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Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

(( This is copied/pasted from another website to save me having to retype the entire thing ))


I shall get some of the most important stuff out of the way right off the bat. I'm 30+ years old and only interested in roleplaying with people over the age of 25, I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with anyone younger; also, any romantically involved characters in the roleplay must be at least over the age of 21. Romance is a must for me, as is doubling - I want the both of us to get what we really want! For my OC specifically, I'm looking for MxM but I'm willing to do MxF, FxF, trans/nb, whatever my partner wants. I'm only looking for canon X OC. I'm also looking for my OC to be paired with Disney characters only, though I'm happy to play Kingdom Hearts characters for your OC!

I don't know exactly what my roleplaying/writing style is called, but I can usually manage 3-5 paragraphs on average and will usually try to mirror. Absolutely no text speak or one-liners. One thing I'm looking for is consistency and frequency - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY OR MESSAGE ME if you're unable to commit to reliably replying (either OOC or actual RP replies) at least once or twice a week. OF COURSE I understand if life stuff pops up (it happens for me all the time), but if you're the type of roleplayer who's okay with weeks or months of not replying/chatting OOC, I'm sorry but I'm not the partner for you. In addition to that, I am NOT ditch or ghost friendly - if you're the type to do that, please don't reply or message me.

If things become stagnant or boring, or if one of us gets stuck and wants to do something different or even end the roleplay, I WILL UNDERSTAND. Just PLEASE talk to me and let me know, and we can either make changes or mutually call it quits!

OOC chatting is a MUST for me. I absolutely love chatting with partners, discussing possible plot ideas and character details, sharing pics/music/funny stuff, all of that good stuff. If I'm really invested in our roleplay or we really hit it off, I can be very talkative and really get into all of that stuff, so please keep that in mind if you're interested!

To ensure that we're compatible regarding RP style/length/literacy, I need for us to exchange RP samples before committing to anything official. This is a MUST, and I won't start a roleplay without comparing RP samples.

Alrighty, so! Here's the deal!

I've been in a hardcore Disney mood for a while now (I'm absolutely a lifelong Disney fan, Disney movies have and always will be a major part of my life), but I don't really want to do a pure-Disney roleplay. I grew up with Kingdom Hearts around me and while I haven't played all of the games (and don't remember much about the original 2 mainline titles), I absolutely love the premise, themes, characters, aesthetic, overall vibes, etc. As such, I'm looking for a Kingdom Hearts roleplay that heavily incorporates the hopping-around-to-different-Disney-worlds aspect from the games.

While I consider myself a fan of Kingdom Hearts overall, I've only played the first and second mainline games, I've only beaten the second game, and I fully admit that I don't know much about a lot of the deeper lore, characters, storylines, etc. That being said, I've had the Kingdom Hearts Wiki favorited for years now and will be referencing it if I need to familiarize myself with something.

Here are my main plot ideas: while the main plotline of KH1 is going on, Sora, Riku, and Kairi aren't the only ones who end up transported away from their homes. My OC, or our two OCs, also end up getting transported away from Destiny Island OR Twilight Town (to either Traverse Town or directly to the Disney world(s) of our choice) and wrapped up in their own storyline/quest to liberate the Disney worlds from the Heartless and fight back against their own 'big bad' while Sora, Donald, and Goofy are off doing their own thing.

Our OCs were not 'born' on Destiny Island like normal - they were born, in fact, from the hearts of good/pure/heroic Disney characters who perished and who had unfinished business. The strength of their hearts was so strong that it willed into existence two babies, seemingly out of nowhere, who would go on to be adopted by residents of Destiny Island/Twilight Town.

Our OCs have always felt a strange sensation that their hearts were 'incomplete', or like they were being called to something that they couldn't figure out or understand, and would even have dreams/nightmares seen through the eyes of the Disney characters whose hearts they were created from. I'd love it if our OCs could be lifelong friends, but that isn't a requirement by any means; it would also be really interesting and sweet if our two OCs were born from one person's heart and each contained half of that person's heart, thus making them 'whole' whenever they were together with each other.

Another possibility for why/how our OCs could be transported from their homes to the Disney worlds would be as follows: Maleficent, in order to make it easier to capture certain Princesses of Heart, devises a plan to pluck two random people from Destiny Island/Traverse Town and basically insert them into the princesses' respective Disney world, where she would work behind the scenes to make sure the princesses romantic interests fell in love with our OCs instead. This would keep the princesses from falling in love and thus make their hearts even weaker and more susceptible to being stolen/used by Maleficent for her evil purposes. Basically, our OCs would be unknowingly used as pawns by Maleficent to keep the Princesses of Heart from falling in love (which, in our canon, would make their hearts stronger and far more difficult for Maleficent to steal).

We could also just go with a classic set-up, where Sora/Riku/Kairi weren't the only people on Destiny Island who got swept up and transported when the Heartless showed up. Our OCs could've also been caught up in all of that and wound up in Traverse Town, with their own unique destinies to play out and their own unique reasons for being chosen by the Keyblades.

Of course, none of this HAS to involve official Disney princesses and princes - I also love the idea of basically the same storyline beats taking place with some of the side characters from certain Disney worlds! I'm not 100% committed to the ideas above, they're just the ones that I've had in my head for a long time now - I LOVE worldbuilding and brainstorming with my partners to come up with something fun and unique that the both of us can enjoy! I absolutely want to hear your plot and storyline ideas too, it doesn't have to be 'my way or the highway' at all!
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