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Fandom Kingdom Hearts Search (1x1)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hey! Me again, and if this is your first time, I'm Miles. Been rping for as long as I know, I am 20+ and female. An artist too primarily.

Before you read on ahead, please note:
- I will try to mirror your rp style but I generally will not go paragraph crazy
- My primary style has shifted from * to "" as of late but it looks like this mostly (due to site not having the bot I use for my char!) {{Char}}: "Text" Action <Thoughts>
- Long as you don't have a single line of dialogue, we're good!
- I can sometimes go inactive. If I do, just poke me. Not often tho! Just every week if I don't respond. I tend to be off drawing or irl stuff.
- I'm ooc friendly.

Now the main event!

I'm looking for someone who'd be willing for a Kingdom Hearts rp that involves other world travels. What I mean by that is

Video Game Worlds!
i.e. Final Fantasy(Cloud's game), Pokemon, Fire Emblem, MegaMan, Cave Storya etc (presuming I know them but I tend to do my own world building!)

Disney Worlds aren't excluded and new Disney movies can be used, assuming I've seen them.

I'll be primarily using Yuki and Vex, my ocs.

Its LGBTQ+ friendly, but I mostly wanna do Oc x Canon. I have one for Yuki that's with Cloud. But he can be paired with anyone.

+ Anyone can be used from any worlds, including the villains! I'm just here to use my own ocs

Premise of the story, which can be anything but the summary generally is this:
I'd like for Yuki to befriend people as he searches for Vex, his surrogate brother.
- If rp with Yuki, note he is a dual wielder. He's got 6 keyblades he can choose 2 from. No forms, I have my own lore that he was raised by Vex after being found in the Courtyard by Mickey.

- If rp with Vex, he's a mysterious silver haired guy, can only wield one keyblade, went missing but know Yuki is looking for him as he's trying to get back. Was the one who accepted the task to take care of Yuki when Mickey offered it to him.

I have only ever played KH3 and want no 1.5/2.5 spoilers. Just a creative story experience that me and a RP partner can enjoy! Hopefully this isn't too complicated to read.

Bottom two images are Yuki(Primary Keyblades, Lamenting Nightfall and Blessed Snowfall) and Vex (Art by a friend of mine)
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