed her and said "no... Not alone you aren't." He wouldn't let his daughter walk blindly after his son.

Axoret said "no time. I'll do it here." He laid his son on the floor and rested his hands on his son. He started to breathe in strength into his son. He started to grow weak but continued until he passed out.
She watched him leave.

"Dad just like me and brother could never calm down mother you and mother can do nothing for brother, he may have cut off out connection but we are still brother and sister and nothing can break that connection." Lili smiled.

They became worried and had him taken into another room and the head maid took the child to Viktor and knocked on his door hoping that he could tell her what to do with the child.
Lucifer hesitated but whispered something in his guards ear. "Fine. You can go but my guard is coming with you. And after you find him, my guard will take you both shopping. Hell... Go bring Duann here. I need to be alone."

Viktor answered, wearing a baggy t shirt and lounge pants. He looked sexier than ever. "What is it?" He seemed to have just woken up. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Who's kid is that?"
Lili kissed Lucifer on the cheek "Thanks dad." she smiled and then ran off hoping to fine Lucy soon. Hell left to retrieve Duanna. Hell came back in a few minutes with Duanna at her side. "Should I take her to her room?"

"It's lady Demonia's....the child is a little stronger thanks to the king but he still hasn't made a noise, we were wondering what you thought should be done. We haven't even allowed Demonia to see him yet because we are scared that he may not last the night...we are surprised that he is even breathing." she made no eye contact with him.
He grunted a yes in response as he stared out. He was finally king so why did he feel so terrible? He got what he wanted so then why? He's dreamed of this day for centuries.

Viktor took the baby and put a bottle near the baby's mouth to make sure the baby would feed. "He's weak but alive. You worry too much." He was very Col toward the maid and seemed to think nothing of her.
Duanna followed Hell back to her room, she sat on her bed and soon drifted off the sleep, the pain in her stomach was gone for the time being.

The baby pulled his head away from the bottle. "For now he is but a small cold could possibly kill him, we were wondering if we should set up a round the clock watch on him."
Viktor shook his head and said "I'll care for him. I don't trust any of you to take care of the prince." He growled a bit, threatening her to leave him be. He comforted the child. "You need to drink." He held the bottle close to his mouth trying to force him.
The child started to make a small cry and reach out as if wanting something. The maid bowed "What shall I tell Lady Demonia if she asks where he is or what happened?"
"Tell her... Tell her that the prince is healthy. I don't want to worry her. She can't see him now. He's with Axoret. Go now." He kept the child entertained with his finger. He knew the bby had no interest of the bottle so maybe just have him suck on something.
She left and the prince grabbed his finger, his finger were so small and he hardly had a grip.

Lucy was being tossed around by some demons but he didn't seem to care, Lili soon found him and wasn't sure what to do to get him to safety.
He sat on his bed and kept entertaining the chip. Finally he ended up falling asleep as he cuddled the infant. He was very overprotective of the prince and wasn't going to let him die.

The guard ran at the demons and started to slice them up into pieces.
Lili watched and then noticed all the cuts on Lucy, she tried to reach out to him but he smacked her hand away, she became wasn't going to give up on him so she quickly hugged him, he struggled a little trying to get her off but he soon calmed down. "Can we go home now...?" she asked, he looked away "No one will be happy as long as I am's better if I stay gone." she sighed "But I'm not happy if brother is gone, I feel so lonely with you being away....." Lucy looked down "I'm sorry but I have no purpose there so I have no reason to stay...." Lili was becoming annoyed and started dragging him home "Look mister grumpy you are coming if you like it or not."
The guard picked both of them up and dragged them back home. "King Lucifer... He isn't well. Something's bothering him so you two need to be home to make him smile again!"
Lili held Lucy's hand trying to force their connection back, Lucy fought it all the way home but by the time they entered the palace he had started to give in and let the connection be fixed. "We'll do our best to make him smile." Lili giggled.
The guard grunted in response.

Lucifer sat on his throne. One of his servant dropped some plates, catching his plate. "You incompetant idiot!!" He yelled. He hit the servant to the floor. "Now,clean this up!"
Lucy quickly ran over and helped the servant and then looked at his dad "A king doesn't need to hit his servants to get something through to them." Lucy was almost back to his old self "Also why are you having the stable servant do dishes? Do I need to show you what servant does what?" Lucy made the servant leave quickly. Lili walked up and worried about what happened while they were gone.
Saya smiled and noddec to kit "thank you.." she began to eat, even though she hadnt ate in a while she was eating as royalty would it.

A few hours later vivian woke up and looked around, she didnt hear any heavy wides or rain so she asumed the storm was over.

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Fayde put a hand on Leta's shoulder, "I better get you home." Before she could protest he began the teleportation spell they stayed just long enough for Leta to see the huntresses fire their bows and unleash devastating power on the demons around them. In the blink of an eye the two were in front of Michael Fayde's weapons gone but his gauntlet remained and a black mark was starting to creep on his right hand.

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Nova had fallen asleep sitting up after watching over them.

Kit noticed and smiled "Just so you know you need to learn how to eat like a peasant if you wish to hide where you came from, you eat like someone of high status."

Leta smiled "Can we play another time? I was a little scared but it was fun." she giggled
Vivian set up and got out of the bed with out waking kana up, she notices how nova had fell asleep, she looks around then gets a extra cover, she then walks over to nova and covers him up, she then smiles and walks over to steps tp go up to the upper part of the tent to go outside, she made sure to stay quite so that she didnt wake anyone up.

Saya looked at kit then looked down "I...I dont"

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"Well until you can look around and watch how they eat it's best to eat with us. Many people take notice of that stuff and for whatever the reason might be I take it you are not in any hurry to return home." Kit watched her.

The servants at the top part looked at her "Is everything okay?" one of the servant spoke up when they saw her.
Saya kept looking down and put her hands in her lap, she shook her head no to tell him at she didnt want to go home.

Vivian looked at the servant "yes, everything is fine....sorry, I just needed some fresh air is all" she entered to upper part of the tent then shut the door to the lower part gently, she then began to leave the tent.

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"Well then, I know Kuro can't say much to you unless you can read sign language but when I am at work I would like you to stay with him. We will take you shopping for something plain later on but I don't want you to go out alone. We allow bounty hunters and use to allow wanted signs but the signs always caused fights, people would pass someone off as the bounty and so would another twelve people or so. After that we didn't allow them to be posted up." Kit smiled at her "And your life won't be easy, eventually you will have to find work in order to live here if you choose to do so."

A guard stopped her "Did the prince dismiss you? If not you need to remain in the tent until her does so. You don't enjoy being stuck in here either but its part of the job..." he sighed looking annoyed, he wanted to leave the tent as well.
Saya looked at kit then smiled and nodded "ok.." she looked at kuro and smiled.

Vivian looked at the guard annoyed "if you wish to leave the tent then step outside..." she sighs "its not like your running off and your not going far, and beside..." she got more annoyed "if you all in here then who is outside watching the surrounding area to make sure that no demon's come near the tent.." she sighed again "I sware...are you guys even real guards.." she went to walk past the guard.

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