Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer picked up Lili. "I'll be back. I hope you know that. I'm taking Duanna as well. Once she gives birth, she's Michael's. Once they come of age, I will come back. Just so you know, as hard as you try, you will always be compared to me. Your my son whether you like it or not. Your no different than me." He walked past Lucy and smirked. He went to the tower and unlocked the door. He chuckled with amusement. "Hell... come on. Were leaving. Pack your things!" He went downstairs and went into Duanna's room. "Come on! Were leaving... I have an apartment in the human realm. We'll live there."
Hell had nothing that she needed so she soon followed behind Lucifer. Duanna looked up as entered the room "He's cold...he shouldn't be left alone..." she was only saying what she felt and thought but she got up to follow Lucifer.

Lucy sat on the throne and pulled his legs up to him, he knew he would always be compared to his father, he always was and no matter how hard he tried to follow in different footsteps he knew he would never be able to leave his father's shadow.
Lucifer smirked at the sight of both of them. "Because of the way Lucy rules, Hell will collapse. Hopefully, I'll come back before that happens but for now, were being kicked out so I'm leaving. No questions asked. Being in Hell for too long is probably messing with my head." He chuckled at the fact he was running away. He ran a hand through his hair as he brought them out of the palace, into the human realm and to an apartment. "Welcome to our new home! Lili... your sharing a room with us while Duanna gets her own room." He grinned as he went to the third floor. He walked into his apartment and put Lili down.
Lili sat down on the couch and pulled a napkin from her pocket trying to clean herself up, Hell sighed "I think I am going to help Lili get a bath, maybe it will help calm her down." she picked up Lili and found the bathroom. Duanna walked in and looked at Lucifer "She can share a room with me, as long as I feed when I need to she is in no harm. Also I was wondering would it be alright to write to Michael? If I'm not allowed to see him I would like to be able to write maybe just once have him bring our son down for me to see."

When Lucy felt their energy vanish he ran to his room and gave in to his tears, he hated to be alone but he had become so angry that all he wanted was to be alone, he even hurt Lili, a person he had sworn to always protect. He wanted his family to be perfect, he hoped that since he had made them leave that they would be happy with one another even if he couldn't be happy with them.
Vivian smiled and chuckled a little "its ok.."

Saya watches kuro as he ran off, she then looked at kit, she watched him as he ordered the 3 hot meals and one extra room.

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Lucifer sat on the couch and was reading a book. He said "yes and yes. Your daughter can come once a month to see you... Along with Michael but if he tries anything, we'll forget about that rule. You two will be guarded during your meetings."
Duanna smiled and kissed Lucifer on the cheek as a thank you and quickly went to her room to start on a letter, a bubble covered Lili ran out of the bathroom and Hell was soaked "Catch that girl!" Lili was laughing.

Kit smiled at her "Would you like to eat with us?"

Kana yawned and laid down to sleep.
Lucifer jumped off the coach and caught her. He through her in the air and caught her. "Where do you think your going missy?" He smirked. He held her close to him. "Do you want me to try?"
Lili giggled and pointed at Hell "I made mom fall in the tub and then I made my escape." she giggled, hell smiled "She thought it would be funny to splash around, I slipped on some water and went in head first...she needs to be rinsed off but other than that she's clean."

Duanna finished writing her letter, it said what Lucifer would allow but it also mentioned that she was worried about Lucy and what she had felt before they left hell, she sent the letter off with a Dove, she noticed that the windows only opened a little but it didn't bother her, she wasn't going to try to run.
Lucifer went into the bathroom and gently sat her in the tub. "So are we going to have to do this the easy way or the hard way. Don't make me get the tickle monster." He smiled kindly at her. In a way, he was good with kids.
"No tickle monster!" she giggled and sat there so that she could be rinsed off, Hell had a towel in hand "Since she doesn't have many clothes I am thinking about taking her shopping later on."

Lucy had a connection to his sister to the point that he could see what was going on, he was slightly happy that he had sent them away.

The dove flew to a perch in Michael's office.
He rinsed her easily and smiled. "There we go. Now that wasn't so hard." He looked over at her and smiled softly. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll come with. We can be like a real family... Except without-" He stopped himself and then lifted Lili out of the tub so he could wrap her in a towel.
Hell looked down "He made his own path...I should have never let him take the throne...but i was so weak back then that I needed someone to rule for me..." Lili dried herself off "I can get dressed on my own, I don't need any help with that." she smiled.

Demonia had passed out from the pain, when she woke up she saw that she was in a bed and a few maids were tending to her, she also noticed that her dress had been changed, the maids became quiet when she woke up and they all had a worried look on their face.
"Its alright... I have a plan. Let me handle him. I will try not to kill him but he might force me to do it. The one thing he can't do is defeat me in battle. He's still small which makes him weaker. Plus he has little self control. That will be his downfall." He shooed Lili off so she could get dressed.
Lili soon ran off to get dressed in her parents room, she had just put on her first layer of her dress when she heard Lucy, she looked around and saw a mirror and walked over to it and saw Lucy in his room and his hand was on the mirror, Lili noticed that he had been crying "Why did you push us away brother?" she placed her hand on the mirror as if trying to reach out for him "I wanted everyone to be happy even if it meant I couldn't be there...and it seems that everyone is happy...." Lucy sighed "I'm going to cut our bond so that I can't use your eyes and ears anymore to see what is going on." Lili looked worried "No! don't do that! If you do that then how will you now when I am being picked on and that I need your help?" Lucy gave her a small smile "You have dad there and as long as he is around mom won't hurt you, they will be there to keep you safe."

Hell sighed "Just don't hurt him too much....all he ever asked me when he did things is "do you think dad would approve?" all he wants is your approval....he just tries to hard." she looked down and then heard Lili talking and then scream at someone, she saw the Duanna was still in her room but was peaking out to see what was going on.
Lucifer frowned and said "no promises." He leaned in and whispered "once I steal the twins, I will fight for the throne." He kissed her deeply. "We should go shopping. Go get Lili. I need to speak with Duanna." He walked off.
Hell went to go get Lili and found her crying, Hell tried to calm Lili down not knowing what happened.

Duanna was sitting on the bed, she was waiting to know if Michael had received her letter.
Michael saw the dove come to him so he put out his arm to let the dove land on it. He then took the letter and read it. He smirked and said "Lucifer... Your getting soft." He walked off. He went to get his daughter so he could show Duanna.

Lucifer came into her room and asked "you send it?" He watched her movements. He still didn't trust her but he was slowly breaking down his barriers
"Yes and thank you, it will make this time easier for me, I get to see my kids so it makes me very happy." she smiled then Hell walked into the room with Lili in her arms.
Well there's Leta, she's my adopted, and then there's my birth child. I had them right before I died...I didn't even get to hold them..." She sighed. Lili sniffled a little, she was trying to stop crying.
"Well... Didn't hear about that one." He chuckled a little but soon a gaurd came in and sais "Michael is here with Leta and Leo." Lucifer walked out and said "let them in but don't leave. Stay with them and make sure they aren't plotting anything." He walked into Lili's room and asked "what happened?" He hurried over to his daughter.
Fayde followed the girl listening and watching. As they entered the forest he became aware of how quite it was, noth even birdsong could be heard. As she mentioned monsters he readied his bow a gauntlet appearing on his arm a polished orb that was purple like his eyes glowed with power. "Dont worry I wouldn't let anything harm you, you're family and important." As wary as he was of being attacked he was worried for his family after all this time they had become so painfully fragmented. He immediately hatched a plan to bring them closer it was dangerous amd may cost lives but if successful his family would be like they were at the beginning of time. That thought strengthened him and made hiw walked just a little taller.

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Leta smiled and placed her hand on the ground, roots and branches from the trees grabbed some of the demons and killed them. "And since you have my back I have yours" she smiled trying to show that she isn't completely helpless.

Duanna smiled as she heard that Michael was there and she went to greet him, she hugged him being careful of Leo and then led him the room she was given.

Lili looked at Lucifer "Brother cut our connection....I can't feel brother anymore.....even though I have mom and dad I still feel so alone without brother..."
Saya smiled and nodded.

Vivian sighed and grabbed her sword, she leaned it against the wall beside the bed then climbed into the bed beside kana and layed down.

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