Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Kana smiled and led the way to where they were eating. The meal had been set out on the table and Kana took her seat. Nova let Vivian walk in front of him "Would you like me to carry that bucket? It would be rude of me if I did not ask."
Vivian looked at nova "um...sure" she smiled and handed him the bucket, she then looked at kana "she what are you guys doing all the way out here..dont you know that their are monsters out here.."

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Kana giggled "How do you know that we're not the monsters you should fear most." Nova takes the bucket and sighs "Sis you shouldn't say things like that."
Kana smiles "Prince and princess of Azriel, brother is a dog demon and well I really don't think I really have a race." Nova sat down at the table "My little sister took after our mother more than her father, where as I took after my father."
Vivian looked at then both and smiled "I do your two know axoret, 7 years ago..i was supposed to give him a letter from my boss...but i never got the chance to meet with him" she sighed "I really hate not fullfilling my mission that my boss gave me but....I guess it cant be helped" she smiled.

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"Kit mentioned you once." Nova bit into a piece of bread. Kana smiled "Father becomes so busy that sometimes he is unable to meet with people that need to speak with him the most. I guess you could say that is what our mothers job is now, she oversees those that needs to speak with father so that she can deem if he needs to bother with it or if it is a simple matter that can be handle quickly." she had a servant set a place up at the table for Vivian.
Vivian smiled at kana "I do I get in to speak with your mother, it is really late to give the letter to axoret now but I still will to fullfill the last mission that my boss gave me before he sent me off" she sighs "not even I'm allowed to open the I have no clue why my boss told me to come here.."

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"Does it have to be someone of the royal family or only the king and queen can look?" Nova thought if he could read the letter then he could help, he thought it would be a waste to bother his parents if he could handle it.
Vivian looks at nova then thinks about it "I guess it can be someone of the royal family...she then got the letter out of her pocket then gave it to nova.." on the front of the envelope said 'To Axoret'

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Nova took the letter "Its just my mother is heavy with child and father is busy, if its something simple then I would like it for my parents not to be bothered." he smiled and opened the letter, Kana giggled "Brother has always tried to be helpful but he was even more helpful when he was a puppy." she giggles more.
Raven shrugged and said "I could take away some of that darkness but... I don't feel like it." She leaned against the wall in an uncaring fashion. Axoret walked in but stopped as soon as he saw her. "Who's this?"
"Oh Xeliran says hi." Axorets eyes widened and he growled. He went to hit her but she dodged and punched him in the gut. "Touch me and I swear I'll kill your son. He definitely won't care." She had an evil smirk on her face before she walked out, flipping her hair as she went.
Duanna walked outside and wondered if death would end her suffered...she was starting to crave something to eat but it wasn't a craving that could be satisfied with normal food.

Demonia looked down "Sorry that I couldn't do anything...seems Xeliran was sold to her by Lucifer..."
Lucifer appeared behind her, conveniently. He wrapped his arms around her. He smirked at the site of her. "I checked and Michaels off working. Meaning I have you all to myself." He smirked. Of course he was trying to get to Michael and didn't feel anything for her but she also held his children.

"What?" His eyes widened. He clenched his fist and said "I'll kill that bastard."
"Lucifer you do realize that the child with darker energy could kill me....your son was suppose to make it so that the energy wouldn't but I can feel his spell is starting to just had to have you hate your brother that much?" she was trying to hide her hunger.

"We need to find him and soon...he is being forced into a marriage...once I am feeling better I will join in the search party."
"And I'm the only man that could save you." He spun her around so she was facing him. "Do you want to live? Tell me. Beg for your life."

"To who??" He demanded, knowing of his reltionship to Nadia. "I must speak to the elf princess." @Eyelessraven
"I would be rid of having your kids so why would I care if you kill me or not?" Lucy appeared and stood in front of Duanna "That's enough father!" he quickly summoned some of his guards to protect Duanna as well he then looked at his guards "Take her to mothers hide away, my father won't be able to find her there." he looked back at Lucifer "Mother made sure of that...even if Duanna is carrying your kids only one that will be able to find her is me, mother, and uncle and we will make sure she has the food that she needs."
Lucifer growled angrily and said "I am in no mood!" He sat by the wall. "Axoret came to my place and basically trashed the place. The prince is no longer with me yet he still doesn't trust me." He was digging his nails into his wrist causing it to bleed. He was fighting off his demon self which was tough but he knew if he let it take over, it will be the same as last time and he won't be able to turn back. He clenched his teeth as his eyes kept flashing blood red. "Hell... Has this effect on me. Being there for so long... Its taken over my body." He gasped in agony.

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