Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

The blackness in Lucy's eyes vanished and he healed Lili's wound and held her, she soon returned to the sister that he knew, he held her hand and walked back over to their father. "I will heal you if you beg for your's and mother's life to be spared." Lucy grinned as he let his wings appear, one was black and the other was white. "Hell will remain in my power."
Lucifer's smirked as his body disintegrated. He reappeared in a forest. He shook himself off. "Damn it... That hurt. Little bastard stabbed me." He cracked his neck. He was officially in a bad mood. He started to walk back to the palace.
Lucy went and checked on his mom who was being attacked by shadows that seemed to stab her anywhere they could, as soon as he stepped into the room the shadows vanished and Hell was one the ground bleeding and shaking, Lucy kicked his mom where she was on her back. "Where's your father....?" Lucy looked annoyed "I could care less where he is. take my mother to the tower and lock her away there so that she never touches my sister again." two guards drug Hell up to a tower, she tried to fight out of their grip but she was too weak.

Duanna was starting to get hungry to the point her stomach was hurting.
Lucifer got to Duanna's room and smirked devilishly. He cut his hand deeply and then handed her his hand. "Feed." He seemed angry and was avoiding her eyes.
She realized now that she needed to do as he said if she was to survive her time there, she feed from him taking what she needed and wiped her mouth when she was done, she didn't make any eye contact with him "Thank you...I know you are only doing this because of the kids but I still wanted you to know know that I am thankful that you made the pain and hunger end."
Lucifer nodded a little and finally looked at her. He touched her cheek. "Are you scared of me?" He asked softly. It wasn't a threat. It was just a legitimite question.
"I only worry about you, if I scared of you I would have bowed down to you long ago and be loyal to you by now." she looked at him "I worry about if I will ever get to meet the man that Michael once knew." a few tears escaped down her face. "If I am scared of anything it is that these kids will not live long if I tried to hurts being so far from Michael..."
Lucifer shook his head. "That man has all but vanished from existence. Its just me now. I can't change." He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly. A smirk played on his lips. "Your mine for now but as long as your with me, your safe."
"I refuse to believe that....if he was gone I don't think you would be so kind to Hell or worry so much about the family you have with her and the kids that are growing inside me...." Duanna sighed and looked away, she was afraid that if she continued to look at him that she might kiss him back.
"They... I care about them cause they can give me power. But..." He lifted her chin to force her to look at him. Sadness clouded his eyes. A tear slipped down his cheek. "I can't stop fighting. I must fight until the end."
Duanna reached up and hugged him "I know you truly care about them stop hurting yourself by lying. If you only cared about power you would have taken Lucy and Lili, leaving Hell dead. I know you care about them." she kissed him on the cheek.
Saya kept looking at kits ears, she didnt notice that he asked her something, she suddenly reached up to his cat ears to rub them "...kitty.."

Vivian finished her food then looked at kana and nova "well...thank you both for the meal...I guess I'll be on my way so you to can continue on with your day...i'm sure we will meet again soon..seeing as i work for axoret now.." she looked down then stood up to leave.

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Kit bowed down a little, he knew that a lot of girl liked his ears and he had become use to people wanting to touch them, he smiled at her.

"You may want to stay with us, a storm will be rolling in soon so its best if you stay and work for me and in turn you will be working for my father." Nova was giving her more of an order than a choice. Kana closed her eye as wind kicked up some sand, a servant had tied a rope from the tent to the table and used it to help Kana inside.
Saya smiled slightly and rubs his ears gently.

Vivian looked up at the sky then looked at nova "well their even be enough room in the tent..." she looked over at the tent to see it was a pretty decent size "I dont even have my supply that I normally use to camp out with"

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Nova wasn't going to stand outside with the dust kicking up so much so he led vivian inside and sighed and looked around seeing that all the servant and guards were inside and then he looked at Vivian "We'll stay in the lower area of the tent, I had a feeling that a storm might happen today so I had a few of the servant dig an underground area, its amazing what they can do in a short amount of time." He lifted up a carpet on the floor and a door was underneath, he opened it up and held his hand out to help Vivian down "Trying to keep the sand out the best we can so that's why we have a carpet over the door." he smiled and heard the wind get strong outside the tent.

Kit smiled and then heard the wind outside "We should get you a room soon in case this wind gets worse."

Demonia ordered that the castle windows be barred and shut, she should have been resting, her stomach had begun to hurt again but she wanted to make sure everything was closed up properly before returning to be, she was still worried about were everyone was, she didn't even know that Axoret and Xeliran had returned and she had received no word that Nova and Kana was down at the beach, she sat down for a moment and rested her hand on her stomach.
Vivian looked at nova then followed him inside the tent, once inside she looked around "this is nice.." she then looked at nova and watched as he opened a door in the floor "I see.." she then took his hand and went down to the lower part of the tent, she looked around once she got there.

Saya looked him in the eyes then looked over to a window, she notice the heavy winds outside, she looked at him then nodded, she slowly let go of his ears.

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Kana was sitting on a bed that had a canopy over it to keep any falling sand off of her, Nova soon followed and the door was closed, the rug moved back into place, there were a few lanterns that were lit to keep it lit up "If Kana doesn't mind you will share a bed with her until the storm passes."

"So do you have a name?" Kit asked her about it again.
Vivian looked at nova "no..its fine, I can sleep on the floor or something....I would want to intrude" she looked around then walked over to a wall and set down, she leaned against the wall then looked at nova and kana "I'll be fine right here..." she then unhook her sword from her side and leaned it against the wall beside her.

Saya looked him in the eyes "saya...." she spoke low, almost in a whisper but she made sure that it was loud enough for him to hear.

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He took the canopy off his bed and placed it over her "Don't want you to get sand in your hair." Kana sighed "It wouldn't have been a problem to sleep in my bed. Well I guess brother and I will have to share a bed instead since he doesn't have a canopy anymore."

Kit smiled "Nice to meet you saya, my name is Kit." A child ran up to kit and hugged him "This is my son Kuro." he smiled at saya and waved "Kuro isn't able to speak unless it's with his hands
Vivian looked at them then stood up, she then handed the canopy back to nova "I'm fine, a little sand never hurt anything..." she sighed "if its really not a problem then I'll sleep in the bed with kana..."

Saya looked at kuro and smiled lightly, she then waved slightly.

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Kana giggled "Only a peasant would say something like that, it seems she has no idea what sand can do to one's hair and scalp." Nova gave Kana a sharp look and she quickly became quiet "Sorry...."

Kuro ran back to the room that he came from "You'll have to forgive him, he doesn't know how to act around strangers, he'll say hi and then leave." Kit went up to the person in charge of the rooms and paid for 3 hot meals and one extra room.
Lucifer was surprised that she hugged him but he pulled away. "I must go. Hell needs me." He kissed her nose, affectionately before leaving her alone once again.
Duanna smiled and this time she didn't plan on trying to find a way out.

Hell sat in the tower Demonia was once imprisoned in, she sat on the bed working at her wounds the best she could.

Demonia tried to to not worry about the pain but the longer it was there the more she couldn't help but worry, she would have gone to one of the doctors in the castle but she was in so much pain that it had become hard for her to move. She looked around hoping to see someone, even a servant would be good enough but she saw no one.
Every so often, Lucifer would sniff around for any sign of Hell. He, instead, found Lucy with Lili. He smiled softly at him. "I'm sorry about earlier but I was trying to make a point and you were not helping my case. He grinned but then asked "where is Hell?" He looked around. "I can't smell her." He ran a hand through his hair. He had a smirk on his face. He looked at his hand that was already healed.
Lucy didn't even look at him "She's in a place that Demonia knows of all to well, get her and get out of my kingdom." he was still very angry from earlier but he was controlling his darkness this time more than letting it control him but he now seemed colder. Lili tried to hide her shaking hands from her brother. "Take Lili with you as well." Lucy kicked Lili to Lucifer's feet, it was obvious that Lili had been crying and her hands had a black wax on them and Lucy's shoes looked like that had been polished just recently.

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