Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer stepped back from the attacked but seemed uninjured. "Was that all." He grabbed Lucy's leg and he through him across the courtyard. He stroked his wings slightly and then winced. His wings were sensitive and he couldn't understand why. "You might be a majority of a demon but your still my son. There is no doubt about that. Bring out your fallen powers. Be my son!" He smirked, wanting to bring out his sons darkness. He could tell his son was holding back and it was irritating. He needed the darkness to spill out.
Lucy twisted his body around and landed on his feet, his leg hurt a little but it wasn't anything that he couldn't push through. "I think I have a good balance of my light and dark energy so I think I will keep it where it is. If you want to fight someone that is darker than me then look at sis though she has never played fair." Lucy was slightly annoyed that he couldn't see any damage from his attack. Hell started to get a little closer wanting to stop the fight. Lucy took a few steps forward and then quick stepped in front of Lucifer aiming to hit him in the face and then spin and kick him in his side below his ribs.
Lucifer blocked the first hit but was hit by the second two. "Your small body is your disadvantage." He smirked as he threw him on the ground and landed on top of him. He smirked and whispered "I'll be a fitter leader than you will ever be. I will regain control but for now..." He disapeared in shadows. "I'm staying within the shadows and keeping on the download." He made a gesture and let a few soldiers take Lucy. "Take him to the training room. Is Lili there?" One of the soldiers nodded and he chuckled. "Good."
Lucy noticed the guards were not his own and looked pissed, his own guards would have laughed at Lucifer's orders, the council members quickly appeared and had their weapons drawn out on the guards that held Lucy "Let our king go or die." Lucy was battling his darkness that was trying to control him so he couldn't even summon his own guards. Hell watched but wasn't going to help. Lili looked around the training room, she started to watch as shadows danced on the wall.
Lucifer growled and said "you can kill them. Touch me and you'll be the ones dying. Now take him to the training room!!" He was furious. He disappeared and reappeared at Lili's side. "Lucy might or might not be here with us. He's so stubborn. Today were learning self control which would be good for your brother to learn. I want you to lay down and relax. Release all emotion of weakness and replace it with strength. Ease your mind. You must strengthen both your mind and body. Soon, the darkness will fade."
Lili tried to do as she was told but noises in the background from her brother and council members was making it hard for her to do, she sighed and stood up "Please forgive me but might I be excused for a moment?" she had pulled out a blindfold from her pocket.
Lucifer growled a bit but then took a deep breath and said "fine but make it quick." He chuckled with amusement. He had a smirk on his face.
She tied it so that she couldn't see then she left and in a few minutes and was dragging Lucy in by the collar of his shirt, he seemed slightly pissed, she tossed him across the room where he fell on his back instead of his feet like earlier, Lili then locked the door so that Lucy couldn't get out, she took the blind fold off and hand the key to Lucifer "I knew that one of Louie's weaknesses is that he is unable to attack me because he see me as being weak. He is in some shock the the council just submitted to me without hesitation also sorry that I had to take your guards out in the process of getting the brat, they wouldn't hand him over to me."
He shrugged. "They were weak anyways. As I was saying, both of you need to learn how control yourself. Both of you lay down and release all emotions and replace them with bravery and strength. Forget everything from the outside world. Forget your past. Remember the present and look foreward to the future as a powerful clan that everyone would fear under our power."
Lucy sat up and just listened to what his father was saying. He didn't want to be feared unless he needed to show people that he was strong. Lili smiled as she did as she was told but as she tried to forget her past her other half, her kinder side tried to come out.
"Release the shadows. Destroy them. They are holding you back. You must be who you are. Don't let them manipulate you." The shadows surrounded him. "The shadows aren't what you should fear. Its the unknown. Take back what is yours. Lose the fear." His voice remained stern.
Lili soon laid there motionless and Lucy became worried, he ran to her side to check on her, he touched her hand to try to get some response out of her. Lili soon walked up next to her father and smiled as her brother worried over nothing but open space and air, she giggled a little, her eyes had become completely black. "Can I go hit brother to make him see that he is weak and he was worrying over nothing? Brother can be strong but he thinks he can rule without people fearing him."
"Fear is a must. If people don't fear you, they won't respect you. All good leaders rule using some kind of fear. Normal humans don't kill people off the street because their afraid to go to jail for it. This is the same concept. You don't need to have your people so afraid of you that they hate you and end up revolting. No. You need enough fear so that you can keep order among your people. You have a lot to learn."
"So do let brother suffer as punishment?" she continued to watch, she was starting to grow bored "Or do you want me to just make the vision vanish?"
Lucifer smirked and said "torturing him seems fun but I need him to bow to me. I need him to admit defeat to me so I can regain the throne." He grabbed Lucy by the throat. "You look so much like me. It would be a pit to destroy that pretty face."
Lucy snapped out of the vision and started to struggle in Lucifer's grip, his darkness started to grow as his fear did the same "Let me go..." Lili sat down to watch.
"Admit your allegiance to me." His black wings opened and his eyes were blood red. He was terrifying but beautiful at the same time. "Bow to me!"
"Over my dead body!" he chocked out "I might be small and I may not be a king that you think should be on the throne but this is my Hell!" Lili laughed "Please if anything I should be on the throne when mother and father isn't."
His hand tightened and then he through him at the wall. He placed a sword aimed at his chest and he said "then I guess I'll just have to cut your heart out." He smirked devilishly. He was always up to no good.
Lucy stood up and looked at Lucifer "Fine then do it! Do you think I fear you for some reason? The only things I fear is my family getting hurt. I will never fear you and even if you do cut my heart out I will look you in the eyes to show that I have no fear of you." His eyes started to become glazed with a blackness, Lili started to look worried but stayed where she was.
With amazing speed, he threw a dagger at Lili and it hit her in the shoulder. He wasn't aiming to kill but just to inflict pain. He smirked. "Thank you for that little fact, my dear."
Lucy was beyond angry and pulled out his sword, his eye turned black but the flames that appeared around his sword turned white. Lili's blood melted the dagger and she didn't look amused.
Lucifer smirked and said "yes. There we go. That's my son. Releasing it wasn't hard. What a pity that you have so little control over it. Try to kill me! I dare you..." He growled as he clenched his fist. He stared at his son, unmoving.
"What if i just prefer to keep it sealed away because I don't want it to control me like yours does with you." in a blink of an eye the door that was keeping him in was in piece "And who says I have no control over my darkness." Hell started to scream in pain Lucy then attacked Lucifer and stabbed him in the chest, he didn't care if he hit something vital. "When people attack my sister I make sure to attack them back even if they are family." he pulled his sword out and walked towards his sister to see if she was okay and how bad the wound was.
Lucifer was caught off guard as blood poured out of his wound. He collapsed, his wings slowly decaying. He screamed in agony, writhing upon the ground.

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