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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?


Magic Eight Ball
Good morning!!
So this is my Birth By Sleep thing i've been trying to do.

It rose from the ashes of the fact that we absolutely do NOT get enough time in the Land of Beginnings in this game. I'd like to RP a fluffy kind of thing with someone, closed to one person, where we explore the Land of Beginnings, get more Master Eraqus time, and also make the place into kind of a college-age school setting but for keyblade bearers.

I have difficulty imagining that it's really just those three, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus bumping around in this gigantic castle thing. XD

I'll also preface this with saying I absolutely want to play Terra since he's my fave, and also it's a must: I GOTTA ship him with somebody. Male, female, don't care. Preferably gay because I'm into that angst but I can play straight angst that's cool.

I'd love a love/hate relationship thing with whoever we ship him with. I just need someone to play the OC he's shipped with.

I'm thinking of starting it at a keyblade bearers' ambassador ball like it's an annual thing where keyblade bearers from all over come to the Land of Beginnings to like get dressy, hang together and dance. I think the awkwardness of Terra learning to dance would be just fabulous.

So any takers?? Closed to one, since I don't do RP with multiples it's just too confusing.
I'm not exactly literate but there are times I promise a wall of bricks with it and there's times I post only a few paragraphs. Depends on what's going on.

Anyway gonna leave this here and see who I get. Hopefully there's Kingdom Hearts fans here.
I see from your profile you only do mxf and that's cool with me! I can work with that. My plan is for the OC to be someone who annoys him so completely you wonder how he ends up with her then end up loving them being together.
I think it's better to head straight into it and we'll develop the plot as we go along

here it is :D

here it is :D
Hey sorry I couldn't get a reply in last night. Website was down, just to confirm, are you gonna play all 3 Terra, Aqua and Ven, and am I playing th annoying girl?

I'm just confused on how to reply.
sorry! I forgot to clarify. I didn't want to hog the trio that's why I left the spot for Aqua open. I can play her or you can it makes no difference to me 😂 it's up to you!

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