Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Leta looked at Michael "No! I know Duanna and she hasn't even got to hold brot....Leo yet....and I know that she would want to! Why are you giving up so easily...?!"
Michael snapped "I'm not going to force her to be here with me. Plus, if she doesn't get... Proper nutritions the children both will die. There nephilim. Once she gives birth, I'm taking all three of them by force." Lucifer shrugged, uncaring.
"Mom won't be happy....what says his blood won't cause her to fall...?" She quickly distanced herself from Hell and then walked next to Michael and held his hand. "I just wanted mama to at least see brother once...." she looked down.
Lucifer smirked and said "I'm still an angel. The darkness in my heart probably won't affect her. Plus... I won't be the cause of her fall. My bastard son will be."
"You would still be the cause!" she glared at lucifer "You ever touch my mommy again after this and you'll have to deal with me!" she wasn't really sure what she was saying but she was angry so she didn't care
"Hell... Lets go!" He adjusted Duanna in his arms and walked off. "Lili! Lucy! Come hither!" He was smirking. He glanced at Hell and said "thank you..."
Lucy vanished and appeared in Hell sitting on the throne a girl walked up to him and and whispered something in his ear and then he sighed, he didn't want to be near anyone at the moment, he just wanted to be alone.

Lili and Hell followed Lucifer.

Leta looked down and Clair picked her up "It will be okay, your mother will come back, she is too strong to fall." she gave a smile to leta and then she looked at Michael "The council was wondering if you needed a day off so you could spend time with your kids and forget about everything that is going on? That said they will allow it for today."
When Lucifer got home, he went into a room and gently laid Duanna on the bed. He smirked. He kissed her forehead before leaving her alone. He could be caring but only when he felt like it. He walked over to Hell. "When the children come of age, I'm taking them as my own. We will strengthen Hell with them."
"If Lucy lets you. He is very possessive of Hell and he has made it the stongest its been in years since Demonia's rule. You should have seen his first war that he made with some people on earth. It was so cute." she giggled
Fayde Returned to the throne room and sat in a throne made of black marble, intricate designs were on the seat filled in with amethysts the gems making his eyes seem brighter . he knew that he would have to be patient, but was eager to go out and remind the world who he and his followers were, by now there must be some force great enough to oppose them, or maybe some skilled archers to join his hunters. He sat thinking on what he would do.

Meanwhile Xeroa was on her way to the third tower, waking Vraiyei was a nightmare, the angel tried to shred her with her dagger before realizing she was a comrade, and now was apologizing profusely as they headed to the third tower. Xeroa was quickly losing patience but kept assuring the girl that it was okay. They approached Celeste's room, quickly waking her and geting her equipment before heading to the other towers. It proceeded like this until all six of Fayde's hunteresses were gathered before him taking seats at a black marble table that stretched in front of the boy. he looked at all of his warriors before smiling, "It's been too long since I last saw all your beautiful faces. As you know we have entered into a new age, where we have either faded into legend or have been forgotten entirely." he let that sink in before grinnning wickedly, "But that only means we get to reintroduce ourselves to thie world wreak havoc, save lives, and generally spread our names. Are you ready Huntresses?" His amethyst eyes passed over the group seeing their smiles and nods. He leaned back in his throne thinking to himself he opened his palm and a disk of his purple energy appeared. He was watching Michael and Lucifer argue which made him chuckle, he ended the vision after Lucifer left and rose from his throne. He looked at his huntresses before the whole group disappeared, popping up in the field where Michael was. The group approached Armelia and Mia had the bows in hand despite any protests that Fayde could give they were always prepared for the worst.

Fayde walked towards his brother his hand extended, and smile genuine the Huntresses behind him smiled but more out of courtesy, "Michael! Long time no see!"
Leta jumped when she saw the man and quickly hugged onto Clair and she looked at him "Glad to see that you are showing your face again." Clair smiled at him "So what do you call yourself in this day and age?"
Fayde smiled "Same as always, I'm Fayde." He looked the warriors behind him "And these are my huntresses, Xeroa, Vraiyei, Celeste, Armelia, Mia, and Sage."
"The names clair," she held out her hand "book keeper and record master of heaven and the girl that you startled is Leta, adopted daughter of Michael and Duanna."
Fayde took the woman's hand and shook it "Pleasure to meet you" he knelt holding an open palm out to the child, "and you as well, my apologies for frightening you. I'm your uncle Fayde"

The Huntresses nodded acknowledging Clair's kindness. Fayde looked at her questioningly. "So am I any less unpopular."

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Clair smiled "few remember you, many that did know of you were wiped out in the last heaven and hell war that took your mother's life. The one's that rember would be your brothers but I don't see any reason for them to forget you, myself, demonia of hell, lady duanna, and sephrith the immortal as I now like to call him, and a few other but they really aren't worth mentioning if you ask me.
Michael smirked and said "I thought you died. Our brother is getting into trouble, including stealing my wife but what else is new." He ran a hand through his hair. One of his guards grunted. "I'm sorry but I must continue working. I can't let the current situation disturb my work. I bet you are constantly working as well, Fayde." His eyes narrowed a bit as he watched Fayde closely.
"Daddy is all work and no play..." Leta looked at fayde "Would you play with me?" Leta was so bored that she had distracted clair from her work and clair was not to happy about it.
Fayde chuckled a Clair's comment, he then looked at Michael with an eyebrow raised, "Dead? Please we both know not much can kill me. But what about this war, and Lucifer causing problems with your wife?" He lokked at Leta as she asked him to play. He crouched down smiling, his eyes flashing with joy, "Of course, I will play with you." He looked up at Michael "I haven't really been busy I haven't been doing much of anything, after leaving the demon-fighting to the rest of the angels I formed the Hunters, fought, trained, and eventually withdraw from a this world only coming out yesterday."

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Michael grunted and said "Lucifer raped Duanna and she's now impregnated with twins and one is basically the antichristfl and will have the power to destroy the world. They are nephilim after all. It concerns me but I can't do anything." He clenched his fist before saying "I should head back to my real palace." He disappeared in a ball of light.
Leta sighed "all work and no play...daddy works too hard." Clair sat leta down "I have work as well that leta had distracted me from. I really don't have time to play with a child." Leta looked down getting upset but trying to hide her sadness.
Fayde, knelt patting his neice's head," Would you like to show me and the Huntresses around?

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Leta watched as Clair vanished and she looked at Fayde "I can try, only areas that I really know around Azriel is my room and then the places that the plants tell and show I really don't know how much of a guide I can be."

Duanna woke up and looked around wondering where she was.

"Maybe you could even train my sister after finding out how good her skills are." Nova continued to eat and only spoke between bites.

Kit was on patrol at the market area trying to make sure that everyone was getting along.
Vivian smiled "ok, thats fine with me.." she looked at kana "what about you kana"

Saya walked over to a market stand with food that smelled really good, she looked at the food that the villager was selling and smiled, she began dig in her pockets for money but found very little, she tried to give the villager what she had but the villager told her that if she could pay the full amount then she would have to go somewhere else.

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Kit walked up and looked at Saya "Are you new around here?"

Kana looked down "I...I guess it's okay...." Nova looked at Vivian "You will be required to look for any changes in her personality. It she seems to be getting hit more you need to possibly lighten up. I we ever have a moment I will discuss with you why the reasons are, I will also supervise some of the practices until you notice these changes." Kana sighed "Brother doesn't think I can handle much...I have told him before that I can't learn much if he goes easy on me...."
Saya looked down when the villager turnes her down, she then heard a voice and looked over to see a boy, she nodded to his question.

Vivian looked at nova then looked at kana "its ok...I'll make she to teach you what I have leaned over the years, ok" she smiled at kana

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