Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Michael smiled as he followed her to her room. The guard followed as well. He cuddled Leo. "He's so strong." He held the baby close. He kissed her deeply. "I think Leta is off with my brother so I left them."

Lucifer held her close to him. "Don't worry, sweet heart. I'm still here. I might have to close on him sooner then." He looked at Hell. "I might have to go without the twins."
Duanna smiled as she looked at Leo "I gave him every bit of life I had left so I would hope so, do you think Leta will be safe?"

"He had been crying, it hurt him to send us away but he thought we would be happy without him..."

Nova smiled "You two rest well."

Kit led her to his room "We'll eat in here, the food should be here soon until then can you tell me where you came from?"
"I trust him more than Lucifer." He smiled and handed her Leo. "You can hold him. He doesn't cry a lot and Leta has come yo like him."

Lucifer seemed to suddenly be cold as he nodded a little. "Hell... Take her shopping." He left the apartment and started to head to Hell.
Duanna gently took Leo in her arms and smiled more and leaned on Michael "He is so cute." she kissed his forehead. "He has your eyes." she giggled a little.

Hell did so and she tried to get Lili into wanting new dresses but she was too about her brother.

Lucy had started on paperwork after talking to Lili, his chest kept on hurting him but he was trying his best to ignore it.
"Should I take that as a compliment?" He asked, grinning. He sat on the bed. "I miss you so much."

Lucifer got to the palace but was stopped by the guards. He kicked them out of his wy. When hr got to Lucy's office, he put a blade by his neck. "Alright, I decided to leave you alone mostly cause you were going to get in my way of my plans but Lili is upset because you broke your connection. Look..." A sphere appeared in front of them and Lili and Duanna appeared. "She's miserable. If you keep pushing people away, you won't have anyways. How do I know this? I pushed away everyone that ever cared about me. Where did that get me? My mothers dead, my brothers hate me, Hell died, both of my children want nothing to do with me.... The list can continue on." He removed his sword from Lucys neck. He leaned against the wall. "I love both of you. I've never stopped being proud of you. The reason I'm so determined to take the throne from you because I don't want it to collapse. I don't approve of your way of ruling. I think you need better training and mayeb you can take over when your older. You will slowly kill yourself from,stress." He kissed his forehead and then walked out.
"A compliment, I could get lost in your eyes." she giggled "I missed you too...I was happy when Lucifer said you could visit and I could write you." she kissed him.

Lucy ran after Lucifer and gripped onto his hand, he started to cry again. "I just wanted to protect everyone from the darkness of this place...I don't want anyone to be hurt by this place again..."
Michael smiled and said "Lucifer is getting soft." He kissed her back deeply. "How bad is it being with him?"

Lucifer turned to look at him and smiled softly. "There is no escaping the darkness of this place because... Its Hell. You can't chnge it. I will make this place stronger but I can't purify it. No one can..." He broke fee of his grip and said "follow me..." He walked to the courtyard.
"Not so much as it was in the beginning, he hit me once but I guess I deserved it little after acting so rude and throwing a pillow at him." she smiled and giggled some.

Lucy followed him.
Michael laughed and said "didn't anyone tell you never to anger your captor?" He smirked as he kissed her and then asked "how come I can totally see you doing that?"

Lucifer slipped off his shirt as soon as he got to the courtyard. His abs were rock hard. He smirked and faced him. He unsheathed his sword. "Fight me! No holding back!"
"Yes well I was upset that I woke up and he was the first person I saw instead of you." she sighed "I became a little angry."

Lucy saw no point in fighting but he unsheathed his sword anyways "Why fight when I we both know that you will win..." it seemed breaking his connection with Lili made him emotionally weak.
"I can tell but at least he didn't kill you." He shrugged.

Lucifer smirked and cut him across the chest. "Your weak. You can't let anything take you down. Your not a strong leader. Your weak minded."
"He would have if I wasn't carrying his kids she sighed and Leo started to get a little fussy.

"I'm not's just...." he didn't know what to say, the cut didn't even seem to phase him and he started to walk away. "Have the throne...I don't care anymore...."
Michael took Leo from her and started to play with her. He kissed his forehead.

Lucifer seemed surprised. He growled and fell to the ground. He grunted a bit. He didn't expect to gain the throne like this and wouldn't expect this.
"He could be hungry..." she sighed "I can't even feed him..." she looked annoyed

Lucy packed somethings in his room, he wasn't sure what was happening but all he knew is that he no longer thought he would be a good king. His heart was slowly turning to ice.
He took out a bottle and started to feed Leo. He cuddled him as he fed him. "Always come prepared." He smirked at her.

Lucifer fell unconscious. He didn't realize that he was pushing himself too hard until he finally collapsed.
She smiled and watched and then her stomach started to hurt a little "I might want to ask your brother to leave me cups of his blood....." she sighed.

Lucy had some guards take him to his home and left a note that he can read when he wakes up.

The maids soon left Demonia's room and one of them was holding a bloody swaddled cloth, they were all whispering about what should be done.
"Well he can't bleed out too much cause his body quickly heals once cut." He smirked a little.

When Lucifer woke up, he grabbed the note and read it a little. He smirked a bit.

Axoret saw them and demanded "what the hell is going on!!!???"
"Well we need to find something, it seems every few hours my stomach starts to hurt..." she sighed.

The letter was saying how Lucy was leaving hell and didn't know where he was going, he just wasn't himself all of a sudden so he was leaving.

They bowed "Demonia was found unconscious in the hall and the child was already crowning...we didn't know what to do...." the maid that was speaking was also hold the bloody clothing "The prince is very small and barely holding on to life...he won't even cry....we don't think Lady Demonia has realized it yet so we quickly left the room with the prince...."
Vivian looked over at nova and smiled "you too..." she closed her eyes then slowly fell asleep, but even in her sleep she stayed alert of her surroundings.

Saya followed kit then looked up at hin as he spoke, she shook her head no and took a slight step away from him where he ask where she was from, she didnt want him to know about her being a run away princess, this was the first village she had found that didnt have flier of her with a reward for her finding and return, she watched kit closely to make sure he didnt try to come after her.

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Kit sat down "It's fine, will you tell me the truth of if you are friend or for? I am a guard of this kingdom so I just want to make sure that your aren't a spy."

Nova stayed awake to keep an eye on the walls and make sure that water wasn't getting in anywhere.
Vivian was sleeping soundly next to kana.

Saya kept watching kit "friend..." she looked down then looked back at kit "you....friend"

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"That child must really like Lucifers blood." He smiled. "You should ask Lucifer to hire some doctors to check the babies every so often."

Lucifer didn't approve of it but knew he had no choice but to rule now. He walked back inside and went into the throne room. He sat on it to get used to the feel.

"Wait... So she gave birth to my son. Is he alive and can I see him?" It was way too early. He knew that but he just hoped his son was alive.
"I will let him know when he returns which I hope is soon...."

Hell soon appeared with Lili and she looked a little upset. "She didn't want to shop..." she sighed "She was too worried about Lucy."

The maid stepped forward and handed him the bloody cloth "Like I said the prince is weak...we are sorry that we couldn't do more..." the infant was almost swallowed up by the cloth he was wrapped in and barely moving. "We are very sorry..."

"Since you are friend then I am the same." the food was soon brought to them.

Nova smiled as he watched over them both, he heard the wind dying down.
"I hope he comes back soon." He kissed her deeply.

Lucifer frowned and said "Lucy ran away so I'm now king... This is not how I wanted to be king."

Axoret fell to his knees holding the limp body close. "No..." Tears ran down his cheeks. "Please tell me this is some sick joke." He didn't know how to tell Demonia.

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