Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Juliana sighed "you dont know much about demon's do you....I'm whats known as a shape shifter, I can turn into any type of animal be a horse.."

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Vivian looked at nova then looked at the bucket of sea water that she was supposed to take back to villager cook "well...I wouldnt mind.....but there is a villager that needs this water for their customer's.." she sighed, as much as the job annoyed her, she still planned on getting the job done.

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Raven laughed and replied "in your dreams." She touched her cheek gently. A raven came down and landed on her shoulder and she smirked. "I must leave and visit your family..."
Nova took her free hand and kissed it. "I could send one of my guards to do the job unless you are a person that likes to finish what she starts."

"Well then at lease tell me who's wedding you are speaking of?" Demonia sighed, she hadn't seen her sister in years but laughed when she saw the raven. "Taking after your sister when it comes to a pet?"
Kazuto nodded and stared the whole time in shock. What the hell could he say. Hey cat how's it going? He didn't know. And he was scared kind of.
"I'm selling Xeliran to some royal family. The girl seemed really interested in him. Xeliran seemed less interested. I honestly don't care. He's marrying her. He's my property..."
Vivian watched him kiss her hand then looked up in the eyes as if trying to look through him "well...I'm a person that likes to finish my job.." she sighed "even if its something that I dont enjoy" she gaze then turned to kana; nova's little sister.

Juliana sighed "it seems that I have scared you....maybe this form will be better to talk to you in.." she suddenly turned back into her human form.

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Raven stared darkly at her and said "he's mine isn't he. He shows no respect to me though. He doesn't even fear the fact I could kill him. When I threatened him, he stared at me directly and said for me to go ahead. I couldn't kill him cause he wasn't fighting back."
Kana smiled at the girl and then ran to her brother's side "Lunch is getting cold you big flirt. Sorry if my brother is bothering you, he's a huge flirt and ignore his sister when he sees a lovely lady." She giggles

"I don't think Lucifer would be too happy with you if you did kill my son." Demonia sighed.
"He's the one that sold me him and said I could do whatever I wanted with him. He said that Axoret was getting suspicious and if I took care of Xeliran, I could have sex with him."
"Are you wanting Hell to kill you? We both know that she is very possessive. If not for her I would have lost the throne to you, who knows, if you had been chosen as her vessel our lives could be completely reversed." she sighed "You know I do miss having you around...." she looked down
"I don't. I hate being a royal. Being a commoner is so much better. I can do whatever I want." She smirked as she gloated in the fact that she was a commoner. "Plus... Lucifer is still a man and has sexual desires. He just used me to date those needs and then left minutes later." She seemed disappointed.
Demonia sighed and looked out a window "And you think I enjoyed it when we were kids? Dad forced me into lessons once we found out that I was Hell's vessel...and then he left right after saying you weren't welcomed back and locking me away in a tower, I wonder if you watched me in my misery as I sat in the tower bored everyday...? If so did you enjoy the show?"
"I enjoyed it immensely. I tried to come back but father refused to let me near home. Eventually he put a restraining order on me. I hear he's disappeared. Good riddens."
Vivian smiled slightly at kana then glanced up at nova while a smirking "I big flirt huh...Isee.." she sighed "I guess I will join you guys....if its not to much trouble.." she looked at kana and smiled "I'm Vivian..its nice to meet you"

Juliana watched him jump back up "hello.."

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"He left with his new wife, Hell was so weak with a ruler like him, he didn't even try to take the throne back when he returned. If i had known he had put up such measures to keep you out I would have done away with them once I became queen." Duanna woke up and looked around and then Raven "Mom who are you talking too?" Demonia looked at Duanna and then her sister "She will tell you if she wants you to know."

"My name is Kana, it's nice to meet you Miss Vivian." she smiled "And its always nice when people join us, its not very often that someone is eating with us."
"I'm Raven... I'm your aunt but not. Its complicated." Her raven landed on Duanna and she smirked. "He's seemed to have taken a liking to you."
"The one grandfather called the problem child? Honestly I have always thought that his ideas and views were a little to harsh." she made a coin appear in her hand and held it up to the raven "Do you like shiny things? I know most of your kind likes to take rings and such objects and put them into your nest and a treasure horde" Duanna giggled and looked at her Aunt "They are so smart and you can teach them so many things, even if I am an angel I have found ravens to be more company than a dove or other birds that are seen as heavenly."
"He's very good at sensing when someone's going to die. Its as if he sees their death. I can speak with him and he usually tells me if someone's close to dying. Especially if its someone I care about." The raven came back to her.
Her eyes narrow and said "I had heard about Lucifer impregnating you for his own selfish needs. He hadn't sensed anything. Just that the weaker one is dying because the stronger one is taking the nutritions."
Duanna looked down "Darkness kills me...without my seals darkness slowly goes after my heart and kills me....I'm not even sure if I will survive all of this....the more the child grows the stronger they will become..." Demonia looked down "That's enough of talking about all of're not going to die and I will make sure of that."

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